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One thing I'd love to see for GTAO. Bragging rights.

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I'm excited for gta online and i believe it may be better than the single player and I love the single player so that's saying a lot. Anyway I would like Rockstar to hold events on certain weekends where if you do this or that or get so many kills you get a special car or weapon maybe. Something along those lines. Or even special clothes.

Assisgnments like that are not for me.



Edit: I'll explain why. Its just because I wanna play the game how I want to play it. I don't want some assignment on how to play it for a period of time to get extra goodies. I mostly ignore those cause I just don't care about them.

Edited by GeckoWacko

I'm excited for gta online and i believe it may be better than the single player and I love the single player so that's saying a lot. Anyway I would like Rockstar to hold events on certain weekends where if you do this or that or get so many kills you get a special car or weapon maybe. Something along those lines. Or even special clothes.

cars or closes i could see but as for wepons it wouldn't work unless its just like new colors or somthin

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