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Where is the fighter jet in GTA V?

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The fighter jet is in Fort Zancudo. Upon entry you'll be at a four-star wanted level and all troops, tanks, etc. will be shooting at you.

I've found three good ways to get it:

1. Drive a car: this is straightforward. Get a fast car and drive into the base as fast as you can, hit the airfield, and ste a jet. There are 3-4 in a row outside and one inside a hanger. I think the one inside the hanger is easier to get as the troops won't shoot at you as much.

2. Steal a tank:

I personally find this hard but a lot of people advocate for it; basically, drive a car into the base and steal the first tank you see, and then blow up a bunch of enemies then get the jet. Be careful when hijacking the tank as one blast will waste you.

Skydive in: I pulled this off this morning and it was awesome. Grab another plane (I used the executive jet) and fly towards Zancudo. Once close, get to a high altitude, and then start diving towards the base. A few seconds before the plane would hit the ground, jump out and open your parachute. Hopefully the plane will take out a tank or some troops and will give you a window. Jack the plane, fly it out, then shotgun a beer because you are a Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

Note: as you leave the base the air defense will fire a missile at you. You can usually get hit with one of these and be ok; they are really hard to dodge.



Edited by bossloft
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I passed by the air base in a mission and I cant seem to find the base again


Look at the northwest coast portion of the map, about 3/4 of the way up. You should see a part of the main coastal highway grayed out. This is where the base is.

i found the jet was fairly easy to steal, or perhaps i just got vry lucky.. i have had more trouble stealing tanks than the jet


i hovered just outside the fence in a heli, so i had the plane directly infront of me

this is the plane that is located (i think) close to where the cargo heli was when you had to steal it for a heist.

.. quicksaved, then flew straight in and landed behind the plane, got in and flew away... it took two tries because the first time i hit something and lost part of the rudder at the back, and only got halfway back to trevors hangar... however, the jet does not need all that much space to lift off, so on the second time, i could pretty much just jump in, pull back on the joystick and go straght ahead, just slightly to the left to avoid a building...... and because it is kinda in the middle of it all, it often takes some time for the tank and enemy npcs to get to you... then all you have to do is to avid the air defense just as you lift off, but making steep turns when you hear that bleeping sound should do the trick, or worked for me anyway... and then with a quicksave, if you fail you can just reload and quickly fly in and try again!

i died after i had landed in in trevors hangar though, cops came in and killed me, but the plane was then saved, so i consider it a success! :D


As trevor, If you havent done the cletus hunting mission you can start the first one, leave cletus and free roam around the map without getting wanted, as long as you dont shoot people or run them over. You can go in the fort, prison, and airport without getting wanted.

Edited by BlaineCountyHooker

As trevor, If you havent done the cletus hunting mission you can start the first one, leave cletus and free roam around the map without getting wanted, as long as you dont shoot people or run them over. You can go in the fort, prison, and airport without getting wanted.

this does not work, if you leave the hunting area you fail and it goes back to the regular game.


The easiest way is to just get a fast car and drive it in the gate and go into the hanger and steal the jet, its really easy. I can do it through either gate. The main one is longer distance but you can use almost any vehicle and have more room to make the corners, the back gate is short route but there are 3 tight corners that arent too bad if you have the right car. Might take you a few tries to get the route down but I get the jet almost every time now. Sometimes there is a tank sitting right in front of the hanger and then you are usually boned, sometimes a truck will come park right in the door and I usually can power through with the jet but when i land my running gear falls off, lol! Guess i never tried shooting them out of my way. I once landed in my hanger and by instinct pressed the ebrake button and shot the wall in front of me and blew myself up, haha! after a couple times of practice though its really quite simple to steal the jet. Im gonna start working on the tank now, those bastards seem to shoot me even if im closer to him than the end of his barrel, unless theres another one waxing me that I dont see.



As trevor, If you havent done the cletus hunting mission you can start the first one, leave cletus and free roam around the map without getting wanted, as long as you dont shoot people or run them over. You can go in the fort, prison, and airport without getting wanted. [/size]


this does not work, if you leave the hunting area you fail and it goes back to the regular game.


The easiest way is to just get a fast car and drive it in the gate and go into the hanger and steal the jet, its really easy. I can do it through either gate. The main one is longer distance but you can use almost any vehicle and have more room to make the corners, the back gate is short route but there are 3 tight corners that arent too bad if you have the right car. Might take you a few tries to get the route down but I get the jet almost every time now. Sometimes there is a tank sitting right in front of the hanger and then you are usually boned, sometimes a truck will come park right in the door and I usually can power through with the jet but when i land my running gear falls off, lol! Guess i never tried shooting them out of my way. I once landed in my hanger and by instinct pressed the ebrake button and shot the wall in front of me and blew myself up, haha! after a couple times of practice though its really quite simple to steal the jet. Im gonna start working on the tank now, those bastards seem to shoot me even if im closer to him than the end of his barrel, unless theres another one waxing me that I dont see.

this is not true, IT HAS TO BE THE FIRST MISSION. I have done it more then 5 times now and have never failed



As trevor, If you havent done the cletus hunting mission you can start the first one, leave cletus and free roam around the map without getting wanted, as long as you dont shoot people or run them over. You can go in the fort, prison, and airport without getting wanted. [/size]

this does not work, if you leave the hunting area you fail and it goes back to the regular game.


The easiest way is to just get a fast car and drive it in the gate and go into the hanger and steal the jet, its really easy. I can do it through either gate. The main one is longer distance but you can use almost any vehicle and have more room to make the corners, the back gate is short route but there are 3 tight corners that arent too bad if you have the right car. Might take you a few tries to get the route down but I get the jet almost every time now. Sometimes there is a tank sitting right in front of the hanger and then you are usually boned, sometimes a truck will come park right in the door and I usually can power through with the jet but when i land my running gear falls off, lol! Guess i never tried shooting them out of my way. I once landed in my hanger and by instinct pressed the ebrake button and shot the wall in front of me and blew myself up, haha! after a couple times of practice though its really quite simple to steal the jet. Im gonna start working on the tank now, those bastards seem to shoot me even if im closer to him than the end of his barrel, unless theres another one waxing me that I dont see.

this is not true, IT HAS TO BE THE FIRST MISSION. I have done it more then 5 times now and have never failed


Oh, my bad, I thought people were saying it had to be the second mission. I already had done the first one before i found this tip and it didnt work, but its easy to drive in with a fast car so I got it anyway.

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