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[SPOILERS]The hunt for North Yankton?

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Cicero The Great

Best topic I have seen for a while.

I went thru most of it, dident read everyones posts, but I skimmed over it, will have to read thru this properly when I have more time,

Sorry if anybody mentioned it, but am I the only one who found snow odd? It was ok in the first scene. being 9 years ago it was probly winter,

But in the other mission, you are in socal its summer, convertibles, people wasndering around in bikinis, then you go there and its snowing? then its back to drop tops, bikinis and outdoor yoga, am I the only one who found this.. odd? what season is it? or did they just go with the steryotype it allways snows in the north, I used to think canada was allways coverd in snow when I was a kid.

With in game seasons even mt chiliad could have been covered with snow during winter


Another missed opportunity

  • Like 1

I've found more unused content in the recent update!

#DLCMANAGEMENT#<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><CDataFileMgr__ContentsOfDataFileXml>	<disabledFiles/>	<includedXmlFiles/>	<dataFiles>		<Item platform="xbox360">			<filename>platform:/data/cdimages/DLC/North_Yankton.rpf</filename>			<fileType>RPF_FILE</fileType>		</Item>

The code above further suggests North Yankton will get it's own DLC. Read the line for "<filename>".

    <Item>      <Name>BS_NIKO</Name>      <TargetRadius value="2.500000" />      <KeepMovingWhilePathingDistance value="4.000000" />      <MaxDistanceMayAdjustPathEndPosition value="1.500000" />      <SeekModeScanTimeMin value="500" />      <SeekModeScanTimeMax value="3000" />      <MeleeMovementMBR value="2.000000" />      <AttackFrequencyWorstFighterMinInMs value="500" />      <AttackFrequencyWorstFighterMaxInMs value="2000" />      <AttackFrequencyBestFighterMinInMs value="100" />      <AttackFrequencyBestFighterMaxInMs value="1500" />      <AttackRangeMax value="3.000000" />      <AttackProbabilityToComboMin value="0.600000" />      <AttackProbabilityToComboMax value="0.850000" />      <ProbabilityToBeDazedMin value="0.300000" />      <ProbabilityToBeDazedMax value="0.100000" />      <BlockProbabilityMin value="0.050000" />      <BlockProbabilityMax value="0.350000" />      <CounterProbabilityMin value="0.050000" />      <CounterProbabilityMax value="0.350000" />      <TauntFrequencyMinInMs value="3000" />      <TauntFrequencyMaxInMs value="5000" />      <TauntProbability value="0.900000" />      <TauntFrequencyQueuedMinInMs value="1000" />      <TauntFrequencyQueuedMaxInMs value="2500" />      <TauntProbabilityQueued value="0.600000" />      <PlayTauntBeforeAttacking value="false" />    </Item>

The code above says that a character named "BS_Niko" uses this fighting set. This code is used for fighting sets. I can only assume this belongs to Niko Bellic as Michael's fighting data is BS_Michael, and Trevor's is BS_Trevor.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><For>North_Yankton_DLC</For><rage__ptxgpuDropEmitterSettings>  <boxCentreOffset x="0.000000" y="10.000000" z="5.000000" />  <boxSize x="22.000000" y="22.000000" z="18.000000" />  <lifeMinMax x="6.000000" y="9.000000" />  <velocityMin x="-0.200000" y="-0.200000" z="-3.000000" />  <velocityMax x="1.000000" y="1.800000" z="-6.000000" /></rage__ptxgpuDropEmitterSettings>

This appears to be a weather emitter. North Yankton might get improved snow!

  • Like 6

Obviously North Yankton DLC Starring Michael.. missions for him there


Obviously North Yankton DLC Starring Michael.. missions for him there

That'd work, but the files said something about a 'player switch'

Cicero The Great

Until it's a single player DLC with (hopefully) a good story and a lot to explore (interiors included) we are fine with it


Even if it would be in canada or North dakota


Until it's a single player DLC with (hopefully) a good story and a lot to explore (interiors included) we are fine with it


Even if it would be in canada or North dakota

Or a mod. Mods are swell.

More sh*t for you guys.

# IDE for cutsprops#DLCobjscs_niko_genital_01, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullcs_tissue_01, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullcs_magazine_01, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullend

The code listed above is used for cutscene props... What an obscure list. Hilarious too.

<CPedClothCollision>    <Item>      <Name>Niko_Jacket</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Gimp_suit</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Heavy_Jacket_Blue</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Strap_on_purple</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Ski_Mask_Camo</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Dirty_Knit</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>    <Item>      <Name>Hobo_Clothes</Name>      <Rotation x="-0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" w="0.0" />      <CapsuleRadius value="0.0" />      <CapsuleLen value="0.0" />      <BoneIndex value="-1" />      <BoneName>SKEL_Head</BoneName>      <Enabled value="true" />    </Item>

This appears to me new clothing. The player apparently has been going through quite a wardrobe advancement.

		<Item>			<modelName>W_VibeCeptor</modelName>			<txdName>W_VibeCeptor</txdName>			<ptfxAssetName>wpn_generic</ptfxAssetName>			<lodDist value="50"/>		</Item>

This appears to be a new melee weapon.


...Luis' dead corpse? What a curious looking IDE line...

  <specialAbilities>    <Item>      <duration value="30" />      <initialUnlockedCap value="17" />      <timeWarpScale value="0.325000" />      <damageMultiplier value="1.000000" />      <defenseMultiplier value="1.000000" />      <depletionMultiplier value="1.000000" />      <chargeMultiplier value="1.000000" />      <fxName>Depression</fxName>      <outFxName>Depression</outFxName>	  <activeAnimSet/>    </Item>

A new special ability involving sadness? North Yankton seems more dreary.

<train_configs version = "1">	<train_config		name = "TommyVercetrain"		populate_train_dist = "0"		announce_stations = "false"		doors_beep = "false"		carriages_hang = "false"		carriages_swing = "false"		link_tracks_with_adjacent_stations = "true"		no_random_spawn = "true"		carriage_gap = "0">				<carriage				model_name = "freight"				max_peds_per_carriage = "0"				flip_model_dir = "false"				do_interior_lights = "true"				carriage_vert_offset = "0"		repeat_count = "1" />				<carriage			model_name = "freightcar"			max_peds_per_carriage = "0"			flip_model_dir = "false"			do_interior_lights = "true"			carriage_vert_offset = "0.0"		repeat_count = "0" />						</train_config>

This is some sort of place holder for a train. I think the title is an inside joke of some sort.

Guys, I don't know how to feel about this. The NY DLC might be quite the depressing one...

Edited by theNGclan
		name = "TommyVercetrain"		


Tommy Vercetrain?



    <Item>      <Name>Nik_Apartm</Name>      <ZoneAreas>        <Item>          <ZoneAreaHull content="NB_Apart">            0.0	-0.0	0.0	            0.0	-0.0	0.0	            0.0	-0.0	0.0	            0.0	-0.0	0.0	          </ZoneAreaHull>        </Item>

Niko's apartment?


@Elburro, yeah it has to be North Yankton. Too many fingers pointing at it.


EDIT: I found another weird item!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><<ZonedAssets>  <Name>Miss: NandM</Name>  <Spawns>    <min x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />    <max x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />  </Spawns>  <Models />  <Version value="1" /></MZonedAssets>
Edited by theNGclan
  • Like 1

On a semi-ontrack note, I've made a new header for this page. I think it fits. What do you guys think?



  • Like 2

Well it's obvious there is no hidden North Yankton in the game that we're supposed to find.

If a free roam North Yankton was in the game why the hell would they hide it and not market it? A huge, snowy city to explore. You guys think they'd spend months making that just to surprise people? That it wouldn't be a massive pre-release advertising target?


As for DLC...That's a whole different topic. This topic though, is ridiculous.

I'm not on expert on code, game code or any of the sort (Studying HTML) but can you see in the code if there are any triggers? Like, to do a mission, there has to be a trigger. So, is there a trigger for all this information you are showing us and what sets it off?

Any mission would have to be triggered by an .SCO command. I haven't found any .SCO command.


And for this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><<ZonedAssets>  <Name>Miss: NandM</Name>  <Spawns>    <min x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />    <max x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />  </Spawns>  <Models />  <Version value="1" /></MZonedAssets>

I think this may have something to do with GTA Online missions. GTA O doesn't have start point triggers for story missions.

Edited by theNGclan

Any mission would have to be triggered by an .SCO command. I haven't found any .SCO command.


And for this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><<ZonedAssets>  <Name>Miss: NandM</Name>  <Spawns>    <min x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />    <max x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />  </Spawns>  <Models />  <Version value="1" /></MZonedAssets>

I think this may have something to do with GTA Online missions. GTA O doesn't have start point triggers for story missions.

I'm not preferably talking about missions as such but more of cutscenes. Because I know full well, you don't need to start a mission to watch a cutscene, am I right? I'm pretty sure in V i've seen a cutscene without starting a mission.


Any mission would have to be triggered by an .SCO command. I haven't found any .SCO command.


And for this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><<ZonedAssets>  <Name>Miss: NandM</Name>  <Spawns>    <min x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />    <max x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />  </Spawns>  <Models />  <Version value="1" /></MZonedAssets>

I think this may have something to do with GTA Online missions. GTA O doesn't have start point triggers for story missions.

I'm not preferably talking about missions as such but more of cutscenes. Because I know full well, you don't need to start a mission to watch a cutscene, am I right? I'm pretty sure in V i've seen a cutscene without starting a mission.


Oh, I'll search for a CS trigger right now!



Any mission would have to be triggered by an .SCO command. I haven't found any .SCO command.


And for this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><<ZonedAssets>  <Name>Miss: NandM</Name>  <Spawns>    <min x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />    <max x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />  </Spawns>  <Models />  <Version value="1" /></MZonedAssets>

I think this may have something to do with GTA Online missions. GTA O doesn't have start point triggers for story missions.

I'm not preferably talking about missions as such but more of cutscenes. Because I know full well, you don't need to start a mission to watch a cutscene, am I right? I'm pretty sure in V i've seen a cutscene without starting a mission.


Oh, I'll search for a CS trigger right now!


Any luck?

This is impressive and incredible. I would have never thought you'd find out so much things long before a dlc related to NY is even hinted at. I really like the thought of Niko making an appearance and even possibly being a main character based on the sadness special ability. Possible return of Michael Hollick despite the issues he had with R*? New voice similar to Niko's? I'm terribly excited for something I won't even be able to play, ha. (and something that isn't even confirmed yet, just all speculation) :ph34r::ph34r:

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Interesting, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything at the moment. There are likely to be remnants of the previous games' code, which explains things like the Niko apartment. I am doubtful that so much of the stuff needed for a DLC would come on the original disk, whatever this is it probably doesn't allude to anything properly, unfortunately.

I am doubtful that so much of the stuff needed for a DLC would come on the original disk, whatever this is it probably doesn't allude to anything properly, unfortunately.

He said it came in the update.

I've found more unused content in the recent update!

Edited by CatDog96
  • Like 2

These are incredibly great findings, I just hope that if Niko and Luis do end up being in a DLC that they don't

pull a Johnny on them.

Anyway, I am really interested in seeing this possible DLC. Also, maybe the rumors about them bringing LC back are true? I can't imagine how Luis or Niko would both have managed to find their way to NY though. Could this be an unlikely match with a common enemy scenario? I am genuinely getting a bit excited about this. Good job on the finds!

Niko's special ability possibly relating to depression? Hmmm, wonder how that's gonna turn out...


*Niko sleeping in an apartment in North Yankton; his phone rings.*

NB: *Answers phone* What is it, Roman?

RB: Cousin, how are things in North Yankton?

NB: Just like the Balkans: snowy, boring, not much to really think about...a good relaxation spot at the least. I haven't seen any crazy gangs out to kill me yet. How are things with Malorie?

RB: Just fine, just fine. Our son's doing just fine; he's a bit of a chubby one though. Anyway, I wish you could find a nice woman like Malorie again. It's bad enough ever since Michelle gave up on you and Kate was killed by Pengorino...

NB: Don't...f***ing...remind me about them. Especially Kate. I was just starting to forget all about it. Even though it's been 5 years. I'm already depressed as it is, so don't speak a word of them.

RB: Ok, ok... well, we are going to come up and visit you sometime soon, is that okay with you?

NB: Sure, that's fine.

RB: You know what I want to do with you when we get there, cousin?

NB: What would you want?

RB: We'll go........BOWLING!!!

*Niko pauses in shock*


*Niko jumps out apartment window, only to crush an unsuspecting Triad leader who happens to be alone*

NB: Who the hell did I just kill...?

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Is that a theory or something? I only heard about the mount Chilliad thing, and I never really looked much into it



Not true, just a theory made up by basement dwelling nerds with dildos for dicks.


If it keeps them from smoking crack and masturbating in the middle of walmart, let 'em at it.



It was a joke actually you narrowminded bunch of flids.

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