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The Hunt For The Annihilator

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According to the Grand Theft Auto V Guide.


The Annihilator is in game. While I have yet to see it in any missions or 5 star Wanted Levels. The picture in the Guide leads me to believe its at the Airport.


It might not spawn all the time or possibly only at certain times.


Next time I rev up GTAV Ill be on the hunt for this beauty.

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I haven't found a dodo in this game yet. Don't tell me that's gone too


It's called the Mammatus, now.



The Annihilator was found at the Airport by some players.




The Dodo (Mammatus, what a poo new name) casually lands on the airstrip in the desert which can be stopped and hi-jacked, now, the Annihilator, I'm gonna call BS, until someone can show some picture evidence, I want it so bad! Well, it MUST be in the game because it is on the Social Club and every other vehicle listed on there DOES make an appearance in the game, I also think the Dodo spawns in the Airport somewhere, the Velum and the Cuban 800 also spawn. They spawn at the hangers next to your purchasable hanger, the Velum being the next one across and the Cuban 800 spawns at the side of the hanger on the end, to the top right beside it.

Edited by DDX-GTA

Well, the model files are there, the handling file is there, so yea. It's still in. And I'm 90% sure I have seen it flying at the western coastline when I've been in a plane. Sure, I may be wrong, but I really think it was the Annihilator.

Well, the model files are there, the handling file is there, so yea. It's still in. And I'm 90% sure I have seen it flying at the western coastline when I've been in a plane. Sure, I may be wrong, but I really think it was the Annihilator.

There's two ways of doing this. 1. Search high and low across the map and hopefully make a discovery, or 2. Everyone email R* asking for its location, which would be sensible considering its listed on the Social Club database.


I'd personally go with 2 considering you'd get a straight answer and saves the ass ache.

I'm almost certain I've seen it land on top of one of the large buildings at Los Santos airport. My other guess is its either at the perfume factory or somewhere in fort zacardo

Perfume Factory? I have searched the Fort/Air Port many times for the Anni and came up empty handed every time.



I'm almost certain I've seen it land on top of one of the large buildings at Los Santos airport. My other guess is its either at the perfume factory or somewhere in fort zacardo

Perfume Factory? I have searched the Fort/Air Port many times for the Anni and came up empty handed every time.Don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't done the mission yet. All I'll say is check Weasel News after said mission.



Don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't done the mission yet. All I'll say is check Weasel News after said mission.


I have already finished the main story line and i have no idea which mission you are talking about :/


I think he means one of the skyscrapers in the middle of LS...



Don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't done the mission yet. All I'll say is check Weasel News after said mission.


I have already finished the main story line and i have no idea which mission you are talking about :/He diving mission. The building you end upnin.



Don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't done the mission yet. All I'll say is check Weasel News after said mission.


I have already finished the main story line and i have no idea which mission you are talking about :/
He diving mission. The building you end upnin.


Send pictures, and if its there, I'll hump your leg.


Send pictures, and if its there, I'll hump your leg.



I took a few fly-bys over that facility and saw nothing. There isn't even a heli pad there.




Send pictures, and if its there, I'll hump your leg.



I took a few fly-bys over that facility and saw nothing. There isn't even a heli pad there.


I was thinking that, I'm starting to get annoyed of people claiming they know where it is and cant even back themselves up. On GTA IV, It was at the Airport, on top of the police station and a fire station, and on top of a sky scraper. We could work off those as clues.


I was thinking that, I'm starting to get annoyed of people claiming they know where it is and cant even back themselves up. On GTA IV, It was at the Airport, on top of the police station and a fire station, and on top of a sky scraper. We could work off those as clues.


Been there, done that. I even went back and replayed Monkey Business to see if DocPip was telling the truth... nope. I've been trying to find this chopper for the past few days and so far all leads have come up false. I'm hoping that it's spawns got glitched and will have to be patched. We'll see i guess.

Well... it's a Blackhawk government type helicopter. I'll check around the NOOSE building next time I'm near there. I wonder if it still has the sh*tty chaingun, or if it's the EFLC model.

I also check there several times. The only chopper there is the Buzzard Attack Heli. Odd thing is though there are two heli pads yet only one chopper.

It HAS to be in the game, every vehicle in the social club database has been usable or seen in the game at some point. Just a thought, its not a part of the collectors edition or anything like that is it?


Honestly, anyone that says they have seen it, could you please check that location again and get a picture, and to anyone that is misleading everyone else being a turd, its trolling.

It HAS to be in the game, every vehicle in the social club database has been usable or seen in the game at some point. Just a thought, its not a part of the collectors edition or anything like that is it?


Honestly, anyone that says they have seen it, could you please check that location again and get a picture, and to anyone that is misleading everyone else being a turd, its trolling.

Ohh it's in the game. All it's files are present and there is also a modded save for the xbox i think that has it parked in a hanger for those that want it.


It HAS to be in the game, every vehicle in the social club database has been usable or seen in the game at some point. Just a thought, its not a part of the collectors edition or anything like that is it?


Honestly, anyone that says they have seen it, could you please check that location again and get a picture, and to anyone that is misleading everyone else being a turd, its trolling.

Ohh it's in the game. All it's files are present and there is also a modded save for the xbox i think that has it parked in a hanger for those that want it.




There's a government facility (not military base) somewhere along the west coast. When I was at the entrance I could see propellers of a chopper on the roof, but I didn't get a chance to go up and see it but it could be the annialator

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