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Can someone please tell me how to restore the original dff and txd files for the police car and enforcer please!

Edited by kydenrylen
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GTAForums is NOT a file-sharing network, it is against the forum rules to upload original game files..


Besides, you already have ALL the Original game files on the disc the game comes with(disc 1 and 2) OR via Steam/D2D/Amazon/ebgames if downloaded legally...So, a simple un-install and re-install will get those missing files back. smile.gif

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GTAForums is NOT a file-sharing network, it is against the forum rules to upload original game files..


Besides, you already have ALL the Original game files on the disc the game comes with(disc 1 and 2) OR via Steam/D2D/Amazon/ebgames if downloaded legally...So, a simple un-install and re-install will get those missing files back. smile.gif

Well i tried doing that for Vice City in an attempt to restore the original dff and txd files for the Python and it didn't work. sad.gif

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