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empty weapon shelves in ammunation

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I also noticed this. And when surfing the Warstock Cash & Carry site, they were lacking in some vital military materiel (e.g. the Titan airplane and the fighter jets). I assume that this stuff will be added on in DLC or through the update that will give us GTA Online. Along with the large range of weaponry that we were promised.

I really hope the release of GTA online will also bring changes to the single player. I'm a single player kind of guy, and although I really love the game I'm pretty disappointed with the amount of features they left out of the single player.




I also noticed this. And when surfing the Warstock Cash & Carry site, they were lacking in some vital military materiel (e.g. the Titan airplane and the fighter jets). I assume that this stuff will be added on in DLC or through the update that will give us GTA Online. Along with the large range of weaponry that we were promised.

Actually the Titan and the jet are in SP , you just need to go to the military base and get them

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