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I am just a new GFX learner. And I am learning how to create spinning avatars. But i get too much problems/bugs.


Lets take this image to make it spin.


user posted image


In Inkscape , i trace path as in TUT.


user posted image


Then i save it as .emf


In Xara3d, It appears like this


user posted image


Help Me ! Did i missed something or what ? wow.gif

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First you need to chose a bigger resource image, Here is the logo in HQ.

Open that in Photoshop and make it black with white background (then save it as .BMP)

How it should look

Now open it in Inkscape and trace it.

The final step is to open it in Xara 3D and add a texture, the texture should be just like the original transparent image (only with a black background)

How it should look

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What if requesters give a small image ??

Usually the size of the image is reflected on the final product.

If you want to give the requesters the best quality possible, then you have to re-create the resources.

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Layer->Layer Style->Color Overlay...

but make sure the image is already transparent otherwise you will have to tweak the blending options.

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