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Microtransactions Explained: Why you shouldn't be worried

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So many people are butt-hurt over the recent news of microtransactions coming to GTA Online. I want to clear up a few things and tell you why you shouldn't be worried about microtransactions ruining your GTA Online experience.


Money isn't what determines your rank in the GTAO. Your rank is determined by XP accumulated from doing heists, robberies, races, deathmatches, and so on. If you are a player who wants to get rich fast, then you can do so. This will NOT make you a better player. You can purchases homes, cars, and so forth, but it will not in any way make you elite.


Let's say Me and You start out at level 1. I decide to purchase $2.5 million dollars of in-game cash. You decide to roll with the punches, and not purchase any microtransactions. By me purchasing the in-game money, I will be set up to buy real estate and vehicles. You will have to earn it the hard way and work your way up. My rank is unchanged from buying homes or vehicles, and I'm in the exact same situation as you. I must win races, do heists, win deathmatches, and so on to earn my rank/reputation. Money is what makes GTA Online tick, but it is NOT what ranks you up. You have to EARN your money in order to earn reputation.

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Xavier Horovitz

In addition to XP, there are also Reputation Points. I'll probably pick up the most expensive money pack once to get a nice little boost (college and whatnot could make me fall a bit behind my friends) and then roll with it from there. Still, how well I do is going to rely on pure skill, not micro-transactions.

Both of you are correct. You can be the richest player in the game, but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to your skill. I can be the poorest player in the game, but I could still destroy you in a deathmatch. Oh, the satisfaction.

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Both of you are correct. You can be the richest player in the game, but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to your skill. I can be the poorest player in the game, but I could still destroy you in a deathmatch. Oh, the satisfaction.



I have no intention of purchasing in game cash and I can't wait to wipe the flloor with people who do. It will be immensely satisfying.


Both of you are correct. You can be the richest player in the game, but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to your skill. I can be the poorest player in the game, but I could still destroy you in a deathmatch. Oh, the satisfaction.



I have no intention of purchasing in game cash and I can't wait to wipe the flloor with people who do. It will be immensely satisfying.



Indeed. I might buy one pack just to get a decent vehicle or home. I don't care to shell out like $2. It really just depends on the prices. I'm perfectly fine without them though. I just have like $5 in my PSN Wallet that I will probably never use.

Both of you are correct. You can be the richest player in the game, but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to your skill. I can be the poorest player in the game, but I could still destroy you in a deathmatch. Oh, the satisfaction.



Not only this.. but this will make the world even more real life like, alot of clueless rich kids you can con and rob.


Money cant buy skills... but they can put a bounty on your head for revenge....... the whole scenario sounds awesome. Some will have the power of skill and some will have the power of money, no one will be weak.

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Im not worried, Many games are F2P now with microtransactions, and most smart gaming companies know that P2W games die fast.


And im tired of hearing all. "I wont be buying any in game currency, shame on those who do, and ill wipe the floor with them".


As in all games, If i enjoy the game and think its good, i have no problem putting some money into it, it takes away some grinding time i can use for college and I support a game I like, so that they can continue making more content.


Dont hate on people buying stuff for cash, THEY are paying for your fun.

As the ranking system can not be changed with money, Im not worried at all, and hopefully its going to be a balanced F2P game. (i say f2p even tho you buy the game itself)

The OP is correct




Let's say there are two players with similar XP and repuation...the one who owns everything and has 50 billion in the bank is obvious superior in terms of status...


It would be cool if the Social Club showed exactly how much players owned and how they obtained it.


Bike Races: $390.00

Store Robberies: $250.00

Gambling Earning: 895.00

Cash Cards: 1.500.000


Then you could see who's a real criminal as oppose to a fraudulent player. (No offense to cash card buyers)


Both of you are correct. You can be the richest player in the game, but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to your skill. I can be the poorest player in the game, but I could still destroy you in a deathmatch. Oh, the satisfaction.



Not only this.. but this will make the world even more real life like, alot of clueless rich kids you can con and rob.


Money cant buy skills... but they can put a bounty on your head for revenge....... the whole scenario sounds awesome. Some will have the power of skill and some will have the power of money, no one will be weak.



I agree. The "clueless rich kids" will be taught a lesson. lol.

Then you could see who's a real criminal as oppose to a fraudulent player. (No offense to cash card buyers)

Fraudulent players? Really? So your saying that anyone who takes advantage of a service offered by the games developer is fraudulent? You purist fanboys can suck my fat one. I bought this game and I'm gonna enjoy it any way I damn well please.


Oh, and any of you internet tough guys who say they are going to "wipe the floor" with people who buy cash cards - you're more than welcome to try. Just ride your bikes up to my mansion.

I think my time is done on purchasing things like credits for real money like I did on SWG and the silly card game they brought out, so I don't think I will be doing any kind of purchasing.


I would rather let my gaming do the talking and take it down that route.

Edited by Mac316

Still ruins the fun because people can have everything from the start.


People will always outdo you. It's just the game of life. Someone will always be better than you at something. If they want to take an easier route, then let them do it. They must find no satisfaction in grinding for the money.


You obviously want to work for it, so do you and work for the money. Video Games have never been fair, sorry to inform you. If you're a skilled player, take out the rich kids. It's all about the skill, not the bank account.

In addition to XP, there are also Reputation Points. I'll probably pick up the most expensive money pack once to get a nice little boost (college and whatnot could make me fall a bit behind my friends) and then roll with it from there. Still, how well I do is going to rely on pure skill, not micro-transactions.

You and people like you are the *Michael's voice* f*cking reason that companies are doing micro-transactions.


In addition to XP, there are also Reputation Points. I'll probably pick up the most expensive money pack once to get a nice little boost (college and whatnot could make me fall a bit behind my friends) and then roll with it from there. Still, how well I do is going to rely on pure skill, not micro-transactions.

You and people like you are the *Michael's voice* f*cking reason that companies are doing micro-transactions.



In some games, it's annoying. In GTA Online, it isn't game-breaking. It won't change the way you play, nor give you a harder challenge against those who do buy in on the in-game cash. GTAO will not be a pay-to-win video game. Don't stress.


In addition to XP, there are also Reputation Points. I'll probably pick up the most expensive money pack once to get a nice little boost (college and whatnot could make me fall a bit behind my friends) and then roll with it from there. Still, how well I do is going to rely on pure skill, not micro-transactions.

You and people like you are the *Michael's voice* f*cking reason that companies are doing micro-transactions.



No the reason companies are doing micro-transactions is because making and running services lik gta online ISNT f*ckING FREE!


Its either this or a 15$ monthly subscripition, take your pick.


I hate microtransactions more then most, but in this case it is the only viable option for rockstar to keep the service running, and if all you get by spending real money is some pocket change, then id say thats pretty damn light.

Edited by Munx

It's all fun and games until you're trying to take down some little rich kid in a Rhino with a pistol...


It won't be that cheap, believe me. Even then, I would go buy a Rocket Launcher and blow the tank sky high.

It's all fun and games until you're trying to take down some little rich kid in a Rhino with a pistol...


WIth the amount of alleys and such in GTA V a rhino would be simple to escape in the city. and its not like it could keep up with a car


It's all fun and games until you're trying to take down some little rich kid in a Rhino with a pistol...


It won't be that cheap, believe me. Even then, I would go buy a Rocket Launcher and blow the tank sky high.


I'm not so sure - Eurogamer says "A car that costs $1 million in the game's single-player mode can be bought for much less in Online - more like $150,000. Properties are also cheaper - the most expensive you can own is $400,000."


So assuming the Rhino costs $2 mill in SP, by those figures it will only be $300,000 online - you don't even need the most expensive 'credit card' to buy that...





It's all fun and games until you're trying to take down some little rich kid in a Rhino with a pistol...


WIth the amount of alleys and such in GTA V a rhino would be simple to escape in the city. and its not like it could keep up with a car


Yeah easy to escape, but the odds of you killing him vs him killing you are stacked crazily in his favour

Edited by ramtastic

You know at first this p*ssed me off, but when you look at the detail it really isn't that bad. I mean there is no real advantage here as everyone will have access to the same stuff ultimately, so these micro-transactions don't offer that much of an advantage. So it's no different than say someone not going online for a few days/weeks to find that other players have ranked up and got more sh*t than you.


Eventually those paying for stuff will eventually hit the ceiling,as it were, where they cannot rank higher or buy any more stuff, then it's only a matter of time until others catch up. Just means I will have to put more hours in playing this game to keep up with the others, and to be honest I'm very happy with that. lol


I'd rather work my ass off and get the satisfaction of enjoying my rewards and the experience of the jobs etc than paying for it and not getting anything back.


Needless to say I will never, ever, pay for micro-transactions. DLC possibly but that is my upper most limit.

Edited by tom_p1980
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I agree. The "clueless rich kids" will be taught a lesson. lol.


You do realize that a 14 years old has way better reflexes than a 18 years old, yes? So, supposedly you are the 18 years old, you would need to "work" harder to get that extra tenth of a second over the "clueless rich kid"? You aren`t the one to change physiology, now. Sure, they usually are morons and can`t think and that shows in the recklessness they usually show online, but the reflexes ARE on their side :)


As for the op, you are right and wrong. Technically, everybody gets to the point where they own everything they want to own, so it won`t make a difference if they are sitting on 1 bil or 1 mil spare cash. But, if it takes you more time to get the money than the level, then it IS pay 2 win, as the "rich clueless kids" will get more and better equipment - weapons, cars, mods, etc.

Edited by Phyxsius-

Still ruins the fun because people can have everything from the start.

Based on what R* said yesterday this isn't the case, weapons etc become available as you rank up so you can have a couple of million in the bank at the start but you will still only be able to buy a pistol with it. It just means once you've unlocked things for purchase (which is the same for everyone) you'll be able to buy it easier. Not concerned at all.

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There is no in-game paywall and nothing that should disrupt the balance of the game. You don’t have to spend real money to attain the cars, guns, clothes, flash and style of a high-roller in Los Santos, but can if you wish to get them a little quicker. The economy is balanced differently from the single player economy, and cash earned in one cannot be taken over to the other. Most players will earn cash much faster Online than in Story Mode.


- http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/51422/some-more-details-on-grand-theft-auto-online.html


So, people got ahead of themselves before R* had a chance to reveal the details themselves? I've only been on this forum for about a week now and I'm already noticing a pattern of Foot-In-Mouth syndrome in almost every thread I read through.

People don't seem to get the idea that if there are micro transactions in a game for currency, they are going to make normal currency acquisition harder than normal. It's the logical business route all companies that do this take to get you to actually buy the currency. So whilst all you people chant on about how unaffected you are, the overall effect is taking more of your time to get what you want. I don't think the fact it is open ended excuses this as it's pay to play game and things shouldn't be made as such if you don't pay even more...


Maybe it's just because it's a new system to this type of game, but anyone who has played an extensive amount of mmos and seen games ruined by such systems can see how it can be harmful. So even if they don't make the grind longer which is illogical from a business stand point, it's a bad thing to not oppose as eventually it will lead to all pay to play games following the free to play model of ''yeah sure you can earn everything just by playing, but we are going to make it boring/long enough that not paying is a worse experience''.


I just don't see how anyone can argue for its existence, when it simply isn't needed to keep the game up and running with the vast amount of options they have for making money in DLC both cosmetic and playable. There simply isn't a decent reason for existing regardless of how tolerable some people find it.


It's not about being pay to win, it's about how it effects the game as a whole and the precedence it sets for future pay to play games.


I am yet to see a decent argument as to why it exists, to say they need the money revenue with the options they have available is just an ill informed lie.

People don't seem to get the idea that if there are micro transactions in a game for currency, they are going to make normal currency acquisition harder than normal. It's the logical business route all companies that do this take to get you to actually buy the currency. So whilst all you people chant on about how unaffected you are, the overall effect is taking more of your time to get what you want. I don't think the fact it is open ended excuses this as it's pay to play game and things shouldn't be made as such if you don't pay even more...


I am yet to see a decent argument as to why it exists, to say they need the money revenue with the options they have available is just an ill informed lie.

The question is by how much, really. If it is manageable, it won`t make a difference.


I have an example: SWTOR and EA and their "packs". It brought in the game a way for players to get rich - by selling the items exclusive to said packs - literally being a way of getting ingame money with real cash. Thing is, it didn`t have any effect on my own money and gear anyway. Sure, I didn`t have ALL the "pimp your avatar" things, but I am not a collector, so I didn`t give a sh*t anyway.


The only question here is: how much faster can a "wallet warrior" get the minimum, over a non paying player, given equal time invested playing? Minimum being - house with at least 2 garage slots, for a getaway car and a race car, assault rifle + sniper + RPG, some decent clothing, additionally one more heli slot + all their needed upgrades. Because everything else is just unnecessary fluff or gear.

Edited by Phyxsius-

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