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How can I get some money?

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Hi guys,


have been searching the forum, but I was not able to find what I was looking for. I am at 37% with the missions. I have not done many on the side, I've just been playing story mode. Now, I would like to pimp some cars and stuff, but I barely have any money. Michael and Trevor have about 200K, but my favourite guy only has 45k. I have only spend some cash on weapons, so I haven't been wasting it. How can I get more money quick? Do you guys have some tricks for me?




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I`m at 27% and my Trevor is good for about 500k :cool:


Its all about how you play the game,dont rush the main story line..!


Do side missions!!! and do some :monocle:


Traver made a lot of money just by flying drugs and other stuff etc etc.



Best regards Capten morgan

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Early missions don't pay much. You can rob stores though and look for treasure.

Define early missions? I'm at 64% and I've only made over 200K like 2 times



I guess that is a relative term. What I'm refering to is, before the first heist, I really hadn't made any money in missions. Only big money I made was from treasure and robbing stores.

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Once you finish the last mission you get

LOTS of money, like 30m

, and investing in propertys can get you a weekly payout of 200,000. If you don't feel like waiting you can go to your safehouse and sleep, I get 1,000,000 every 14-15 mins doing this.

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