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I saw a level 800

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He's legit. He began playing two years ago and has finally achieved lvl 800. awesome job man! Oh yeah, please kick all 'super lvls' out of lobbies, that's what I do if I'm hosting.


I saw a lvl1000 last week in fr, but the kick option was disabled only for him (he hacked that too I presume :blink: )

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Is he legit or did he hack? It takes around 33 mil rep to get to level 800, or about


Well that's nothing. I got you beat. I saw a lvl 999 somewhere in this forum. Might have been in that bad sport behavior thread :p


and yeah, it's an obvious hack. If he was on a good sport server, then he must have just got redeemed from purgatory. Either that or he found a way to hack his way out, given his lvl 800 god mode super powers level :lol:


edit: nvm. after a 2nd take on that pic, I guess he's already where he needs to be. :lol:

Edited by PkUnzipper
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Interesting to note that a lot of those people in that lobby seem to have dunce caps on...


its called bad sport lobby, u cant remove the hat



At least not until you're out of it.. Because I was in a normal lobby and ran into someone with one of these hats.. It made him an easy target.

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I got word, that someone took a picture of my account and posted it here so I thought I'd check it out. Just lol at most of you. Of course it's hacked smarties, you can't get to even 300 in the amount of time this has been out. If you want a high rank, PSN message me.


Yours truly, Mafia_Misfit

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