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Jetpack Hunt (Continued)


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Jetpack Hunt V.2



for some reason previous op requested his thread locked so i thought i'd start it up again and just carry on over everything we already know :)


Obviously i cant be on here 24/7 so i do miss alot of stuff that you guys come up with, and seeing that this is a pretty popular thread i will miss quite a lot of pages, so if anything interesting has been found make sure to message me and il update the 1st post.


This thread is for people interested in hunting down the Jet Pack.

Things we know:

  • In the Cable Car building on Mt. Chilliad there is a Mural depicting several locations, including a UFO, Egg and Jetpack
  • Only one of the many Glyphs around the mountain and map describe instructions on getting the UFO to spawn above Mt. Chilliad
  • The Mural overlays with Mt. Chilliad
  • It is impossible to reach the Hatches on both West and East sides, you die from pressure 5 seconds after reaching them
  • Standing near the -1 Elevator at Zancudo at 1am shows weird lights.
  • 4 UFO's Have Been Found
  • UFO 1 Located at Mount Chiliad (Requires 100% Game Completion)
  • UFO 2 Located at Fort Zancudo (Must use helicopter and fly to highest altitude)
  • UFO 3 Located at the Hippy Camp in Sandy Shores (Must use helicopter and fly to highest altitude)
  • UFO 4 Located north of the map in the ocean (use a submarine to locate, - exact location in UFO Map below)

Things we aren't 100% on:

  • Egg symbol on Mural, could refer to an easter egg or an actual egg in-game.
  • Radio Tower in Sandy Shores apparently sends out a Morse Code at a certain time before going back to radio (Time isn't known yet)
  • Observatory has a statue that may be connected (Shadow shows an eye at a certain time)
  • Satellite field, one of them faces Mt. Josiah
  • The UFO may actually be further away then we thought and a lot bigger in size
  • Tunnels or a cave system that runs under the map or more specifically under Mt. Chilliad
  • The space buggy has a connection to the Mural/UFO
  • The Jetpack exists and is located in a Bunker
  • Penris building
  • SETI location

Things we have Dismissed:

  • When you go far out of the map you will sink/crash no matter what, this is Rockstars way of stopping you going too far.
  • The tunnel located in the image linked below is a dead end, the doors do not open and the keypads are not special in any way
  • The chicken factories have been searched top to bottom and no eggs cracked or otherwise were found
  • The underwater entrance at the Epsilon base is sealed back up see image below

Complete Easter Egg Map


UFO Videos for those who have not seen -

UFO 1 Located at the peak of mount chiliad (requires 100% Game Completion)

Click for UFO 1 Video

UFO 2 Located at the highest altitude over Fort Zancudo

click for UFO 2 Video


UFO 3 Located at the highest altitude over Hippy Camp at Sandy Shores

click for UFO 3 Video




Cave Location submitted by Augustyn1331

Agent Location submitted by l3oulton

Statue at Franklins Aunts

Drawing by Franklin

Franklins Aunts Mantlepiece


Now obviously i cant make you obey these rules but it's common decency and will make the thread better and easier to read.

1. DONT Reply to trolls, this is a fairly popular thread which means it's going to attract a Lot! of trolls so just completely ignore them and for the love of god dont quote them and start spamming up the thread with fake images or crappy theories, the easiest way to identify a troll is a couple ways they may have signed up 1 hour ago and have 'cracked the easter egg' but wont post images or sources. they post very long images which makes us have to scroll down for miles, or use large text like

omg u gais r sad ders n0 jetpac in gaem

just please use common sense, dont reply or quote the obvious trolls thankyou.

2. minimal arguing - there seems to be a lot of arguing for example someone new posts a theory and we may have already seen it, it doesn't seem very nice to then shout at that person death threats and telling them to get of the board which the erupts into full on off topic arguing lets try and keep it all nice and civilized.

and thats pretty much it, now as i said you dont have to agree to these rules, but lets be honest they aren't strict and they just make this topic and actually coming up with theory's and answers a hell of lot easier so lets try and do the decent thing :santa:

Edited by UndeadElement
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The OP requested a lock for a reason, you shouldn't just pick his topic back up again.


Don't worry about it, it's his thread.



The OP requested a lock for a reason, you shouldn't just pick his topic back up again.


why? he doesnt own any of the things in the post, by that logic he owns gta 5...





If the OP here wants he can use the images and stuff too.

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The OP requested a lock for a reason, you shouldn't just pick his topic back up again.

the OP requested a lock because he's a spoilled brat and should have been given a few days in the sin bin, not the topic locked



I believe he felt under pressure as some people had chosen not to listen to him when he called me a troll. I honestly don't care if people think that as people can believe what they wish.


However, because this was happening in "his" thread he possibly felt that the modicum of respect and recognition he may have received was at jeopardy. Who knows why but it may be that that caused him to ask the thread to be locked.


Never mind, it gives ample opportunity for you guys to have a fresh start.

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This thread just started and already its full of garbage. For anyone actually interested in continuing in a civil manner, come to this thread. ---> http://gtaforums.com/topic/602237-mount-chiliad-conspiracy-spoilers/ I feel it has a more appropriate name.

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The OP requested a lock for a reason, you shouldn't just pick his topic back up again.


Don't worry about it, it's his thread.



The OP requested a lock for a reason, you shouldn't just pick his topic back up again.


why? he doesnt own any of the things in the post, by that logic he owns gta 5...





If the OP here wants he can use the images and stuff too.


he can use the images anyways its property of ROCK* not you.

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This thread just started and already its full of garbage. For anyone actually interested in continuing in a civil manner, come to this thread. ---> http://gtaforums.com/topic/602237-mount-chiliad-conspiracy-spoilers/ I feel it has a more appropriate name.


^ That

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