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100% with cheats


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Sorry if this has been already done, i have looked but on my phone. Anyhow can you still get 100% with after a cheat has activated because i used low cops a couple times in free roam, i know it says achievements are blocked for some. Dont care about them just 100% plus wish they didnt make lower cops so easy to remember :L

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Sorry if this has been already done, i have looked but on my phone. Anyhow can you still get 100% with after a cheat has activated because i used low cops a couple times in free roam, i know it says achievements are blocked for some. Dont care about them just 100% plus wish they didnt make lower cops so easy to remember :L


Why are you cheating to lose your wanted level?

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Because when its 4 in the morning and you need sleep because your during your day you had college and your son to look after, so when you play a game you love you have to squeeze in some stuff like runnin from a 4 star an hiding for ages so you dont lose $5000. You asked dude. cheers digggo (sick name man) sucks did most the story but its a awesome story so ill restart with no worrys.

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