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[III Classic/DE] Natural HD Textures for III

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Glad people see eye to eye with me on this.


Here's a taste of the menus and splash screens.


Menu backgrounds are now 2048x2048, while splash screens are 2048x1024.


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Oh, and here's the main load screen. (now 2048x2048)


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Edited by dingleman
  • Like 1

That's just awesome mate. smile.gif


The yellow bar in the menu though looks a bit plain, without the border-like stuff on it. That made it more .... 3d-ish.


For showing off, you should use something else, since jpg makes the pictures look like sh*t.

The quality seems decent icon14.gif


Have you been using III Mobile leftovers for title splash screen?

  • Like 2

Awesome mod.


Once again, I do NOT intend to derail this, but are you using XBOX and GTA IV textures?


The XBOX version has more clear and HD versions of some original textures. GTA IV's textures are basically GTA III but in HD. Be careful using IV's though, since it also has much more newer ones. Make sure only to use ones that look extremely similar to the original. Try to use completely new ones you've found online as well.


This looks great. Finally, a retexture of III that keeps the original vibe. icon14.gif


EDIT: You don't have to do this, but a good idea could be to get XBOX cars and peds. These stick out, as you say, like a baboon's ass.

@ SilentPL

Nope. I used the artwork Rockstar re-released on their website as wallpapers in high def.


@ Death

The only textures I haven't made were a couple of posters that were already in the Xbox version, and even most of them I've remade because I didn't think they fit. I didn't use Xbox or IV textures for anything else either. And my only problem with Xbox peds would be that they don't have detachable limbs from what I remember (correct me if I'm wrong). I really wouldn't want to take that out of the game. tounge.gif



Just a couple more comparisons for the road.


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Original vs. Xbox vs. My version (Drawn with a lead pencil by yours truly xD)


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Edited by dingleman

I wasn't going to, but due to the overwhelming feedback, I've decided to release an early beta.



GTA Mod Installer v5 by cpmusick (Used for automatic installation)


There is still one or two billboards I haven't done (and am working on), and a few patches around the city here and there where I haven't placed the new textures in. However, I felt there is still more than enough work here to constitute a release.


With this progress, we just may see a new beta within the fortnight.




> Download and SAVE the mod.

> Download and run GTA Mod Installer v5 by cpmusick.

> Click "Continue" on the main screen.

> Select "Install a mod (with a script file) to GTA3 or Vice City" and click Next

> Select "I want to select the ZIP or RAR file that has the mod's files." and click Next

> Find "GTA3_Natural_HD_Textures.zip" and click Next.

> Let the installer do its thing, and if all goes well the mod should be installed. smile.gif

Edited by dingleman
Forget playing GTA 3, I like just looking at the before and after of these textures and being wowed by them.

This icon14.gif


Hope someone comes with GTA: LC port for this. It may really refresh the game.

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