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Are you pleased with the new HUD?  

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  1. 1. Are you pleased with the new HUD?

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user posted image S P O I L E R user posted image

If you do not want to know about the radar or HUD yet, go back.


Discuss the hud here.

Last updated > Monday, Aug, 6 2013




THE PLAYER HUD TAKEDOWN for comenting -->

user posted image





Police ------------------------------- Combat

user posted imageuser posted image

Michael, Franklin, Trevor


1. The GPS is located on the lower left corner as usual. Although it is now square instead of round.

2. The three colored bars below the GPS is for your Health, Armor and special.

3. Hostiles are red dots on the GPS and police flash RED/BLUE when wanted.

4. The GPS screen turns red when you are shot and the GPS screen flashes RED/BLUE when in the wanted zone.

5. The player HUD and Stats are located in the lower right corner and only appear when requested by the player. The protagonists skills list is the same for all 3 characters.

6. The vehicle name previously appeared on screen when entering a vehicle. Assumably unchained.

7. the name of your location shows up on screen when you go to a new street or section, enlarge map, or unpause the game.

8. Your money and Weapons ammo is displayed in the upper right corner. This previously showed when you change weapon, gain money, use your weapon or enlarge the map.

9. When you change your weapon, you use a wheel similar to Red Dead Redemption but time slows down.

10. The target reticle appears white "•" and turns red "" when aimed at a target. When the target is terminated, the reticle turns into a cross "X" and then appears grey "" when aimed at the corps or non threatening creature. Sniper reticle displays green "()" and turns red ()" when on a target.

11. The wanted system contains (5) levels.

12. An "Artificial Horizon line" and "Altitude" appears on the GPS when in an airplane.

13. Chop has a bone to display his location.

14. A red circle will display on the GPS when you fire a gun. This indicates that you may be heard by anyone in that circle.

15. Each protagonist has his own skills, cars, friends and money.

16. The GPS has sort of a 3D effect at times and can show further ahead at an angle.

17. When Hunting, the Hunting sniper displays Wind Direction, Wind Speed and Compass.

18. There are other side activities that have there own HUD displays.

19. Hired goons will have special stats like "Mechanic".

20. Enemies may be able to hide from detection.



Feel free to post improved quality and accurate icons



Automotive - Character Select - Clothes - Creeps & Friends - Cycling - Diving - Golf - Hunting - Nirvanas

Police - Sky Diving - Target Practice - Tattoos - Tennis - Weapons Combat - Flying, 3D GPS & Location



GTA V Icons To SA - GTA 5 weapon HUD


MORE user posted image

Official Weapons Archive -->


user posted image POLL - Will you miss the classic HUD? -->


Post your thoughts and opinions.


The list now contains an alternating color for easy reading.

The GIF links are now alphabetical.

The gif images are improved for smoother performance.

I have improved quality of the HUD and removed screen stretch




PSN-BLACKHAWK_1989 Managing Thread
gtamad8 Contributed to main HUD img
MasterK Stealth Feature In GPS
jhakai Aircraft Leveler
Matt06 Tilting horizontal plane on GPS
Massyl Hunting Sniper shows Wind & Compass
TheKrigeron The Minigames HUD
Massyl Enemies may be able to hide on GPS
Troll Proof Street names do not appear at intersections
vivalavendredi Identified Tattoo icon
NYC PATROL Identified Bicycle icon
luis95 GPS Icons contribution
Stephan123 Weapons Archive
section 1 of 2


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My opinion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Now that I know all of this, I am really looking forward to playing GTA V even more. This new data that we have seen is amazing.

I love the HUD. The weapons wheel is awesome and I love the new GPS. Thank you R* for bringing back Clothing, Skills, Tattoos and Vehicle customization. I suppose there will be no Midnight Club for awhile? lol.



Edited by PSN-Blackhawk_1989
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Just a small detail: When the gameplay video cuts to the shootout where Franklin takes out some gang members, there's a smaller circle repeatedly appearing when he fires a bullet.


This could be related to the stealth mechanism of the game.. some kind of echo stuff caused by gunshots. smile.gif

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people who watched the gameplay footage already knew this. people who didnt watch it, probably didnt watch it because they wanted stuff like this to be fresh and new. so in a sense, this is kind of a spoiler for them. personally i dont care either way, but this could possibly ruin some of the 'i wear the sticker on my flatbrim cap to keep it fresh and new' people's experience.


anyways, my thoughts on it... i dont mind the square shape, it gives a little more view for the corners so thats a plus. im not crazy on the '3d' tilted style when in a vehicle because it may cause some navigation issues traveling through the city at high speeds (speculation only of course.) the health, armor, and special bars, while not bad, i think could use a little more touch. 3 individual bars maybe, or maybe have the health bar across the top of the minimap, armor to the left, and special to the right. the stats screen looks sleek and clean along with the character selection.


one of my gripes i noticed is the lack of a weapon icon at the top right. true that its on the weapon wheel, i always liked that subtle small icon at the top right by my ammo, that showed what weapon im using. nothing big though. the text they chose for the territory/current car/city county is pretty nice, has a real southern california feel to it. all in all, its one of the better HUDs

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I love it, it's a fresh change to what we are used to in GTA, which I like alot. I love the minimap when wanted.

The whole game is a fresh change... even LS. Even though we had LS in GTA: SA, this time around it just feels so different.



I cant wait for this game.

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It also seems like the radar will be showing sounds emitted from your weapons or something like that, I mean it's a small radius for something that isn't silenced so theory isn't exactly flawless but I don't know what else that would be indicating


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That's how the map looks as Franklin fire his pistol from cover

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It also seems like the radar will be showing sounds emitted from your weapons or something like that, I mean it's a small radius for something that isn't silenced so theory isn't exactly flawless but I don't know what else that would be indicating


user posted image


That's how the map looks as Franklin fire his pistol from cover

Dude, I beat you to it.

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So they took out the "Mechanic" stat? Great... It begins...

I thought that stat was only for people who help you on the heists.

Is it? I wouldn't even know, since I didn't even read all of the previews...

I read all the previews but there was just so much info given, its hard to remember it all. But the way I remember it was something like the mechanic stat is used by heist members to open doors and to hack and such. I would search for it but theres just too much...

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It also seems like the radar will be showing sounds emitted from your weapons or something like that, I mean it's a small radius for something that isn't silenced so theory isn't exactly flawless but I don't know what else that would be indicating


user posted image


That's how the map looks as Franklin fire his pistol from cover

Dude, I beat you to it.

Ah, sorry about that, didn't notice

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Nice job. The horizontal plane of the GPS seems to shift when in a boat/plane/open area and also when traveling at high speeds. It probably retains a "top-down" perspective when in areas with a lot of streets close together. The city grid while walking, for example.

Edited by Matt06
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the name of your location previously showed up on screen when you go to a new street or section, enlarge map, or unpause the game. This may be the same.




This IS in the game, At the beginning when he is flying the plane over the Dam look at the lower right corner


You should add a picture of the Weapon wheel when Franklin is having a gunfight

Overall good work, but It could be way better

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Mokrie Dela

I was skeptical about the square hud at first, but it looks to me like a GPS, kinda. I like it. I kinda like the "sound" circled when shooting. Proper splinter cell style stealth maybe?


I might still turn radar of when I first play the game though, get truely lost...

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