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Will there be a casino in GTA Online?

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Will there be a casino in GTA online? There is a casino in GTA V by the horse track that reads "coming soon". I'm guessing this is a major hint towards it being online? Or at least upcoming DLC?

Can you imagine how f*cking sick it would be to be able to play poker/Texas hold 'em with your buddies, crew, or random people online? Playing for in-game money - high stakes poker... $7000 buy ins.. huge pots... microphone chat while playing to add a bluff dynamic... would be so amazing...

Edited by Ronrollin9434
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They literally have all the code worked out in RDR... all they would have to do is change the theme of it - so instead of playing poker in a broke down, dingy western liquor store, you could be playing in a super fancy, Ocean's 11 type casino. Different voice actors, etc. But the core mechanics would remain the same..


Maybe tables could host up to 8 - 10 players like any ordinary poker game? The chat portion would be fun, too. They'd have to find a way to make it fun, fluent, and fast paced (ie. you have the option to check/fold in advanced and so on...).

Poker for sure would be great with friends

Id rather play the stock market than play Blackjack ;)



But wouldn't mind the full-fledged casino experience, if R* is willing to put in the effort to add it

Edited by FXtrader

I honestly hope they do. All I want, at this point, is the ability to play poker (Texas hold 'em with people online). I want it to be the same way that poker looked/felt/worked in RDR...


If we can do that, it will be so much fun and have infinite replayability because poker never gets old especially with friends... when you take into account the ability to chat on microphone while gambling with your buddies online.. it's going to be so much fun.


Would also love if they added:


- slots

- black jack

- roulette

I'm really surprised there is no casino/gambling in sp. I was pretty damn sure it will be in. Coming soon sounds promising but I just hope it goes live on Oct 1st. I loved gambling in rdr and it would be awesome in GTA online.


Yeah I'm guessing the casino will be open in Online, found some info about betting in the game files.


good to hear!




Yeah I'm guessing the casino will be open in Online, found some info about betting in the game files.


good to hear!


Max payne 3 had betting for random stuff like longest survival time, highest k/d etc. I have a feeling this is what V betting will be for and not casinos hope someone can prove me wrong though.

I honestly hope they do. All I want, at this point, is the ability to play poker (Texas hold 'em with people online). I want it to be the same way that poker looked/felt/worked in RDR...


If we can do that, it will be so much fun and have infinite replayability because poker never gets old especially with friends... when you take into account the ability to chat on microphone while gambling with your buddies online.. it's going to be so much fun.


Would also love if they added:


- slots

- black jack

- roulette


especially if the in game money actually matters and isn't super easy to get

I honestly hope they do. All I want, at this point, is the ability to play poker (Texas hold 'em with people online). I want it to be the same way that poker looked/felt/worked in RDR...


If we can do that, it will be so much fun and have infinite replayability because poker never gets old especially with friends... when you take into account the ability to chat on microphone while gambling with your buddies online.. it's going to be so much fun.


Would also love if they added:


- slots

- black jack

- roulette

I do like the gambling in RDR and the casino in San Andreas but it only gives me a few minutes entertainment, I definately would never jump on to GTA just to gamble. I would suggest the 11ty million gambling and online poker games out there for anyone who wants to play as a social thing from their couch. I would hate to see what lacked in the game due to R* dedicating too much time to making the casino thing look good

They literally have all the code worked out in RDR... all they would have to do is change the theme of it - so instead of playing poker in a broke down, dingy western liquor store, you could be playing in a super fancy, Ocean's 11 type casino. Different voice actors, etc. But the core mechanics would remain the same..


Maybe tables could host up to 8 - 10 players like any ordinary poker game? The chat portion would be fun, too. They'd have to find a way to make it fun, fluent, and fast paced (ie. you have the option to check/fold in advanced and so on...).

I love how people who have no idea how video games are made just think that "it was in a previous game, they have all the code!" means they can just throw it into any other game no problem.


Not to say gambling couldn't be done or horses, but just because they had them in another title doesn't mean they can just "switch themes". It's more complicated than that, but it does mean that they know how to make a gambling system since they have in their past games.


Here's to hoping we get to gamble though in GTA:O.

  • 6 months later...

The bump was pointless.

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