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Special Ops

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Description: Special Ops is a group of soldiers, but not ordinary soldiers, they are the one that take care of the biggest sh*t in the world. In this missions you are playing in the Tau Squad, the best Special Force team in the U.S. army. They are the one that take care of the most tough and important operations.


Chapter 1 : The story takes place in the near future in the year 2015. Everything starts with attack on the pirate ship in San Fierro. Mission was to safe the hostages and capture pirate Bobo, but it turns out that he is not just a pirate, but a deadly terrorist. He wasn't a big threat until he steal a toxic gas called Gas X. He is preparing to attack USA, so you need to stop him before he does.




James Carter

The protagonist/playable character. 35 years old James Carter is captain of Tau Squad, he earn this by serving the army since he was 20 years old. First he was only a army ranger but then he was moved in to the Delta Squad. He was sergeant in the Delta Squad. When he was 30 he got his own team the Tau Squad.


Mike Jones

He is 33 years old and he is a sergeant in Tau Squad. He has been with Carter since the Tau Squad was formed. He is the engineer and the brain in the squad


Chris Grey

He is 30 years old and he is corporal in the Tau Squad. He has been a member of the Tau Squad for 5 years. He is a scout and the funny guy in the squad


Tony Wade

He is 23 years old and he is private in the Tau Squad. He is a new guy, a rookie, in the Tau Squad, so he still got a lot to learn. He is the most athletics guy in the squad


Nicholas Smith

Nicholas Smith the most respected man in U.S. Army, you wanna know why ? Beacuse he is a general of the U.S. Army. He is a good friend of Carter, cause he was his captain when Carter was in Delta Squad.


Robert Johnson

He is a major in the U.S. Army. He is the strictest and the most annoying man in the U.S. Army even stricter than general Smith



He is the main enemy in the story. He's real name is unknown even his people don't know the real name. His age is also unknown, but he is around 30. He is the guy that hate America more than any other terrorist, so he would do anything to drop America on her knees even kill himself just to destroy it. He need to be stopped !



He is playable character. He is Bobo's right hand, the man that Bobo trust the most. He is 31 years old and he worked as a taxi driver in America until he met Bobo. Bobo convince him to hate America and this is how everything started.


Molly Hart

She is 29 years old, sergeant and she is the newest member in the Tau Squad ( in the chapter 2 ). Her father is a war veteran, so this is why she came in the army. She is an expert in the toxic things, the right thing that Tau Squad needs right now.



user posted image

Tau Squad logo




Chapter 1 - Danger begins

Mission #1 - Pirate Ship

Mission #2 - Stealing Gas X

Mission #3 - Danger Appears

Mission #4 - Afghana Assault


Chapter 2 - Time for revenge

Mission #5 - Cleaning up Los Santos


Chapter 1 ( Danger Begins ) - complete


Chapter 2 ( Time for revenge ) - work in progress



24. February 2013:


new character ( Molly Hart )

new mission ( Cleaning up Los Santos )




Dutchy3010 and PatrickW - for making the best mod in GTA San Andreas

FrozzzenD - for making logo better


Please don't forget to rate and comment I will appreciate your opinion wink.gif

Edited by basket_boy123
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Would you like to have the same logo without that black background?


I removed it, looks like this, took me 10 seconds :


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Code :






By the way, gonna try missions out right now.

thank you I will use it wink.gif

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