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GTA V Animal Database


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This is a work in progress

19 Confirmed7 Unidentified[/tableb]

Last updated: Saturday, 24th August 2013

If you've discovered new animals or information through the leaks from the PS3 Pre-load, don't post it!

There will be a fully functioning ecosystem teeming
with wildlife, both underwater, air and on land.

The entire world is populated with fitting wildlife
and inhabitants unique to specific areas.

Green color means: New Animal or update/change.
Red color means: Unknown Animal or questionable changes.

Confirmed Animals (18)



Animal: Rottweiler
Type: Dog
Short info:
  • Franklin has a Male Rottweiler
    named Chop.
  • There was a dog in Trailer 1
    at the beach.

    Animal: Bull shark
    Type: Shark
    Short info:
  • There is a screenshot showing
    the Bull shark.
  • As spotted by: tomtom555
    There was also a shark in the
    screenshot with Trevor scubadiving.
  • In the new preview, they said
    that the sharks they saw was in the
    Alamo Sea, this is freshwater, so
    the shark we have seen is presumably
    a Bull Shark.
  • It's confirmed that the Sharks
    are able to attack swimmers.

    Animal: ...Fish
    Type: Fish
    Short info:
  • There is a screenshot of Trevor
    scubadiving with some fishes.
  • Need help figuring out what kind
    of fish these are...

Trailer 1:
Dog at the beach.

Franklin in red car with chop.

Trailer 2:
Chop running by car.
Chop jumping on car.

Franklin's Trailer:
Franklin with Chop.
Franklin & Angry Chop.

Gameplay Trailer:
Franklin with Chop #2

Bull shark.
Shark behind Trevor.

Trevor with some fishes.

Animal: Cougar / Mountain Lion / Puma
Type: Wildcat
Short info:Cougar is also known as the puma,
mountain lion, panther, or catamountDestructoid:
"I saw a mountain lion roaming about
with deer grazing in the hills nearby.CVG:
"A mountain lion scutters for cover in the
hillsides of Mount Josiah."

Animal: Deer
Type: Cervidae
Short info:Destructoid:
"I saw a mountain lion roaming about
with deer grazing in the hills nearby."

"I saw a deer almost get run
over in the hills of Vinewood."Videogamer:
"If you were to have told me the highlight
of my recent Grand Theft Auto 5 showing
would've been a deer running out
into the road."

Animal: Coyote
Type: Canine
Short info:
"A fully functional wildlife ecosystem,
including Coyotes."
"There was coyote's running
around, bobcats... tons of animals."

No visual confirmation.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Gameplay Trailer:
Deers running by lake (GIF)
Deers running by lake #1
Deers running by lake #2
Deer in scope (GIF)
Deer in scope
Trevor hunting deer

No visual confirmation.

Animal: Seagull
Type: Bird
Short info:There was a pair of Seagulls in
Trailer 1 at the beach.There was a seagull spotted by
the Los Santos Port.

Animal: Moth / Flies / Butterflies
Type: Insect
Short info:There were tons of moths
by the "plantation".
"You could see, almost like little
flies buzzing around there..."IGN:
"There didn’t need to be butterflies
hovering around the bushes in the front
yard of a Hollywood starlet’s Vinewood
Hills luxury home..."Flies were spotted in Michael's
Trailer when the red car
drives down the hill.

Animal: Rabbit
Type: Leporid
Short info:MeriStation:
English translation:
"...sliding down its hills full of
greenery, trees, and wildlife such
as wild rabbits, and approaching
the river to land on the shore."

Spanish version:
"...deslizándose por sus lomas
repletas de vegetación, arboledas,
y fauna como conejos silvestres,
y acercándose al río para
aterrizar en la orilla."

Trailer 1:
Seagulls at the beach

Trailer 1:
Seagulls at LS Port

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Trailer 1:
Moths at Plantation #1
Moths at Plantation #2

No visual confirmation.

Animal: Goat
Type: Bovidae
Short info:Gamer.nl:
English translation:
"From a steep slope a mountain goat
is looking suspicious at us while we
continue te descend with our parachute."

Dutch version:
"Vanaf een steile helling kijkt een
berggeit ons achterdochtig na
terwijl we verder dalen."

Animal: Bobcat
Type: Wildcat
Short info:
"There was coyote's running
around, bobcats... tons of animals."

Animal: Salmon
Type: Fish
Short info:gamepro.de:
English translation:
"Here is a good place to fish salmon,
says a Rockstar employee."

German version:
"Hier sei ein guter Ort, um Lachse
zu fischen, erklärt uns ein

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

Animal: Barnyard animals
Type: Misc...
Short info:USA Today:
"Whilst out in the countryside you
might... ...farmers, farmyard workers
and barnyard animals around farms."Since we haven't gotten confirmation
that actualy pigs, cows and horses
are appearing in the game, I will
just leave it at Barnyard animals
until further confirmation.

Animal: Bear
Type: Ursidae
Short info:
"You get bears out in the woods
and things like that, Bears,
you're absolutely spot on that...
they talked about bears
when we saw the game."

Animal: Squirrel
Type: Sciuridae
Short info:Eurogamer.es:
English translation:
"A small picturesque river,
a coast, a squirrel
scampering up a tree"

Spanish version:
"Un pequeño río pintoresco, una
costa, una ardilla
correteando encima de un árbol"

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

Animal: Crow
Type: Bird
Short info:In Trevor's trailer there seems to
be four crows flying around at the bottom.

Animal: Wolf
Type: Canidae
Short info:Hobbyconsolas.com:
English translation:
"Wildlife (wolves, deer ...)"

Spanish version:
"Vida salvaje (lobos, ciervos…)"

Animal: Rat
Type: Muridae
Short info:r/GrandTheftAutoV:
A redditor doing an AMA, said
"Los Santos' small details include
rats seen scurrying on the streets"

Trevor's Trailer:
Four Crows flying
Four Crows flying (GIF)

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

Animal: Turtle
Short info:Hobbyconsolas.com:
English translation:
"It is possible that even under the
water you will find turtles,
which are known to us since
the previous series"

Russian version:
"Вполне возможно, что даже при
воды вы найдете черепах,
которые известны нам, так как
предыдущая серия""

Short info:

Short info:

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

Short info:

Short info:

Short info:

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.

No visual confirmation.


Unidentified Animals (7)
I will add stuff here if you guys spot something that looks like an Animal.


There is what seems to be a snake in a cage at the bar behind Trevor in Trailer 2.Could it be someting else? A similar type of Reptile?

Trailer 2:
Snake in cage (GIF)


There has been theories wether or not there is a cow in this picture seen in
the Grapeseed photoviewer image. What do you think?

Unidentifiable cow in Grapeseed

Unknown Animal #1

If you look closely it wiggles it's tail and moves it's head.The head seems to be shaped as a dogs head, maybe a coyote?It can be a dog, coyote or a large cat...

Trevor's trailer:
Unidentifiable Animal in Sandy Shore (GIF)

Unknown Animal #2

If you look closely you can see it running away.You can see it's legs moving.It's too hard to see what it is, seems to be a white animal though.Could be a goat, rabbit?

Trevor's trailer:
Unidentifiable animal in forest (GIF)

Unknown Animal #3

If you look closely you can see it walking towards the lake.You can see it's legs moving.It looks like a wolf, but could be a mountain lion

Gameplay trailer:
Unknown Animal #3 (GIF)

Unknown Animal #4

It looks like a dog, but could also be a fox, wolf...

Gameplay trailer:
Unknown Animal #4

Various Birds

In trailer 1, the mountain hikers scene, you could hear a lot of different birds chirpin...

Trailer 1:




sarvesh25New Animal: Coyote & Seagull.
tomtom555New image: Bull Shark.
New Unidentifiable Animal: Unknown Animal #4
funkybubNew Animal: Moth.
bud23New Animal: Rabbit.
OkinUpdate: Changed from Great White Shark to Bull Shark.
Update: Flies spotted in Michael's Trailer, info added.
Stephan123New Animal: Salmon
DionysosNew Animal: Goat, also helped with translation!
Jack94New Animal: Bobcat
New Unidentifiable Animal: Unknown Animal 2
SimMasterNew Unidentifiable Animal: Unknown Animal
jevityNew Animal: Barnyard Animals (Cows, horses, chickens, pigs... etc...)
gtaxpertNew Animal: Butterflies
Voit TuryvUpdate: Rabbits are not rodents... It is a leporid.
ZirvlokNew Animal: Crow
turkish1981New Animal: Squirrel
New Animal: Wolf
MosquitoSmasherNew Animal: Bear
MaglevNew Unidentifiable Animal: Various birds
gtamad8New Animal: Rat
ZinthanielUpdate: Helped with the type for Deer and Goat is.
Freezer89New Unidentifiable Animal: Unknown Animal #3
rusty89New Animal: Turtle

UPDATE LOG[tableb]

2rd May. 2013Made the Animal Database topic.
New Animals: Coyote & Seagull.
New Images: Bull Shark & Rottweiler.
3rd May. 2013New Animals: Moth, Rabbit, Goat, Bobcat & Salmon.
New images: Seagull.
New Unidentifiable Animals: Snake & Cow.
5th May. 2013New Unidentifiable Animal: Unknown Animal #1.
6th May. 2013New Animal: Barnyard Animals (Cows, horses, chickens, pigs... etc...)
11th May. 2013New Animal: Butterflies (Added to moths/flies for now...) & Crow.
Update: Changed Rabbit's Type from Rodent to Leporid.
22nd May. 2013New Animals: Bear, Squirrel
Update: Flies were spotted in Michael's Trailer when the red car drives down the hill.
23rd May. 2013New Unidentifiable Animal: Various birds
18th Jun. 2013New Unidentifiable Animal: Unknown Animal #2.
10th Aug. 2013New Unidentifiable Animal: Unknown Animal #3, Unknown Animal #4
New images: Deers running by lake (GIF), #1, #2, Deer in scope (GIF), Deer in scope
24th Aug. 2013New Animal: Turtle

Help is gladly welcome, if there is something missing such as: Animals, images, links or if any of that is wrong please leave a comment. All contributors will be noted. Edited by Remi749
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The Scottish Guy

As long as I get a giraffe to smash my jeep into, I'll be happy.


Oh, wait, this ain't Africa.

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Coyotes too


You Deserve medal for all these Database

These are Really Informative

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Good topic, the deer pic is a pic of an Elk though, might wanna fix that tounge.gif

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The Unknown Man

I would go nuts if there would be a zoo with tigers and elephants etc. turn.gif

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how about the seagulls in trailer 1? and there were some other birds too in the new trailers and screens. i hope you can actually shoot them like in RDR

Edited by exmpletree
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how about the seals in trailer 1? and there were some other birds too in the new trailers and screens. i hope you can actually shoot them like in RDR


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how about the seals in trailer 1? and there were some other birds too in the new trailers and screens. i hope you can actually shoot them like in RDR


I think he means seagulls

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I'm on the front page!

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how about the seals in trailer 1? and there were some other birds too in the new trailers and screens. i hope you can actually shoot them like in RDR


I think he means seagulls

yup those guys xD sorry hahaha seagulls

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Good topic, the deer pic is a pic of an Elk though, might wanna fix that  tounge.gif

Thanks, fixed it smile.gif



Coyotes too

Please link me proof smile.gif



IGN Gamscoop Video

Thanks, updated smile.gif



how about the seagulls in trailer 1? and there were some other birds too in the new trailers and screens. i hope you can actually shoot them like in RDR

Can someone help me find out at what time the seagulls appeared?



Its Wishlist not Whishlist  biggrin.gif

Thanks again smile.gif

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Cows in Grapeseed Photo Viewer smile.gif


PS:Mistake in Total Number of Animals and Wishlist Spelling Again

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I'd love there to be domestic cats and chickens


In Trevor's trailer at 15 seconds there is an eagle scream, although it could just be a sound effect...



Edited by TyphoonJames
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Can I point out that if the sharks were in Alamo Sea in the latest demo, which we assume to be a lake, the pictured shark actually is a Bull shark - a fresh water shark that actually has more of a resemblance to the screenshot.

Edited by Okin
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The Scottish Guy
Cows in Grapeseed Photo Viewer smile.gif


PS:Mistake in Total Number of Animals and Wishlist Spelling Again

You beat me to it. Can't wait to get in an Infernus, find a farm, and go to town on those f*ckers! Can't wait to see the physics too!

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I wish there was a zoo, haha. tounge.gif


Also seagull?


user posted imageuser posted image


EDIT:Aw sh*t sarvesh25 was just before me.

Edited by Maglev
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Cows in Grapeseed Photo Viewer  smile.gif


PS:Mistake in Total Number of Animals and Wishlist Spelling Again

You beat me to it. Can't wait to get in an Infernus, find a farm, and go to town on those f*ckers! Can't wait to see the physics too!

in the stables in the background and maybe one on the left of the tractor

user posted image

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Definitely a shark in the screenshot of Trevor diving:


user posted image

Wow, great find! I have now added it smile.gif

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Definitely a shark in the screenshot of Trevor diving:


user posted image

Wow, great find! I have now added it smile.gif

As I said, if this was in the freshwater Alamo Sea, that is a BULL SHARK not a Great White.

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Definitely a shark in the screenshot of Trevor diving:


user posted image

Wow, great find! I have now added it smile.gif

As I said, if this was in the freshwater Alamo Sea, that is a BULL SHARK not a Great White.

I will update this.

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Spanish web site Meristation confirmed that there will be wild rabbits in the game.

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