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Today is 2405...again

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Im still pretty sure its fake. The submarine was definitely photoshopped into the picture.


But the location and accuracy of the submarine is pretty astounding.

I'm surprised at you deffpony that someone of your stature here in the forums cannot deduce that this is a 100% REAL screen. I expected more from you.



Its just a question of how did the OP get hold of this screen?


My guess its one of the admins on this forum who is playing tricks and in league with Rockstar. Its no secret that Admins and Mods on this site have close connection with Rockstar. In the past they occasionally receive "heads up" when new info is imminent.

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Hmmmm, Im slowly turning into a belieber

NOOO Not you as well... I'm standing strong.. I'm not going to bash my head on a table and post it on YT.. I will never surrender that_guy2057_evilgrin.gif




















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and how is this extra proof?

Not solid proof but its a theory because it released on Friday. Read my post.



Hmmm.. "We Ti" means "We will" in italian, and "terun" looks like "return"..

"we will return"?

Sounds good. icon14.gif Better than the rubbish I came up with.

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Im still on the fence. Its either a wierd ass real shot, or a great fake.


The propeller seems to be off. In the OP the prop is mounted on the top back, while in this screen it is mounted much lower.


user posted image


user posted image

Sorry deffpony but this is not logical at all.


In the OP's post the screen looks like its clearly taken from an early build of the game hence the unrefined graphics, lack of DOF and AA.



The shot you posted is taken from a newer build where a lot of polish is clearly evident. Its not a stretch to think that in that time Rockstar could have altered the submarine model. Its like those messed up trees in Michael's house that everyone said looked sh*t. But in the second trailer we saw that the house had changed slightly and trees were much better.

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