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[SPOILERS] Stock Tips thread


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On the Redwood vs Debonare mission.. buy all the Debonare stocks and finish the mission, then sell. Later buy the Redwood back up because they will go up and Debonare will go back down. I just noticed that and am now kicknig myself for not buying low.

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I'm waiting for when bawlsaq is stable, but I'm looking for some solid ones in there. I'm thinking the automotive shop (because everyone loves to customize their cars), but I can't really think of any other solid ones.

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About the Hotel Assassination mission..

The price of the stock goes up. I found it at Bawsaq.

Edited by Maglev
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I'm still trying to figure out how the stock market works within the game. Do I need to say like steal a eCola van and then blow it up and then purchase stocks of eCola from the market?


Would you all recommend buying stock via the single player progress or by Bawsaq?


Didn't want to make a new post, so I figured this is probably the best post to do so. ;)



Edit : So I think I have figured this out so basically I just need to look for a company that took a big hit so buy the shares low and hope that it goes back in the green for a hefty profit is what I need to do from what I just read.

Edited by Mac316
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My Fruit shares peaked at 945/share. something like a 51.2 % increase.

Did you wait until you finished the main story or did you do it mid-way through?

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I'm still trying to figure out how the stock market works within the game. Do I need to say like steal a eCola van and then blow it up and then purchase stocks of eCola from the market?


Would you all recommend buying stock via the single player progress or by Bawsaq?


Didn't want to make a new post, so I figured this is probably the best post to do so. ;)



Edit : So I think I have figured this out so basically I just need to look for a company that took a big hit so buy the shares low and hope that it goes back in the green for a hefty profit is what I need to do from what I just read.

All good questions. We've surmised that attacking a company's trucks and building might drive their stock down, but in practice it has been unreliable, and we have gotten zero official confirmation on this method.


I've stuck to LCN because BAWSAQ never works for me. Others do have access to BAWSAQ but say it's not as predictable.


But yes, generally just wait for a stock to sink pretty low, then put your money in and hope for the best. If you're feeling super anal, spam the quicksave feature. Watch your stock of choice go down, saving as it drops lower. If it goes up, reload your save and try again. I can say for sure that stocks never behave the same if you revert to a savegame and try again, so you've just gotta keep whittling away at it. Earlier today I did this with Hijak stock. Had all three protags buy into it when it hit about $5.50, sold them out around $6.40. Profited about $150k over all three, but it took me a couple hours. I killed the time in between by looking around for insane stunt jumps.

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The Hotel Assassination – Invest In Beta Pharmasuticals, BAWSAQ
The Multi Target Assassination – Invest In Debonaire
The Vice Assassination – Fruit shares, BAWSAQ
The Bus Assassination – Lester suggests avoiding Vapid Motor Company, so sell if you have any shares in that company.
Construction Assassination – Invest In Gold Coast Development


source: http://www.gamersheroes.com/2013/09/17/grand-theft-auto-v-stock-market-how-to-make-easy-money/

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if you want to experiment with stock outcomes, just sleep without saving, or put yourself in the hospital, while Consistently checking stock between each character; if you like what you see, sell the stock you bought After the last save..etc just be cautious And quick, You can only make worthwhile gains if you put Every last cent into stock lol After all you can just go back and not buy the stock,or sell sooner etc I have made a killing with 2 characters around a mil, and one at 3 mil somewhere around half story completion. I'm thinking about starting over but I also wanted an Honest play through mistakes and all, there's hardly any value in it if your just following a blueprint on how to come out with x amount maximum cash. plus with bawsaq being so dynamically persistent with online randomness, I'd like to think I could somehow work it after end game you know,..but I'm definitely on the fence-immersion wise; what kind of criminals are constantly investing in the stock market while they are still taking on scores. Going back with the stock market wisdom in regards to assassinations is tempting.

Edited by Tabula Rasa
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To me the ARK stocks never went up after i got them from the bike guy, i kept checking it and had the stocks untill i cleared the game..


only "after" i sold them all the stocks started raising

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The Hotel Assassination – Invest In Beta Pharmasuticals, BAWSAQ

The Multi Target Assassination – Invest In Debonaire

The Vice Assassination – Fruit shares, BAWSAQ

The Bus Assassination – Lester suggests avoiding Vapid Motor Company, so sell if you have any shares in that company.

Construction Assassination – Invest In Gold Coast Development


source: http://www.gamersheroes.com/2013/09/17/grand-theft-auto-v-stock-market-how-to-make-easy-money/


i should invest all before doing the actual missions? even on the last one?

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So I just went to do the 3rd assassination mission involving Fruit shares. Before I did the mission I went on all characters and bought every single stock I could with the money I had, then did the mission. I was looking at the stock change and I was up around 30%, so I thought I would wait until I saw it peak more and wrote down what it was currently at. When I saw it start to drop I decided to reload last save and sell the stocks, only to realise now they are at HALF of what they previously were, and now I don't know how to get them back up. Anyone have any ideas or had this problem also?

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No, the opposite. You have to make the Story first, to have maximum amount of money. Then, you do the Assisinations, and invest your millions there. This way you have much more profit and money.

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No, the opposite. You have to make the Story first, to have maximum amount of money. Then, you do the Assisinations, and invest your millions there. This way you have much more profit and money.

I meant after the assassinations. I have 90 % Completed and don't have much left to do.

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I'm still trying to figure out how the stock market works within the game. Do I need to say like steal a eCola van and then blow it up and then purchase stocks of eCola from the market?


Would you all recommend buying stock via the single player progress or by Bawsaq?


Didn't want to make a new post, so I figured this is probably the best post to do so. ;)



Edit : So I think I have figured this out so basically I just need to look for a company that took a big hit so buy the shares low and hope that it goes back in the green for a hefty profit is what I need to do from what I just read.

All good questions. We've surmised that attacking a company's trucks and building might drive their stock down, but in practice it has been unreliable, and we have gotten zero official confirmation on this method.


I've stuck to LCN because BAWSAQ never works for me. Others do have access to BAWSAQ but say it's not as predictable.


But yes, generally just wait for a stock to sink pretty low, then put your money in and hope for the best. If you're feeling super anal, spam the quicksave feature. Watch your stock of choice go down, saving as it drops lower. If it goes up, reload your save and try again. I can say for sure that stocks never behave the same if you revert to a savegame and try again, so you've just gotta keep whittling away at it. Earlier today I did this with Hijak stock. Had all three protags buy into it when it hit about $5.50, sold them out around $6.40. Profited about $150k over all three, but it took me a couple hours. I killed the time in between by looking around for insane stunt jumps.



Cheers matey.


I'll take on board what tips you have given me and hopefully I can enjoy my bonuses. :D

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Yeah, then you are pretty f*cked. :D Start new Game and do the Story first before the Lester Missions.

Damn, I'll just do 100% first then start over.

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Im on the Hostel assassination mission, and your right i cant find any company called Betta? Has any1 got any idea what to invest in before this mission?


Its on the Bawsaq market. I know some people are having problems with that. The prices went up 20%, I invested everyones money prior to the mission and then sold immediately after. It worked a treat.

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Hello before the multi assassination mission i bought a tons of stock in bedonaire, the i made the mission and the stock are only to 45$ and i bought them for 35$, why they dont go up to like 200-400$ like everyone? Its doing quite a bit now..

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Is the bike side mission an one time event cause I messed up the first time through and could not catch up to the rider cause I was too far away.

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I just did the hotel assassination and dumped all of my heist money into that stock. It's like ****ing Anacot Steel in Wall Street lol

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Do you invest in lifeinvader after you complete the story mission where you

blow that guy up through the phone


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After you get a companies stock price to plummet via a mission can it rise back up to its previous "high" price? For example, Bilkinton's high was $202.3 but after the hotel assassination it eventually went down to about $73.5. Now it's on its way back up but has been sitting around $148.3 or so for a while. Will it ever go back into the 170s, 180s or 190s?

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Going off of that for those who have beaten the game.


If you chose C and decided to kill Devin, did you invest in Merryweather at the end. Because it hit its low, it would make sense for it to gradually rise. Curious if others did the same.


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Going off of that for those who have beaten the game.


If you chose C and decided to kill Devin, did you invest in Merryweather at the end. Because it hit its low, it would make sense for it to gradually rise. Curious if others did the same.



I just did that now, I'm praying and praying it works, as I already did all the assassination missions and I've completed the story, so that might be my only chance for big money.

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