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*SPOILER* Dr Friedlander

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Did you kill Dr Friedlander? Why or why not?




I killed him, and felt bad for him. Because even though he was a jerk that was only using Michael, I don't think he deserved to actually die, and I think Michael actually believed in him (as he was the only person he could really talk to besides Franklin). I killed him because I didn't want Michaels story to go public. Afterwards, I read on the internet news that the doctor had recently rose to fame because of a book he wrote about a "Marky De Santos". A bank robber lunatic who he knew. Now I'm happy the pricks gone.


Edited by GTA4 Niko Bellic
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I killed him. You might not have done this, because it was optional and the game sometimes didn't tell you that you could contact him, but I had multiple phone conversations with him and he charged me more and more everytime and his advice got worse and and worse and even got to the point where he says nothing(when you take the family) and still takes my money. Then he has the nerve to just LEAVE AND WRITE A STORY WITHOUT HELPING!? f*ck THAT!


So yeah, I killed him.



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I haven played every side-mission so i wonder when do you get to kill him. I just finished the mainstory. Its probably got something to do with going to all those sessions right?


For me the option became available after end-game. He was a real jerk, he gets excited, takes a picture with you, and gloats about how he was going to be famous, then runs off.

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Killed him too, most of the time his advice was sh*t, just looking to make $$$ off Michael.


Also, while on this topic, every meeting he would ask Michael about his sex life and in my game Michael would say something like "Oh I've been a really good boy, Doc. Nothing to say there" and Friedlander would respond with "Good, we're making some real progress here, Michael". I've never used prostitutes as Michael, at first it was out of not been interested in pursuing them so never got round to it (haha), but after I noticed the same question arose after two meets I purposely avoided using them as Michael to see if it had an effect on the marriage or the end game.


So, anyone ever used prostitutes as Michael and had him respond differently to the question of his sex life?

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Killed him too, most of the time his advice was sh*t, just looking to make $$$ off Michael.


Also, while on this topic, every meeting he would ask Michael about his sex life and in my game Michael would say something like "Oh I've been a really good boy, Doc. Nothing to say there" and Friedlander would respond with "Good, we're making some real progress here, Michael". I've never used prostitutes as Michael, at first it was out of not been interested in pursuing them so never got round to it (haha), but after I noticed the same question arose after two meets I purposely avoided using them as Michael to see if it had an effect on the marriage or the end game.


So, anyone ever used prostitutes as Michael and had him respond differently to the question of his sex life?


Yeah, he responds differently if you use prostitutes. Michael tells him he fell off the wagon again, and couldn't control it (or something along those lines).

Edited by GTA4 Niko Bellic
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Killed him too, most of the time his advice was sh*t, just looking to make $$$ off Michael.


Also, while on this topic, every meeting he would ask Michael about his sex life and in my game Michael would say something like "Oh I've been a really good boy, Doc. Nothing to say there" and Friedlander would respond with "Good, we're making some real progress here, Michael". I've never used prostitutes as Michael, at first it was out of not been interested in pursuing them so never got round to it (haha), but after I noticed the same question arose after two meets I purposely avoided using them as Michael to see if it had an effect on the marriage or the end game.


So, anyone ever used prostitutes as Michael and had him respond differently to the question of his sex life?


Yeah, he responds differently if you use prostitutes. Michael tells him he fell off the wagon again, and couldn't control it (or something along those lines).



Ah, cool. Thought as much.


Would have liked a little more interaction with Dr Friedlander and the meetings, wish they went on a little longer though I suppose him kicking you out before your session seemed to be over was part of his money grabbing character. Would have been cool if he dived deeper into what you would get up to gameplay wise between sessions.

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I wanted to kill him but he got away

same here, but then the radio and the paper said i killed him anyway, lol! I can carjack anything and no cops show up but if i walk by a pedestrian they call immediatly or try to kill me. the cops are always ramming the car behind me and the only time cops bother me is if i shoot someone. my stock prices hardly ever move. I started a new game and i already owned the garage u buy later on, all the car were gone but there was a special car in it, edgly r8. this game is so broken, there are so many bugs and missing or messed up things going on. I hope they patch it soon.

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Oh lord! Didn't even have the option to kill him? Wtf

Finished the game and burned Trevor (so much regret). I've since started again in the hope of becoming a very very rich man through better planned investments.

What happens with the shrink?

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Oh lord! Didn't even have the option to kill him? Wtf

Finished the game and burned Trevor (so much regret). I've since started again in the hope of becoming a very very rich man through better planned investments.

What happens with the shrink?


Maybe try calling him.

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I let him go.


His advice was a bit meh, but still he didn't deserve to get all out killed.


If he lives you get an email of him saying stuff like "Calm down blah blah" and you replay with "If I ever see you again, you're dead!"


I think a warning is enough

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I followed him outside and as he got in his comet, I used slow motion to pop both his left tires; he spun out and two point reversed about one inch further "In" to his drive way. He got out of the car and ran through his side alley out his back gate and tripped,.. I let him get up and watched him start running some length of side walk lining the beach. Just as he approached some twenty feet or more I put a taser in his back, and as he shook violently on the ground I approached him, planting my left foot on his chest I proceeded to than poor gasoline on his still trembling face;..just before he "died" from the electrocution I pulled out a pistol and shot the pavement next to his left ear..he lit on fire head first and I took a picture of him as he died.

I was disappointed in finding out that this wouldn't be the day I complete my path to inner enlightenment. Maybe its that scam website,..o well, the more surprises the better.

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Killed him, funny thing was - he crashed into another car and then got all panicky. So he drove into this little gap bit and got his car stuck between a palm tree and the wall. He got out and started to run so I capped him pretty much outside his office, haha.

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I tazed him. He fell to the floor but was still alive (this was in the middle of oncoming traffic on the freeway). I figured that a taze was enough of a warning and as I was walking away, an SUV going some 70 MPH flew past me and ran over Friedlander (LOL). So I killed him, but inadvertently.

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I didnt get a chance to kill him...Got away before I could blast him. But the news article still ran as if he had died.


I dont know if this happened to anyone else

but the last meeting with the Doc...He admitted to being in love with Michael and wanted to be with him. When Michael freaked he retorted his comment and pretended as if it was an exercise. Which would explain the assertions that Michael is gay and why the Doc seems so obsessed with Michaels sex life.


Edited by TrevorPhilipsInc
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Can you still kill him if he got away? I tried to get out my gun but it wasn't fast enough. Then I tried to mow him down in a car, but I got hit on the freeway. Ughhh...


So, what I ended up doing was just loading the game before I met with him, and this time, I got my gun out in time! Although I didn't realize I have to do the mission where you chase Molly down at the airport all over - good times . . .

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He got away from me since he took the only usable vehicle and I got ran over in my hastey and rage-fueled reckless search for another one. Sigh. I would have enjoyed catching him. I pegged him for a douche the moment he first opened his mouth.

same damn thing happened to me i hurried up and picked my sniper rifle and froze time and laid down 3 or 4 shots at his car but it did nothing and he dissapeared. i was so pissed at how fast he was gone it gave me pretty much no chance at all. and i skipped all the stuff he was talking about since i didnt care

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  • 1 month later...

Ah, this was a memorable part of the game for me. Shot him down as he crashed into a bridge post. I then pulled him out of his car, put a few more rounds in his skull to be safe, but to be absolutely sure I poured gasoline on his corpse and car and watched it all burn.


Yes... good memories.

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Officer Ronson

I didn't kill him, im much of a forgiving person anyway and I got refunded for every penny.


Everytime I just feel like he did his magic, he just stared at Michael and/or his family and all of the sudden they realise what is wrong with them.


Anyways, even if you let him go, a news report will say that he unfortunately was killed.




P.S: Pubehead

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