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Zoots Remuvah

Name: Blitz It!


Platform: PS4


Game Mode: Race


Length: 2.07 miles



OK, so here's a pretty fast 2 mile lap round southern Los Santos that allows you to really push your cars to the limit...





Markers aren't too bad but I think some could do with a little moving..


Let me know what you think...

Name: Armored Car Robbery


Platform: PS3

Game Mode: Capture GTA

Player: 2~8

Link: http://rsg.ms/14be89b



"You wanna get some money? Very well. I have a job for you..."

Hijack a armored car, bring it to your warehouse, and be rich. The car is driven by a Groupe Sechs' guard and is protected by the LSPD. You can stop them any way you want (e.g. by blocking the road by a big track) but be careful for undercover cops...they keep their eyes on anything suspicious. And you'd better not to enrage the armored car's driver. If you enrage him, it would be very difficult to stop the car...

Edited by Kendog37
  • Like 2

Platform: Playstation 3

Game Mode: Capture: Hold

Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps3/jobs/job/LuLRhz5WpECfh1kJ7oLVtQ

Description: Y'know the maze deathmatch? Well imagine it with objectives. 14 players. We are gonna need gardeners on high demand.

Natural Selection | SC |

Creator | doubletimej | SC

Crew | Damned Brotherhood (DAMN) | website | SC | GTAF | reddit | free aim

PS4 | TDM | 2-30 |

Forced + Pickups: AP Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Advanced Rifle, Grenade

Description: Medium Scale enclosed crew battle






My deathmatchs for Ps4 :)



This match at the hood and this is my fav. dm in my deatmatchs :)

PSN ID : see_none35

Edited by Seenone35





Platform: Playstation 4


Mode: Capture - Contend


Players: 2 - 10


Description: Two teams compete against each other to collect bags of cash along a bridge. Pretty simple, right? Think again. It's called Annihilation for a reason. Players are equipped with nothing but a knife and must run to the bags of cash whilst evading fire from enemy Annihilators. First team to collect five bags of cash wins. If killed, climb the float piles to get back up. Set to Forced Only. The more players, the higher the payout and the more easier it becomes.


Link: http://rsg.ms/0f64d40


Helpful Tips:


1. Constant running reduces your chance of getting hit by the Annihilators fire.


2. Teams are split onto either side of the bridge.


3. Both teams have the same prop layout to make it fair.


4. There is no possible way to destroy the enemy Annihilators.


5. You'll probably never encounter a player from the opposite team unless they climb up your side or you climb up theirs.


Downfalls: I would like to advise players who wish to play this that due to the Capture taking place on a bridge, the Team Respawn Point is larger than the bridge, meaning you'll spawn beside the bridge and not on it (which is why there are a few dislikes because of its Beta stage). The only way around this was to build steps back up to the bridge, that seemed to fix the problem :)



Edited by REXX93

Shooting Range



Game mode:Capture, contend


Links: http://rsg.ms/479e5d9



"Live ammunition. Aim 3-2-1 fire!"

Hit as many AI targets as you can in the time limit. Be careful, AI targets are moving, will take cover and try to shoot you down. And don't try to take "package." If you try to take it, you are dead. I've warned you!

(And please, don't kill your opponent player!)

And, any feedback is welcome! Enjoy:D

Edited by Kendog37
  • Like 2
Foxy Stevenson

Title: Last Flight


Players: 2-16

Time: 10 min

Forced + Pickups (Recommended for the best experience)

Description: Your flight was delayed. Since you're in first class you get to play around the airport. Might aswell just KILL some "time" eh? Good Luck and have fun. Created by Carambazmg. L1 to bookmark when finished.

Link: http://socialclub.ro...TRk2U--yM1eUDaQ

Edited by Foxy Stevenson
  • Like 2

job: "Auto body experience"


consoles:ps3 and ps4


description: deathmatch for 4-10 players

the title is a play on the phrase "out of body experience "

its suitable for traditional and assisted aim because of all the corners and junkyard objects and obsticles

but free aim can be used as well just like I did in this video

heres a gameplay video check it out






Edited by SmokesWithCigs

I just had a go at making my first map while GTA Online isn't working. I've tested it thoroughly and it's definitely possible, but not too easy. I've also done my best to stop people taking alternative easy routes as I've witnessed with other maps like this.




Name: DR Parkour 1

Platform: PS3

Game Mode: Team Deathmatch

Players: 2-16

Description: My first time using the content creator to produce a deathmatch. I hope you enjoy it. v1.00; 2015-08-27.

Location: Los Santos International Airport


I'm thinking about doing more maps in the future, and they won't all be parkour.

Edited by Dylricho

Thanks you for rated my jobs in advance. All jobs I have created are for PS4.




Platform: PS4

Game Mode: Capture

Players: 2-10

Length: Prison area







Platform: PS4


Players: 2-10





Platform: PS4

Game Mode: Capture

Players: 2-8







Platform: PS4

Game Mode: Capture

Players: 2-10







Platform: PS4

Game Mode: LTS

Players: 2-8





Edited by 6tane6

My newest deathmatch. Played it a few times now had great feedback. So simple yet lots of fun. Cant get images to work on mobile so ill post the link to the image.




Thus is for PS4.


Boxed In

Team Deathmatch

1 to 10 players (pretty small area impossible for more even with glitching spawn poonts in would cause so much more chaos. Killing on respawns etc.)



AP pistols are the weapon of choice.


Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/uEDCPdF2tUy40AhqUvK1mg



Random Observer

Just a race for those who are interested.


Platform: Playstation 3

Game Mode: Non-contact race (hopefully)

Link: http://rsg.ms/abebdf4

Description: Semi-technical lap race around the junkyard, marina and Maze Bank Arena. Narrow corridors, few modest jumps and tight corners. Non-contact recommended.


Hopefully atleast someone finds it drivable.


Edited by Random Observer

【TITLE】 Palmer-Taylor

【JOB】 team deathmatch

【PLAYER】 6-16



A strike occurred by the raise of the electric bill. Death match to be divided into two teams, and to perform.







Platform: Playstation 4


Mode: Capture - Contend


Players: 2 - 10


Description: Two teams compete against each other to collect bags of cash along a bridge. Pretty simple, right? Think again. It's called Annihilation for a reason. Players are equipped with nothing but a knife and must run to the bags of cash whilst evading fire from enemy Annihilators. First team to collect five bags of cash wins. If killed, climb the float piles to get back up. Set to Forced Only. The more players, the higher the payout and the more easier it becomes.


Link: http://rsg.ms/0f64d40


Helpful Tips:


1. Constant running reduces your chance of getting hit by the Annihilators fire.


2. Teams are split onto either side of the bridge.


3. Both teams have the same prop layout to make it fair.


4. There is no possible way to destroy the enemy Annihilators.


5. You'll probably never encounter a player from the opposite team unless they climb up your side or you climb up theirs.


Downfalls: I would like to advise players who wish to play this that due to the Capture taking place on a bridge, the Team Respawn Point is larger than the bridge, meaning you'll spawn beside the bridge and not on it (which is why there are a few dislikes because of its Beta stage). The only way around this was to build steps back up to the bridge, that seemed to fix the problem :)



Some gameplay of Annihilation :)



【Title】 The Way of Assault


This is Assault shotgun-limited deathmatch. Move from a cover to a cover while taking a group and the cooperation.

Do not neglect brisk refection.




Double Helix | PS4 | Capture: Hold | creator: doubletimej

  • Description: Double helix shaped capture. Close quarters. Good for small numbers. 2-12 (4 minimum recommended). Forced+Pickups recommended for unfriendlies. AP Pistol only.
  • Game download
  • Since the video was made, the gap in the blue helix was patched and the drop off points were moved to the top of the structure.







"Go Parkour Yourself" [PS4][TDM/DM]


NEW CREATOR UPDATE : If you're fan of parkour deathmatch this is the 'next generation' of parkour that implements the newest features of the Content Creator.


It's got twisted props, falls, precarious jumps, leaps of faith, parkour climbing, rolling, a short PANTO RACE and an ending where you use the BMX bike to jump off a ramp and then PARACHUTE to the weapons / helicopter! Difficulty: HARD





[PS4][LTS] "RUN or DIE #1"


NEW CREATOR UPDATE - This map pits 2 teams against eachother. Team #1 - "RUNNERS" must navigate the obstacle course and avoid being shot or crushed by falling vehicles.


Here's a video: http://www.twitch.tv/just_watching_1234/v/18328605




Team #2 - "SNIPERS" must shoot the floating vehicles so they will drop on the runners.


If the runners make it to the end of the obstacle course then the snipers are done for!


Best with minimum 4 players. Only works on FORCED + PICKUPS!


"RUN or DIE #1"

Edited by Loftonian

[PS4][LTS] "RUN or DIE #1"


NEW CREATOR UPDATE - This map pits 2 teams against eachother. Team #1 - "RUNNERS" must navigate the obstacle course and avoid being shot or crushed by falling vehicles.


Here's a video: http://www.twitch.tv/just_watching_1234/v/18328605




Team #2 - "SNIPERS" must shoot the floating vehicles so they will drop on the runners.


If the runners make it to the end of the obstacle course then the snipers are done for!


Best with minimum 4 players. Only works on FORCED + PICKUPS!


"RUN or DIE #1"


Interesting concept - how do you set the vehicles up in the creator to make them fall like that?

Edited by sleepwalk1980

Please only try this if you're experienced with wallrides, otherwise you will not make it.

(sick of noobs doing my races haha)

I am still making races with the broken creator, so if you're on PS3 take a look at my stuff :)






Platform: PS4
Game Mode: Race
Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/UberAubergine/games/gtav/jobs/job/SGUbpYJ_OEKPYdp5T1kjHA?platformId=11
Description: Off-Road lap race encompassing steep inclines, sharp turns and scenic riverside stretches. Stay alert and you may just avoid tumbling down the cliffside.


I'd really appreciate any feedback on this. I've had a few dislikes but I'm not sure whether that's due to a lot of people's reluctance to use the brakes and/or not winning the race - it is a difficult route to traverse.



Edited by UberAubergine

Below have been extensively tested captures for PS4. They are put in order of my personal preference.

DESCRIPTION: Classic capture the flag in an enclosed arena. Forced + pickups recommended. Set to sudden death.
DETAILS: This is my attempt at creating a run and gun capture event for free aim players specifically. See the image. The bases are behind the back triangles, one on each side. 4 bags automatically spawn in each capture point (base). You must get all 8 bags to win. This capture is intense. It requires an interesting combination of shooting skill and the team has to work together to push forward as a unit to penetrate the gauntlet. This is my favorite creation for the intensity of gameplay and group cooperation.




DESCRIPTION: Double helix shaped capture. Close quarters. Good for small numbers. Forced+Pickups recommeded. AP Pistol only.
DETAILS: Look at the image. 1 bag spawns at the bottom of the structure. The bases for both teams are at the top of the structure. You need 8 scores to win (or sudden death if the timer runs out). I made this match with free aim in mind. Kills may be too easy for this to work in autoaim.


DESCRIPTION: Tiger phallus prices are skyrocketing in China due shriveling supply. Snatch the feline member and deliver. Each team gets 1 Annihilator. Respawn: Technical Pickup. Owned + pickups. Sudden death recommended.
DETAILS: Both teams initially spawn on the top of the skyscraper under construction. Teams spawn on two different levels. One member of each team spawns in an Annihilator. There is an immediate shoot out for the one bag. The player must parachute down to the ground (or more rarely get picked up by an Annihilator). On the ground are several Technical pickups and random cars. There is a chase from downtown to the capture points. One is on the top of a smoke stack at the lumber mill on the NW part of the map. The other is at north of the lake on the NE side of the map on top of a silo. Best with large numbers of players.

DESCRIPTION: You just got a tip off that the Lost MC received an air drop of cocaine at the top of Mt. Chiliad. The Lost are securing the blow until ground transportation arrives. Round up your crew and steal some planes from the nearest airstrip. Grab the blow and deliver it to your hideout, but watch out your sources tell you the Aztecs got wind of the drop too. Tip: If you get stuck on the mountain, kill yourself to respawn on a Sanchez.
DETAILS: Both teams spawn at two separate airports in the NE section of the map. Both teams fly up to the top of Mt. Chiliad in stunt planes. As you arrive at the target, you can either parachute out or crash. You fight off an AI MC. They respawn 5 times. It proves quite difficult to get the package. This ensures both teams have an equal opportunity to get the package. Once you get the package, haul ass down the mountain on a Sanchez (or if your lucky, a Blazer). 1 bag for the win.

DESCRIPTION: Classic capture the flag in an enclosed arena. Grab the security cases and hoard them at your base. Forced + pickups recommended for fair play. Set to Sudden Death.
DETAILS: The image provides a clear picture of how gameplay pans out. There are two bases, each with a horseshoe of sand fortresses, with the capture point in the middle. 7 bags spawn in the middle of the arena. You need all 7 bags to win. 15 minute time limit. Set to sudden death. There are three pathways (left, right and middle) in the middle corridor between the bases.


DESCRIPTION: Shank your opponents to get the ball and score. Be careful, their goalies have sawed-off shotguns! For maximum enjoyment select Forced + Pickups and play 2 rounds. Let's get dirty
DETAILS: Each team has two goalies that are encaged in the “goal”. Goalies have access to shotguns. Players only have knives. Goalies can not be killed. Run the ball into a hail of shot before you die. Simple, effective. Best played with a large groups. 1 bag which respawns. 8 goals for a win.

DESCRIPTION: A band of moonshiners are getting in their speed boats to deliver their product to buyers at the Vanilla Unicorn. Can the cops stop the distribution and deliver the evidence to the ATF?
DETAILS: The Moonshiners are ready to transport their product to the Vanilla Unicorn. The load up the product on boats from their cave distillery and head down the east coast of LS. Cops got word of the transport. They follow pursuit in Maverick helicopters. The boats eventually have to land, where they are met by undercover law enforcement. The cops have to steal the product and deliver it to the district attorney at the courthouse. This capture works best for large groups. It has proven to be really fun. 1 bag. Cops respawn in cruisers. Moonshiners respawn in Gang Burritos.

DESCRIPTION: The Ballers are extracting incriminating intel from a secret spy shack in the hills. If this document were to fall into wrong hands, the Azteca boss would be looking at life without parole. Grab the intel and get it to your getaway vehicle. Oddly, a boat of Liberators was hijacked by the Brotherhood and they sold them to both crews. What is more American than guns, beer hats, and Monster trucks?
DETAILS: One team starts at the radio antenna in the hills. They have to escape in Liberators (Monster Trucks) and make it to the top of Mt. Chiliad. They will be intercepted by another Liberator horde on their way. That team has to make it to the lighthouse. Basically, it is a monster truck mountain capture. 1 bag for the win.
Edited by doubletimej

Below have been extensively tested captures for PS4. They are put in order of my personal preference.


DESCRIPTION: Enclosed close quarters TDM. 8 players max. Forced + pickups recommended. Carbine rifle.
DETAILS: The original design of this map comes from a lotus fruit pod. This is a very small run and gun map. It has lots of cover but nowhere to hide. It has been well received by many free aim players.

DESCRIPTION: Welcome...We've got everything you need.
DETAILS: A TDM in an oak grove. There is lots of cover, but it impossible to hide. You feel like you are hunting.





DETAILS: This a large TDM enclosed by barriers with a maze of bus wreckage forming the arena. The buses provide cover but you can still shoot through the windows and see where players are. This is a fairly big TDM. I recommend not fewer than 6 (or 8) players.

DESCRIPTION: Murktown totally enclosed and lit.
DETAILS: A remake of the classic free aim TDM with a twist. The complete arena is enclosed and lit with artificial lighting.

DETAILS: TDM at the bridge and surrounding areas around the dam. Most of the action occurs in the corridors of the dam itself. I placed a few spawn points on top of the mountains as sniping positions. Better played with large numbers of players.

DESCRIPTION: Urban warfare in the heart of Los Santos. Roof top battle with adequate cover and high-quality weapons.
DETAILS: The battle primarily takes place on the top of the rooftops of the (main police headquarters in the city...I think...see the picture). This is the first map I ever made (and not the best), so I went a little crazy with prop placement. There is a lot of cover though, and a nice combination of long range and short range tactics within a single map.

Edited by doubletimej
  • 2 weeks later...

[PS4] [LTS] Here's a new one... "Don't Break The Ice"


Make your enemies fall by breaking their 'ice'. Be careful, though... sneak around so you don't break your own ice!!! Use tear gas to make BUSES fall.






Here's a VIDEO of the map in action:





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