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No Man's Sky


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I was never into the sci-fi genre but I really like this concept of a (literally) massive universe-like lobby where the chances to find other player are really low. The exploration of unknown worlds remind me of the space stage of Spore but way better done and less cartoony.


I don't know if I'll get it, price is too high.

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Ok I'm getting hyped :D just a week away I know last week I said I was debating to buy it,this week I must get it :lol:

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Edward Nashton

Welp, I finally gave in and did something I promised myself I wouldn't - I pre-purchased No Man's Sky. Dammit, I'm so disappointed in myself, I should have waited for the reviews.


...Whatever. Seven days to go!


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I'm so glad NMS is close to actually being released now. Finally, we'll be able to see how the reality matches up to the speculation.


Hello Games have had a lot of hurdles to jump over the last few years and they're a small team, so I really hope it's as good as it sounds.

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Just pre-ordered, pretty damn psyched.

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so the goal of this game is getting into the center of the universe which means is just exploreing stuff and walking + flying around to see cool stuff or am I mistaken?
why are ppl so hyped about this game, anyone care to explain?

thanks in advance.

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so the goal of this game is getting into the center of the universe which means is just exploreing stuff and walking + flying around to see cool stuff or am I mistaken?

why are ppl so hyped about this game, anyone care to explain?

thanks in advance.

from what im watching right now. "the goal of the game" is to make it to the center of the galaxy (which apparently hello games made way to easy to do). but the real goal of the game is exploring the planets and learning about them. The hype is supposed to be seeing the different types of planets and what you do on said planet, whether its learning, researching, exploring or destruction.

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Edward Nashton

spoiler free "preview", i think i will wait on buying this game until i see some reviews on here



Hmm I dunno, it sounds like most of the issues he's running into, like the lack of ship upgrades, missing resources, and derpy creature spawning is due to him playing a game that isn't supposed to be played yet. Nowadays most games are deliberately designed to be fully functional after it receives the day one patch, otherwise they're buggy or downright unplayable, it's a method some companies use to inconvenience and/or identify pirates.

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Just a couple of days away :) I was reading details on a day one patch on some website

#hype :lol:




The Three Paths there are now new, unique paths you can follow throughout the game. You must start the game on a fresh save, with the patch, as early choices have significant impact on what you see later in the game, and the overall experience.


The Universe we changed the rules of the universe generation algorithm. Planets have moved. Environments have changed biomes. Galaxies have altered shape. All to create greater variety earlier. Galaxies are now up to 10x larger.


Diversity Creatures are now more diverse in terms of ecology and densities on planets.


Planets weve added dead moons, low atmosphere and extreme hazardous planets. Extreme hazards include blizzards and dust storms.


Atmosphere space, night time and day skies are now 4x more varied due to new atmospheric system, which refracts light more accurately to allow for more intense sunsets.


Planet rotation play testing has made it obvious people are struggling to adjust to this during play so its effects have been reduced further


Terrain generation caves up to 128m tall are now possible. Geometric anomalies have been added. Underwater erosion now leads to more interesting sea beds.


Ship diversity a wider variety of ships appear per star system, and are available to purchase. Cargo and installed technology now vary more, and ships have more unique attributes.


Inventory ship inventories now store 5 times more resources per slot. Suit inventories now store 2.5 times more per slot. This encourages exploration and gives freedom from the beginning. Were probably going to increase this even further in the next update, for people in the latter game phases, and will allow greater trading potential.


Trading trading is deeper. Star systems and planets each have their own wants and needs, based off a galactic economy. Observing these is the key to successful trading. We still working on adjusting this based on how everyone plays, but all trading values have been rebalanced across the galaxy, giving a greater depth. A bunch of trade exploits were uncovered and have been removed


Feeding creatures now have their own diet, based on planet and climate. Feeding them correctly will yield different results per species, such as mining for you, protecting the player, becoming pets, alerting you to rare loot or pooping valuable resources.


Survival recharging hazard protection requires rare resources, making shielding shards useful again. Storms can be deadly. Hazard protection and suit upgrades have been added. Liquids are often more dangerous


Graphical effects Lighting and texture resolution have been improved. Shadow quality has doubled. Temporal AA didnt make it in time, but its so close


Balancing several hundred upgrades have had stat changes (mainly exo-suit and ship, but also weapon), new upgrades have been added.


Combat Auto Aim and weapon aim has been completely rewritten to feel more gentle in general, but stickier when you need it. Sentinels now alert each other, if they havent been dealt with quickly. Quad and Walker AI is now much more challenging, even I struggle with them without a powered up weapon.


Space Combat advanced techniques have been introduced, like brake drifting and critical hits. Bounty missions and larger battles now occur. Pirate frequency has been increased, as well as difficulty depending on your cargo.


Exploits infinite warp cell exploit and rare goods trading exploit among other removed. People using these cheats were ruining the game for themselves, but people are weird and cant stop themselves ¯\_(シ)_/¯


Stability foundations for buildings on super large planets. Resolved several low repro crashes, in particular when player warped further than 256 light years in one session (was only possible due to warp cell exploit above).


Space Stations interiors are now more varied, bars, trade rooms and hydroponic labs have been added


Networking Ability to scan star systems other players have discovered on the Galactic Map, increasing the chance of collision. Star systems discovered by other players appear during Galactic Map flight


Ship scanning scanning for points of interest from your ship is now possible. Buildings generate earlier and show up in ship scans


Flying over terrain pop-in and shadow artefacts have been reduced. Generation speed has been increased two fold (planets with large bodies of water will be targeted in next update)


Writing The Atlas path has been rewritten by James Swallow (writer on Deus Ex) and me. I think it speaks to the over-arching theme of player freedom more clearly now. Early mission text has been rewritten to allow for multiple endings.



Edited by deadx23
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yeah I'm gonna' let some people get into this for a week or so and then read some feedback, watch some actual gameplay videos, but I'm still extremely interested in No Man's. didn't feel like preordering because I'm still playing Elite:Dangerous but I'll probably pick this up soon.

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Moving Idiot


Next up we’re adding the ability to build bases and own giant space freighters. Temporal AA and my new cloud rendering tech should be coming soon too. It will really change the game again, and enhance it visually.


Dis gon b gud!

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I have preordered the digital version on PSN (PS4), but I don't want the Vector ship and money.


Can I do the pre-load of the game and still be able to delete the pre-order bonus? As far as I understand you can't avoid the installation of the ship and money if you do the pre-load.

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Ok those are some interesting things coming in the update, i suddenly feel interested again.

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I can't wait to check back to this thread in a week or so to see what everyone has to talk about about this game. This game is one of the games that I have high interests in.

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General Scrotum

18 446 744 073 709 551 616 planets to explore and galaxies made 10 times larger with day one patch. :O


Eighteen quintillion;

four hundred forty six quadrillion;

seven hundred fourty six trillion;

seventy three billion;

seven hundred nine million;

five hundred fifty one thousand;

six hundred sixteen.



I'm actually surprised this game costs only what it costs.

Edited by Pledge of Chaos
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Pre ordered this for PS4. Tried my best to avoid news/spoilers/leaks of this game apart from some of the trailers that I quickly glanced at. Hype is real eventhough I remain very sceptical about everything being 'that great' eventually (I have this feeling it'll be like pretty much all the recent Ubigames. Cool concepts but poorly fleshed out, overpriced and just huge cashgrab for a simple game that's no where near as expansive as advertised).

Anyways. I read something about co operative play/multiplayer actually being a part of this?! For real?! Might get this for PC then to play with my friends (and force said friends to buy the game aswel)!

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Well I made a sudden decision at the weekend but I think I am going to get this, after 3 years of GTA Online which I do still enjoy I need

something new to explore in my gaming life and this sounds like my cup of tea as I love space/planet exploration games and a friend

of mine in real life is getting this so looks like the two of us will be able to play together again.

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Well I made a sudden decision at the weekend but I think I am going to get this, after 3 years of GTA Online which I do still enjoy I need

something new to explore in my gaming life and this sounds like my cup of tea as I love space/planet exploration games and a friend

of mine in real life is getting this so looks like the two of us will be able to play together again.


That's exactly my line of thinking too. I really feel that some time away from GTA would pretty much reinvigorate it for me, when I do return. When I left home as a kid I had a suitcase of clothes, a black & white portable TV, and a BBC Micro, complete with Elite on floppy disk. I'd moved to a completely different part of the country, so that game was my best friend until I made some real ones. If this game is even half what that game was then we're all in for a MASSIVE treat!

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Looks like the quote scripts are disabled at work so can't quote reply but yes this was what struck me at the weekend so I decided to have a

look at the latest trailer on the PSN What's New page and came away quite taken by the game.


No doubt I shall bump into you in space or on a planet at some stage during the game.

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No doubt I shall bump into you in space or on a planet at some stage during the game.


They estimate a 1% chance of ever seeing another player, but it would be good to try and organise something at some point. I've got at least 1 other mate that will be on it so we can meet up for drinks and to kill some wildlife :p

Edited by Furry_Monkey
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Well we shall see very soon! As I said I have one other friend I know whose likely to be playing (if I can drag him away from Elder Scrolls Online :santa: so we shall see.

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With the Day 1 update it's going to be easier to find each other. We will be able to see friends locations on the galactic map, as well as the update making it so we can see planets named by friends on the map, meaning we could potentially find a world and follow it to our friend. Or just look on the map and choose a world to meet on... it's going to be possible also in a future update to build bases, so... uh... potentially this could be GTA in Space. Kinda.


More non-spoiler stuff below:




Here's the update notes direct from the source:



Edited by Surak
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Hopefully we figure out a way of finding an easy way to meet like:I'll meet you in this planet on the north pole in space


I'm going to preorder on ps4 today :)

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Anyways. I read something about co operative play/multiplayer actually being a part of this?! For real?! Might get this for PC then to play with my friends (and force said friends to buy the game aswel)!

There is, you probably won't see your friends for a while though, as you start in a galaxy far far away.

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Hopefully we figure out a way of finding an easy way to meet like:I'll meet you in this planet on the north pole in space


I'm going to preorder on ps4 today :)

On pc cood+teleport= profit. Easy.

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Hopefully we figure out a way of finding an easy way to meet like:I'll meet you in this planet on the north pole in space


I'm going to preorder on ps4 today :)

On pc cood+teleport= profit. Easy.



How to take all the fun out of it in 1 easy lesson!


Nah, I want to have tales of pirate attacks and deep space battles when I finally meet up with my mates :D

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