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Grand Theft Auto V - MythBusters!

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Grand Theft Auto V - MythBusters!

GTA V MythBusters!

My Max Payne 3 MythBusters series was rather successful. GTA O MythBusters soon!

If you have any myths, please post them below.




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Edited by King_Linx
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Thanks so much for posting.

Yes, you can kill people without alerting the cops by using a suppressor on your weapon.


Also, can you elaborate on your second question :)

that dosent work. i get cops if i use a suppresor


If someone sees you they'll call the cops of course.

@Barneybabarney @trialsiain That's because a civilian saw you shoot someone, you need to kill them without anyone looking. Just like what I did in my video with Michael.

@tms_junk That's a good idea, I might try this one out, Thanks!


@Blacc94 Yes, that's right. When I killed the cashier nobody was looking.. AND i was using a suppressor. That's why I didn't receive any wanted stars.


@KillaVolt I'm sorry if you don't like it, a lot of people actually did like it. I guess it's just personal preference. I'll try to use a different type of song next video.

@beretta-gt88 That gets my channel strikes very easy .. Any other suggestions?

@GTAhole Thanks so much for your support. Very much appreciated!

Edited by King_Linx

Look at my older videos. They were Max Payne 3 myth busters .. Long before that video was posted.. Long before GTA V was released.

I was planning on taking my myth buster series from Max Payne 3 to GTA V.

Also for your information this is th first time I see this video.

This is my channel: http://www.youtube.com/kinglinxinator

You can check the older videos out. My GTA V video was not intended to copy or rip off anyone else's video.

I was doing mythbuster videos in January of 2013.


Also, if you want me to bust any of your myths, please post them below.

Well it was posted on Rockstargames website - http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/51400/gtav-launch-week-fun-fist-fighting-a-shark-trevor-the-fashion-ic.html


Plus they been doing mythbusters for games for 5 years now.






I'm not saying I came up with the mythbuster ideas. I'm just saying I didn't copy their video.

I was playing a rockstar game and moved on to another rockstar game. These guys were making halo and COD mythbuster videos. Those are compeletely different games. But that's ok I guess. Everyone does whatever they like.


@ajma420 You're right, gang members will attack you if you flip them off. That wasn't in my video. I might include it in the next episode.

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