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how to make spinning avatars in photochop CS3?


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blush.gif I need help om how to make a spinning avatar using photoshop CS3

I've seen tutorials, but haven't found one involving photoshop, if there is one can you please link me.


and can you please link me to a tut helping people make good sigs?


Thanks inlove.gif

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I recommend following M|chael's Tutorial, which is by far the easiest method around (impossible to obtain this moving quality with photoshop)

You can't simply start making good sigs, just experiment yourself. I say this because most of the tutorials on the internet are over-complicated for new users.

If you need further explication on how to achieve certain effects, I can guide you through PM.

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I recommend following M|chael's Tutorial, which is by far the easiest method around (impossible to obtain this moving quality with photoshop)

You can't simply start making good sigs, just experiment yourself. I say this because most of the tutorials on the internet are over-complicated for new users.

If you need further explication on how to achieve certain effects, I can guide you through PM.

what I meant by good sigs, was the ability to use photoshop condifently so I can bring my ideas to life. smile.gif

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You can start by reading our Tutorial Archive that should help out achieve allot of effects.
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The option where I help you through PM is still available if tutorials don't make it clear.
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