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Photoshop not working

GTA Dell

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My photoshop has lost his mind. Whenever i add gradient , it just shows a black and silver gradient. Adding any color , it stills shows white/black/silver. If i change text color , its still black or grey , not the same color i choosed. Please help

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That´s because the image You are working on is a greyscale image.

You can change it from Mode->image->RGB.


If that won´t work, get a job and buy the software.

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That´s because the image You are working on is a greyscale image.

You can change it from Mode->image->RGB.


If that won´t work, get a job and buy the software.


Try it Graven's way, that should solve it.

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Lol , where can i get a job ? anyways i will try it Graven.

What kind of question is this? seriously?



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