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Is there a way to move the submarine? (SPOILERS)

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Ok so at Trevors hanger after the third heist where you use the sub, its still sitting by the side of the hanger, and I can still go in it. Now I just did the mission where the cargo plane crashed into the Alamo so I really want to find out whats in the ship and find a way to get either a sub there or a dinghy and I really dont know how to transport the sub and does anyone know if it possible to take a boat from the ocean, and up one of the rivers?


And if anyone wants to give me the location of where the plane crashed.. haha not really trying to search for that for an hour

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Use a cargobob and its hook. Im currently trying to find a semi to hook up to a tanker then pick them up with the cargo bob....and eventually drop them on a busy highway.


Or buy the sonar collections dock for a sub thats alrwady in the water.

Edited by Skeloton

Use a cargobob and its hook. Im currently trying to find a semi to hook up to a tanker then pick them up with the cargo bob....and eventually drop them on a busy highway.

HAHAAH that sounds awesome. Thanks for the reply but I have a couple more questions. Does the cargobob hook actually work after the mission we use it in? If so how? Havent used it outside of the mission. And also, If I put the sub back with the cargobob after fishing out the stuff in the ship, will it stay there again?

I know one of the side missions where you have to find submarine pieces has you diving around a crashed plane, I think that might be the one also your looking for. But no weapons or cash to pick up, just a cool looking crashed plane underwater

Yes it totally works outside of missions, even did one of trevors bail bonds using the cargobob. So long you can see it the sub wont disappear, the heli will disappear when you go searching though. Having gone far enough for it to despawn.


Right on the dpad releases the hook, holding makes go a bit further.


I know one of the side missions where you have to find submarine pieces has you diving around a crashed plane, I think that might be the one also your looking for. But no weapons or cash to pick up, just a cool looking crashed plane underwater

well idk if it is cause I flew this plane in a main mission and they said I could go get its "loot" later.. and it was in the alamo so are you sure its a side activity I gotta do?


Yes it totally works outside of missions, even did one of trevors bail bonds using the cargobob. So long you can see it the sub wont disappear, the heli will disappear when you go searching though. Having gone far enough for it to despawn.


Right on the dpad releases the hook, holding makes go a bit further.

So how would I get the loot from the alamo without having my cargobob disappear and then have my sub stuck in the alamo? Are you saying I always need to be seeing the cargobob or it will despawn? Or could I drive my sub three one of the rivers and to the dock? I dont know how im going to go about this but today my mission is to find out whats in that plane


Where can you find the cargobob after that mission? I beat story mode and 80% done overall and I'd like to search the sea and ocean for spaceship parts being I haven't found one yet lol

If you havent done the cletus hunting mission you can start the first one, leave cletus and free roam around the map without getting wanted, as long as you dont shoot people or run them over. You can go in the fort, prison, and airport without getting wanted.

Even if you leave your cargo bob or sub from Trevors both respawn at his place so at least you're not wasting that big paycheck... At least if you buy it that is never tried to find one

Edited by Tbones981

Even if you leave your cargo bob or sub from Trevors both respawn at his place so at least you're not wasting that big paycheck... At least if you buy it that is never tried to find one

Well the jet stays spawned there and I stole it so thats good news to hear(: Didnt know the sub always will spawn at his hanger.

Not the hangar, it spawns at the Sonar Collection Dock. If you decide to use the Cargobob to transport the sub across the map quickly, be aware - very often you will find yourself hooking the submersible on one side of the frame, causing it to flip up and throw your helicopter into a tilt which hurls you toward the ground as you try to lift off. Be ready to detach the hook and retry, or face crashing into the water - if you're lucky. I managed to slam the chopper into the dock and blow myself up once.


Not the hangar, it spawns at the Sonar Collection Dock. If you decide to use the Cargobob to transport the sub across the map quickly, be aware - very often you will find yourself hooking the submersible on one side of the frame, causing it to flip up and throw your helicopter into a tilt which hurls you toward the ground as you try to lift off. Be ready to detach the hook and retry, or face crashing into the water - if you're lucky. I managed to slam the chopper into the dock and blow myself up once.

Haha sounds awesome, sorry for all the questions but is there any other way to get the sub into the alamo besides the cargobob?

No it spawns by the hanger too. it's right it front of his trailer there in a little halfway fenced in area so if you fail it's easy to retry they're both there


Really? Damn, why didn't I know that?


And yeah, you can't get it through the river, the entire area under the bridge is too shallow, you WILL irretrievably beach it on a sandbank.

Edited by chainsoar


No it spawns by the hanger too. it's right it front of his trailer there in a little halfway fenced in area so if you fail it's easy to retry they're both there


Really? Damn, why didn't I know that?


And yeah, you can't get it through the river, the entire area under the bridge is too shallow, you WILL irretrievably beach it on a sandbank.

Yeah unfortunately it's right by the water tower so have to be a little careful hooking it up


No it spawns by the hanger too. it's right it front of his trailer there in a little halfway fenced in area so if you fail it's easy to retry they're both there


Really? Damn, why didn't I know that?


And yeah, you can't get it through the river, the entire area under the bridge is too shallow, you WILL irretrievably beach it on a sandbank.


Cargobob it is :evilgrin: do you guys know whats in the plane? Is it cash? If its not dont tell me what it is im just hoping I get some more bank

Edited by BlaineCountyHooker


I know one of the side missions where you have to find submarine pieces has you diving around a crashed plane, I think that might be the one also your looking for. But no weapons or cash to pick up, just a cool looking crashed plane underwater

well idk if it is cause I flew this plane in a main mission and they said I could go get its "loot" later.. and it was in the alamo so are you sure its a side activity I gotta do?


The crashed plane he is talking about is out in the ocean not the Alamo Sea. So separate planes. I forgot all about the plane in the Alamo, gonna go back there later today and dive down to it. If you buy the Sonar Collections Dock, you get an activity to find submarine parts throughout the coast. Eventually it will lead you to a crashed plane out there with the pieces scattered around it.

Edited by xFrostByte77x

There's some cash I won't tell you what else but it's worth it just for the scenery even

Cool im excited now, sorry last question for you ahaha but where should I start looking, the right of alamo sea or the left, I wasnt really paying attention to where the thing crashed




I know one of the side missions where you have to find submarine pieces has you diving around a crashed plane, I think that might be the one also your looking for. But no weapons or cash to pick up, just a cool looking crashed plane underwater

well idk if it is cause I flew this plane in a main mission and they said I could go get its "loot" later.. and it was in the alamo so are you sure its a side activity I gotta do?


The crashed plane he is talking about is out in the ocean not the Alamo Sea. So separate planes. I forgot all about the plane in the Alamo, gonna go back there later today and dive down to it. If you buy the Sonar Collections Dock, you get an activity to find submarine parts throughout the coast. Eventually it will lead you to a crashed plane out there with the pieces scattered around it.


Alright im pumped I was hoping the plane he was talking about wasnt the one at the bottom of the sea cause submarine parts arent much of a loot to me ahah. But thank you all for helping me

Edited by BlaineCountyHooker

I have never had the submarine spawn at Trevor's airfield. I read a lot of people finding it then but in 100 hours I have never seen it there. So I am stuck trying to cargobob lift it out of the water at the docks. Any tips for this? As chainsoar said, every time I hook it and try to lift my helicopter tilts all the way to its side and I end up crashing. The submarine acts as a pendulum and swings my copter over, I guess, because I can never seem to get a clean take off with it whereas I don't have this problem with vans and trucks.

I have never had the submarine spawn at Trevor's airfield. I read a lot of people finding it then but in 100 hours I have never seen it there. So I am stuck trying to cargobob lift it out of the water at the docks. Any tips for this? As chainsoar said, every time I hook it and try to lift my helicopter tilts all the way to its side and I end up crashing. The submarine acts as a pendulum and swings my copter over, I guess, because I can never seem to get a clean take off with it whereas I don't have this problem with vans and trucks.


My suspicion is that it's to do with hooking the sub on the side, probably the black rail around the edge. When that happens the whole thing tilts, slamming into the underside of the chopper and throwing you into a sideways descent. I've managed to successfully pick it up a few times but it's taken many, many attempts. I think you need to try and hook it in the middle, near the hatch, so it will hang level under the chopper. That said, on one occasion I managed to carry it across the map without crashing but the sub still kept grinding against the underside of the Cargobob, making hammering sounds and spraying sparks everywhere.

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