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[WIP|EFLC] GTA: Vice City 2

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This is beautiful icon14.gif


Are you guys going to modernize the Vice City plot, or are you going to try to make a whole new story? I could help out with a new plot and radio stations

This is beautiful icon14.gif


Are you guys going to modernize the Vice City plot, or are you going to try to make a whole new story? I could help out with a new plot and radio stations

I hope its a new story.


You just simply can't modernize the plot of VC.

This is beautiful  icon14.gif


Are you guys going to modernize the Vice City plot, or are you going to try to make a whole new story? I could help out with a new plot and radio stations

I hope its a new story.


You just simply can't modernize the plot of VC.

Well infact you CAN modernize it, you just gotta change lots of stuff to nowadays things (we could still stick with Tommy's shirt, some people like them nowadays)


This is beautiful  icon14.gif


Are you guys going to modernize the Vice City plot, or are you going to try to make a whole new story? I could help out with a new plot and radio stations

I hope its a new story.


You just simply can't modernize the plot of VC.

Well infact you CAN modernize it, you just gotta change lots of stuff to nowadays things (we could still stick with Tommy's shirt, some people like them nowadays)

Well, I'd prefer a new story. Why?

-Original ideas. Something new.

-Believable. Meaning it can be counted as an addition to the III era as in, this happens in Vice City in modern times in the same universe that the official games took place in.

-Original story line won't be right in a modern setting. Its based heavily on 80's Miami.


An example of this, that may exaggerate my point but make it more prevalent.

In my English Class a few years back, we were forced to read Romeo&Juliet. Along with that we watched two movies of it. One was based in mid evil times like the original story. The other one was a modern version. It was retarded. It was wrong in so many ways. This won't be as big of a deal when your taking an 80's based story and putting it in the 2010's, as it would be to put a mid evil times story in the 1980's/1990's/2000's. But knowing how heavily 80's themed the story is, putting that now is silly. Another silly time miscompare idea I've seen was back in Episodes From The West, one of the Devs wanted to put John Marston from Red Dead Redemption in 2012 Las Vanturas. He just wakes up. Like Fry in Futurama. Seriously WTF. Why don't we just make a GTA where you play as George Waushington or Jesus Christ and set it in 2013? dozingoff.gif


But because EFLC is being used here, if the Rev team wants to, they could have the original 1986 Vice City on DLC 1, and their 2013 Vice City on DLC 2.

Edited by nkjellman

Why not just make a new story, like have some drifter come into town from Carcer City and try to simply survive from gangs?

Why not just make a new story, like have some drifter come into town from Carcer City and try to simply survive from gangs?

The story needs more things than just surviving from gangs, y'know.

What if he's looking for his sister, who got buggered up in the life of drugs and prostitution? I'm just throwing out potential plots right now, I can think of proper backstories later! tounge2.gif

I always kinda wanted to be able to see the GTA world on the good guys side too.


Even though Sleeping Dogs is what GTA would look like if Rockstar f*cked the game up somehow, its a good example. The character is undercover, and basicly you can do missions for the criminals, or police missions.


Or better yet, you do two characters. One criminal, one cop. Two characters could be pulled off two ways.

Method 1: As its on EFLC, you could have one story on DLC 1 and the other on DLC 2.

Method 2. GTA V style character switching. I think it would be cool to have character switching and you switch between the criminal character, and the cop character. However in missions, you have to play as one or the other, as they are on opposing sides.


For the criminal/fed story, the criminal character could of been in a gang/organization that has fallen to another family. The other family has become very powerful. The goal of the criminal is to take over their organization, and the cop is to get the newly powerful organization taken down, and get the boss into police custody.

Their stories could intertwine in multiple ways too. It would be an interesting thing to see a criminal organization, and the police both want to take down another organization.


It is my thought that modern day Vice City is the perfect setting to have something like this. What do you guys think?

hi folks


this looks very SEXY !! You havent said though which game engine it will be for


it does say REVOLUTION TEAM sorry not been hear for a while


is it in vice city S.A or IV please just love what you have done with billboards etc



What about being a dirty cop, of the Vice Squad, and at the same time an undercover internal affairs officer, who is trying to catch the Vice Squad corrupt cops? This storyline would fit in the 1980s or late 70s, with the cocaine heyday, big sunglasses and color suits. Sorry but in my imagination the present day is almost absent tounge.gif


About a modern day storyline, the vacations of Roman and Niko in Vice City, where they break Niko's rest and he gets pissed off, with the consequent chaos... I'd love to see Niko cursing again lol


@above: it is for IV.

  • Like 1
I always kinda wanted to be able to see the GTA world on the good guys side too.


Even though Sleeping Dogs is what GTA would look like if Rockstar f*cked the game up somehow, its a good example. The character is undercover, and basicly you can do missions for the criminals, or police missions.


Or better yet, you do two characters. One criminal, one cop. Two characters could be pulled off two ways.

Method 1: As its on EFLC, you could have one story on DLC 1 and the other on DLC 2.

Method 2. GTA V style character switching. I think it would be cool to have character switching and you switch between the criminal character, and the cop character. However in missions, you have to play as one or the other, as they are on opposing sides.


For the criminal/fed story, the criminal character could of been in a gang/organization that has fallen to another family. The other family has become very powerful. The goal of the criminal is to take over their organization, and the cop is to get the newly powerful organization taken down, and get the boss into police custody.

Their stories could intertwine in multiple ways too. It would be an interesting thing to see a criminal organization, and the police both want to take down another organization.


It is my thought that modern day Vice City is the perfect setting to have something like this. What do you guys think?

Problem is, not everyone has EFLC for the PC. At the walmart here in Ormond, they sell only IV for the PC. So, it would be much easier to make it for IV rather than EFLC.

Steam have had the GTA Series on sale like a bazillion times now, if you don't own EFLC on PC at this point, well, just really?

What about being a dirty cop, of the Vice Squad, and at the same time an undercover internal affairs officer, who is trying to catch the Vice Squad corrupt cops? This storyline would fit in the 1980s or late 70s, with the cocaine heyday, big sunglasses and color suits. Sorry but in my imagination the present day is almost absent tounge.gif


About a modern day storyline, the vacations of Roman and Niko in Vice City, where they break Niko's rest and he gets pissed off, with the consequent chaos... I'd love to see Niko cursing again lol


@above: it is for IV.

Dirty cop sounds cool. However their still doing modern times.


Also Niko and Roman exist in the IV era, not the III era.


It would almost be like making the character Agent Pierce or Johnny Gat.

My idea about a storyline:


Two british brothers and 'wannabe gangsters' are trying to build up a crime empire in Vice City after the Vercetti Crime Empire collapsed in the late 90s and enemy gangs started fighting each other. Of course their plan goes terribly wrong at the beginning and their 'business contact' kidnapps them at the arrival. They get beat up and their 'partner' steals their cocaine, money, plans and guns. After they could escape, they dont think about giving up but only about revenge. But please note, this shall not be a classic revenge story, but a story about 2 idiots with nearly impossible plans but with unbreakable will and stupidity.

My progress can be seen here:



Great stuff there.


If everything works out, for GTA V, a neat map mod would be SF and LV as add on maps. You should consider it if things work out. PS: I think they may fit as a lot of the map is underwater which probably means that the game will have room around the map. This is if it all works out.

lol, sorry but it's funny that a member from the U.S. or someone loving U.S.A wouldn't know what SF/LV are.



However, this could be interpreted differently and that as his misconception of what nk said regarding V and adding LV/SF under or around.


Ps. When V's map ends up being same size as old SA, i'll love people's reactions. The media probably meant those sizes as counted with interiors, sea underwater levels and parts that arent really beyond the vertical or horizontal borders of the map in 2D space

Edited by GTARandom

Background needs to be a bit more simple, lose the helicopter and those damn chairs that I can't take my eyes off of because of how weird they look. tounge.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Great job, the building looks very nice, also the rest.

Although, the only thing what's bugging me is the grass. It looks a bit too light/grainy IMO.

Yea I agree. I'm not crazy about the grass too. Its got to look rich and green. That is how maintained grass looks in Florida due to climate.


My other issue. Are you using ENB Series?

If you are, I wouldn't use ENB Series. It doesn't have all effects, and has a few bugs on patches 6, 7, and EFLC. Thus, it looks washed out and bright. But you could only have the dll file so only reflections work. Unless you manage to get it to look good at all times of day at all weathers of the day. If you want to try to remove the over brightness you will have to make the lighting in the timecyc look very dark with out it, so it balances it out. Usually darker textures look great but the lighter ones look way too bright with ENB. I would also try to get rid of the annoying flashing ENB SERIES logo in the intro. The ICEnhancer version doesn't have this, but just text in the corner.


If your not using ENB Series, your timecyc is too bright. Darker textures look great, but lighter ones look way to bright for that timecyc.

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