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[III Classic/DE] Natural HD Textures for III

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I found HD original textures of gta3. Quality and color full. Size 512-1024.

(folder the HD original edit)

http://yadi.sk/d/XjOejadH2vgHx - my collection textures

Example - http://dimzet13.3dn.ru/misc/shopdoor1_64.jpg

still in the archive there is a link to the websites of textures.



user posted image

user posted image

On original blocks and bricks, not beton.



user posted image

user posted image

I know what created not you, but may be you create best?

On original real phone model - Sony ericsson r520m proto

and where china text on new hd pic?

Edited by DimZet13
  • 4 weeks later...

This would look great on GTA:LC :3

  • 3 weeks later...
Just spent most of my afternoon in After Effects and 3ds Max remaking the Logo.mpg intro from scratch in 1440x1080 resolution (4x the original quality).



Really well done.


Are you gonna do gtatitles.mpg as well.? biggrin.gif

Perhaps. Though it would be close to impossible to find all the original, pre-release screenshots used in that video.

Just spent most of my afternoon in After Effects and 3ds Max remaking the Logo.mpg intro from scratch in 1440x1080 resolution (4x the original quality).



Really well done.


Are you gonna do gtatitles.mpg as well.? biggrin.gif

Perhaps. Though it would be close to impossible to find all the original, pre-release screenshots used in that video.

gouranga.com for starters. I know some of them are in there.

  • 2 weeks later...

dingleman, what do you think about new radio icons?

I found almost all radio icons in svg format. For example.



user posted image


I think, you can do it with much accuracy, than me.

Edited by oleg_berezov
  • Like 2

I already remade the radio icons for gta lc, but I only did them as 128x128, so if this is 4x minimum then I guess they wont be good either.

I already remade the radio icons for gta lc, but I only did them as 128x128, so if this is 4x minimum then I guess they wont be good either.

Oh. And where i can find it?

...in the GTA Liberty City mod, oh and GTA3 RAGE Classic when the new version is released, here's what they look like though:


user posted image

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I love how you just bumped the thread after over a year and half of no activity with a couple of pictures of what you've done lately! :p


edit: By the way, not sure if you've been gone all this time, but there has been huge progress in texture packing for these games over the past year, so check out MagicTXD by DK: http://gtaforums.com/topic/554310-reliiivcsamanhunt-magic-txd-builder/


And get yourself up to speed to see if you can use it or not with your files. :)

Edited by Ash_735

Shh, was hoping nobody would notice ;)

Yeah I have been inactive (you can blame work/girlfriends/society etc.). Getting a new computer rig has somewhat re-sparked my interest in the series and found me snooping around getting up to speed over the last few weeks.

And cheers for the tip, will have to try that builder out when I get home. :^:

  • Like 3

This is the kind of work I like, where you look at a thumbnail and think "It looks like nothing has changed" and then you click on it and it's just like, wow, it is the same but just a lot better quality!

  • Like 3

Thanks for the kind words. Progress is steady, so more screens should be on their way.

Just so people know where I'm at, all generic/common textures across the map are done. I'm pretty much going over the three islands one at a time at this point and snooping out areas that need touching up.

For those who are keen to get involved as I'm finishing off Portland, feel free to help me hunt spots in Staunton by taking a screenshot of a particular area or texture that you think really sticks out. If I agree, I will try and repost your screenshot as close as I can after I have went over and re-textured them.


Who knows.. might make things a little fun :)


Bits and pieces, and reworked the stone wall texture in the alley + some beach textures from scratch. Portland about 95% done.






Edited by Dingleman
  • 3 weeks later...

Roads are big part of the game and the final look of city really imroved, because your road textures are the best, they are lore-friendly and looks almost similar to original. Hope all your other textures will are the same quality.


s_1429375171_9785782_13c49692f2.png s_1429375210_8652365_f158e6bd7b.png


  • Like 1

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