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Yellow Glowing Tree [Easter Egg]

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After getting hyped about the jet pack easter egg hunt I downloaded a 100% file onto my ps3. I spent the entire day searching, and just as I was about to give up I was rewarded.


Speeding down the freeway I smashed into a oncoming car and went flying through the windscreen. When I got up, there it was, the Yellow Glowing Tree.




'What the Frick' was all I could say


After spending a lot of time jumping and falling over I finally got a better view








I had to take these pictures with my phone because my Aunts internet sucks dick and I can't upload any selfies to Social Club. I dunno wtf im gonna do when GTAO comes out.


Using research from the Jet Pack forum I came across a massive realisation...




If you look closely you can see that;

The top of the mountain lines up with the underwater alien

The line coming in the side of the mountain lines up with the T01 and T02 doors in the tunnel

The Alien lines up with the one over Fort Zancudo

Jet Pack lines up with aliens over hippie camp


Lastly the X lines up with Yellow Glowing Tree.... 'Holy Frick'


This has got to be part of the puzzle.


Also, be careful when viewing Yellow Glowing Tree, theres a extra deadly mountain lion that keeps killing me when I go there, I think R* must have put it there to protect Yellow Glowing Trees secrets.



Edited by SuperDuperGta
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Things Confirmed: This is has something to do with the aliens


Things Dismissed: This is a game glitch


Can be found on the west face of Mount Gordo close to the train tracks

Edited by SuperDuperGta

But the map doesn't line up with the picture... seriously some of these 'theorys' about the aliens are just complete nonsense. Some of them are plausable and others make sense. But in my honest opinion this is just a glowing tree easter egg, nothing more nothing less. There's a hill billy tap dancing near the Alamo, lets link him to aliens and a jetpack...... LOL

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That tree looks gold.


'Phrixus settled in the house of Aeetes, son of Helios the sun-Titan, where he lived to a ripe old age. He hung the Golden Fleece reserved from the sacrifice of the ram on an oak in a grove sacred to Ares, the god of war and one of the Twelve Olympians. There it was guarded by a dragon. It remained until Jason came and took it.'


The golden fleece was supposed to have healing abilities and grant eternal life.....

Things Confirmed: This is has something to do with the aliens


Things Dismissed: This is a game glitch


Can be found on the west face of Mount Gordo close to the train tracks


It's not confirmed that it has anything to do with the aliens. It's a tree. Stop talking rubbish.

  • Like 1

Yep found it too, very nice find! Also i checked above it to be sure and there is no UFO! ^^

And it's definitely not a glitch, by day the tree is almost normal exept he is a little bit brighter and at night he starts glowing.

Edited by Rorschach37
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