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My HUD Keeps Vanishing

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I was replaying missions when suddenly my HUD vanished. I loaded my last autosave, thinking it would fix it. So I loaded it up, and it worked. Then I switched to Michael to check his stocks and when I opened the internet, my HUD vanished again. Has this happened to anyone else?


It also wont let me save the game.

Edited by Fail_At_GTA
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This is happening to me too. Been trying to do some stocks before the last mission but can’t use the internet anywhere in the game. Just like the OP said, the HUD disappears but also, you can’t switch characters, use the map, the phone, or any directional pad options.


I really hope there’s going to be a fix for this.

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Its a real shame, but all I'm doing now is getting the 70 gold medals required for Solid Gold, Baby. I think I'm just shy of 50 now. If Rockstar doesn't release any patches soon, I'll end up finishing the stunt jumps, something I've been putting off.

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