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Oil Paintings and other members artwork

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So...just recently I decided to begin to show off some of teh things that I have done artistically over the past many years. I have always considered myself as an artist, and I have a growing portfolio of work which I have kept privately at my home for years. The only people who have seen my work are mainly family and close friends. however, recently, I decided to start showing some of my stuff to other people outside of the normal few who get to see some of my stuff. I have yet to post anything on facebook, or anything like that, but I thought I would share a couple pictures on here to get some feedback on my talent (or lack thereof.).


I hope you like these pieces, as they are two of the largest that I have managed to create. Both are oil on canvas and measure around 4'x3'.


And in creating this thread I hope that any other aspiring artists can post some pics of what they have done as well, and get some feedback...


SO here we go...This first one is just a sort of abstract creative outlet where I just kind of started painting and finished it after a few months....


user posted image


And this second one is based off a picture that I stumbled upon in some textbooks of my younger cousin. i thought that the picture would be a cool painting, and so I scanned the photo and painted off that...


user posted image


These are just two of the many paintings I have done....so what does everyone think of my work.....

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I really dig the second one, the rendering of textures and lighting is superb, and the colour palette is awesome. It's like Picasso meets the futurists.


The first one is a little more pedestrian, the composition is a little bottom heavy and the top of it feels like there's a lot of empty space.

  • 2 weeks later...

Damn. My first thought is to get some good photo studio pictures of these pieces. Something flat and up front for documentation and high enough in quality for you to print them as if they were scans. Sell those prints, dude.

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