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uvo symbols

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first of all, sorry to open again a thread on this matter. if there is an other one please copy these infos in there.


i don't know if i have the newest infos on the ufo case. but i found following hints.


the facts first.

we know there is an ufo on mount chiliad which can bi seen when it rains.

we know there is a second ufo over mount josiah. but we don't know how it can be seen at the platform of moutn josiah


we know that there is the hippy village at the senore nationalpark

there are two mountains on the colorful ground. they are mirroring mount chiliad and mount josiah.

on the mirrored mount chiliad you can see the first symbol with the ufo and the rain.

on the mount josiah you can see the symbol with the ufo and the decreasing moon and three small lines.


now the assumptions:


nr. 1 if you go to mount josiah when the moon is decresing as on the symbol and perhaps you need to go with all the three characters a once. then you will see the second ufo


in the hippy village you find the mirrored mount josiah. look at it, it has metal windows. these could be a hint for the windows shown on the map on mount chiliad. assumption nr. 2 mount josiah is the one with all the secrets.


in the hippy village you can see a map with car standing on a little island. on the car is a ufo. the symbols lead to the clue that the will beam you up when you go there. there is also red sign pointing to the alamosee at the village entering. if you follow the red sign, it directs you to a strange cyrcel of stones. which is under water just above see level. you can see it with a helicopter it is at the end of the stone port of sandy shores alamosee. assumption nr. 3. go there with the ufo car and they will beam you up.


i can not test these thing because i am not at 100% state.

so perhaps one of you would like to be the first one...


and please let me know if i am on the right way. many thanks

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