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This is more of a question, so I'm not sure if I should post here or some other section. I apologize if wrong section.


Anyway, I'm using Xbox 360 Arcade(yeah, deal with it), and installed it on 16Gb flash drive.

So my problem is that I cannot use the social club at all to upload pics I take ingame, or even connect my Facebook with the game. I just get an error on both, something along the lines of "Your account doesn't have the privilidges to do this action" or whatever.

Could the problem be, that I don't have Xbox Live Gold account? I got only Silver as I cannot afford it.(yes really poor, I saved 3 months to get GTA V) Or is it supposed to work with Silver too? My Xbox is connected to internet all the time, and it's live account too, only Silver, not gold.


Thanks for 'da help


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