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You don't 'beat' a game.

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You complete it.


'Beating' it suggests a competition, like the game is willing you not to finish it. The point of GTA is to absorb the story, it's not a competition.

And your post suggests that you are an idiot. Yes, in fact we have BREAKING NEWS coming in... OP is a massive idiot

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Beating a game is something we Videogame-Veterans say. In the early days of gaming, games used to be so hard, most times you didnt even want to finish the game because of frustration. But since you paid a lot of money for it you do it anyway, even if your rage made you age twice as fast.

Yes, Im looking at you Battletoads, R-Type, Metroid, Mega Man, Double Dragon and Pitfall! You owe me years of my life !!!!

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