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Decoding the invincibility cheat

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I've decided to look at some other SA cheats and compare them to V cheats to see if I can translate some things.


Spawn Stunt Plane aircraft
While playing the game, quickly press B, Right, LB, LT, Left, RB, LB, LB, Left, Left, A, Y.
Spawn Stunt Plane (San Andreas) - B, Up, LT, LB, Down, RT, LT, LT, Left, Left, A, Y
Spawn Stretch (San Andreas) - RB, Up, LB, Left, Left, RT, LT, B, Right
Spawn Limo vehicle
While playing the game, quickly press RT, Right, LT, Left(2), RB, LB, B, Right.
Spawn Caddy (San Andreas) - B, LT, Up, RT, LB, A, RT, LT, B, A
Spawn Caddy vehicle
While playing the game, quickly press B, LB, Left, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A.
Spawn Comet vehicle
While playing the game, quickly press RB, B, RT, Right, LB, LT, A(2), X, RB.
Spawn Hotring Racer #1 (San Andreas) - RT, B, RB, Right, LT, LB, A, A, X, RT
Spawn Hydra (San Andreas) - Y, Y, X, B, A, LT, LT, Down, Up
Change weather
While playing the game, quickly press RT, A, LB(2), LT(3), X.
Very Sunny (San Andreas) - RB A, LT, LT, LB, LB, LB, Down
Infinite health (San Andreas) (Explosions, drowning, and falling will still hurt) - Down, A, Right, Left,
Right, RT, Right, Down, Up, Y
All I could figure out is that sometimes down is left but sometimes down is also X. Up is right, I tried to decode the invincibility code from this and I came up with this:
Left A Right Left Right RB Right Left Right Y
Only that doesn't work. I tried replacing the first down with an X and then replacing the second down with an X, but that didn't work. I haven't tried with both X's yet, but I post this hoping someone can figure out a good translation.
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Just wait until GTA:O is released. They should release it with GTA:O.


That's possible. The common GTA SA Infinite Health Cheat didn't work, so it's possible that the patch for Online will activate it.

Edited by Niyologist
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Just wait until GTA:O is released. They should release it with GTA:O.


That's possible. The common GTA SA Infinite Health Cheat didn't work, so it's possible that the patch for Online will activate it.


I LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE! Although, Sasuke is my favourite.



Just wait until GTA:O is released. They should release it with GTA:O.


That's possible. The common GTA SA Infinite Health Cheat didn't work, so it's possible that the patch for Online will activate it.


I LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE! Although, Sasuke is my favourite.



Thanks. :)

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