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Zombie Outbreak DLC? [GTAV]


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I keep thinking that Zombie Outbreak for GTA V as a gamemode would be very funny.


Free roam online Zombies would be pretty funny for GTA V ONLINE players with zombies everywhere on the map.

It could be something like DayZ but far more better with GTA V structures. I just think that this would be a great idea for Rockstar

and many people might agree with me that this could make the game even funnier with different gamemodes like Zombies.

Please comment and let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions if you also have those dreams >:D


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Homemade Dynamite

I'll admit that while zombies are played out, it would be very unique in an open-world game like GTA.

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I'll admit that while zombies are played out, it would be very unique in an open-world game like GTA.

I think that it would be great with different groups in a world so it could be like PvZ/PvP.

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I can't ever imagine Zombies going into the realms of Online (Free Roam). Unless they were on specific maps (game modes) or something, consoles simply couldn't handle all that memory being used.


But I would admit, that if it were possible, it would be hilarious.

Edited by Lukezordz
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I can't ever imagine Zombies going into the realms of Online (Free Roam). Unless they were on specific maps (game modes) or something, consoles simply couldn't handle all that memory being used.


But I would admit, that if it were possible, it would be hilarious.

Our consoles can handle all the civilians tho.. They could just turn them into attacking zombies and yeah maybe add big maps instead of the whole

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Well, could be. The virus will likely to be from the Humane Labs. The scientist research some stuff and things go wrong and you gotta survive and sh*t or wtv

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Well, could be. The virus will likely to be from the Humane Labs. The scientist research some stuff and things go wrong and you gotta survive and sh*t or wtv

I like how you think :D only if Rockstar could do this.. Would revive the game

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Only if it's exactly like Undead Nightmare.


Not that DayZ extreme zombie simulator crap. It's cool and all, but wouldn't fit GTA.


Just sayin'.

Edited by Zodape
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I've said it before and I'll say it again...


Zombies don't shoot back or drive cars.


So, no thanks that sounds boring to me.


Now...monkeys? They can do both of those things. :cool:

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I've said it before and I'll say it again...


Zombies don't shoot back or drive cars.


So, no thanks that sounds boring to me.


Now...monkeys? They can do both of those things. :cool:

Funny thing about that is on the movies that play in the theater, they do have monkeys taking over. I imagine it is programed into some part of the game since that movie looks like it is implemented in the game engine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the sound of it, I love Undead Nightmare and wished it was larger just more dept. plus I hate how everyone keeps saying zombies are played out no one has even done a true survial open world survial game, well okay but no one has done true stand alone complete package game. They should save that at R* for a seperate game all together.

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Black & White

A zombie DLC would just destroy GTA. It won't happen. If it did, all my respect for GTA would be thrown out of the window.


Like the first Saints Row converting to aliens and such. A bad decision.

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Geralt of Rivia

A zombie DLC would just destroy GTA. It won't happen. If it did, all my respect for GTA would be thrown out of the window.


Like the first Saints Row converting to aliens and such. A bad decision.

How would your respect for a game be thrown out the window by something optional!?

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I'll admit that while zombies are played out, it would be very unique in an open-world game like GTA.

it would but still no no matter how unique it is

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How about armed monkey invasion?


That actually is not a bad idea.. The monkey's from the humane labs could escape and it could be all Planet of the Apes up in San Andreas, The IAA Are testing a new "Perfume" they use the monkeys only it gives them a boost in intelligence, Enough to use guns and drive cars, They escape the lab and go to the movie set where chimps were filming a movie, They use the perfume on them and take over San Andreas, Basically a big spoof on rise of the planet of the apes, with maybe some reference to the old ape movies

Edited by jiggysaw
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I'm pretty sure there's a cheat in Saints Row the Third that turns all the pedestrians into zombies.

Wouldn't be all that unique.

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I'm pretty sure there's a cheat in Saints Row the Third that turns all the pedestrians into zombies.

Wouldn't be all that unique.

Oh so because there is a cheat in Saints row, suddenly, nah Rockstar can't use zombies? You do realize that sounds stupid right? You do know if Rockstar decided to do this it would be actually good and not some cheat where it turns people into zombies and all they do is attack right?

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Homemade Dynamite


I'll admit that while zombies are played out, it would be very unique in an open-world game like GTA.

it would but still no no matter how unique it is



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I'll admit that while zombies are played out, it would be very unique in an open-world game like GTA.

it would but still no no matter how unique it is




for one how many zombies can you run over and over until it gets boring you can say the same for pedestrians but that gets boring zombies can drive cars and if it was an outbreak most car would most likely be destroyed sure that would be a realistic zombie outbreak but the map is big so i not one for walking everywhere looking for that one car and as said by many and you zombies are overplayed overused and overrated i would list more but im pretty tired so there are just a few reason maybe some one can list more and i would rather have a more thought out dlc then zombies because i think zombies are just a cash grab because people are mindless sheep

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