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V7.0 - Release

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DYOM V7.0.2 - Release




Trailer by ThaBoY




For months we have been working on a new version of DYOM, as you all know because of the beta tests in the DYOM forums. We created a lot of new functions and other improvements as well as bug fixes. Much of the code has been optimized to create more space to implement the new stuff. We've reached a point where we think most annoying bugs have been resolved and we don't want to keep you al waiting any longer. We don't claim this release to be bug free, but we're confident enough that we can solve any issues that will arise, without breaking backwards compatibility. You will now be able to create missions with this release that can be loaded into all future updates and versions.




You can now design missions and storylines with all the new features, and share them through our site: http://dyom.gtagames.nl


DYOM V7 ReleaseNotes

New Features

  • Moving cutscenes

    For cutscene objective, you can now choose between four options:

    Static: Identical to the old (v6) cutscenes

    linear: Camera moves with constant speed from the previous position to the selected position.

    smooth: Camera moves with acceleration and deceleration from the previous position to the selected position.

    Follow actor: After you position the camera, you will be able to select one of the available actors ( with Y and N), that the camera will follow during the cutscene

  • Sound Support

    This version support custom sounds during your mission, by means of mp3 files.

    Each mission is assigned a random "audiocode" when created (or saved for the first time with V7)

    This code determines the directory where the mp3 files for the mission must be placed.

    The audiocode can be viewed in the missions menu.

    mp3 files must be stored in my documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SD\XXXXX\

    where "XXXXX" is replaced by a random 5 character code.

    Two types of mp3-files can be placed here:

    am.mp3 : file with ambient-sound, that is looped during your entire mission

    01.mp3, 02.mp3, 03.mp3, nn.mp3: sounds that will be player once at the start of each objective.

    If a objective doesn't need a sound, you can just skipt the mp3 file for that mission.

    Pause ambient sound during specific objectives.

    To pause ambient sound for a objective, you create a file in the same directory as the sound files with the name: 01.noa, 02.noa, 03.noa, ......

    The content of the file doesn't matter, it can just be an empty textfile. But the extension should be "noa" (no ambient). For each objective were there exist a NOA file, the ambient sound is paused.


    The directoryname: SD\XXXXX is in uppercase.

    The filenames: am.mp3, 01.mp3, .. are in lowercase

  • Teleport to car as passenger with option to enable drive-by

    For Teleport to car the menu is extended with 'seat selection' and driveby. This allows you to put the player in a passenger seat, and assign another actor as driver.

    If you switch-on drive-by, the player can shoot from the window.

  • Moving object on approach

    When placing an object, a menu is shown, in which you can select "move on approach". You are than enabled to select another position for the same object. The object will normally at the first position, but is the player approaches the object, it will move to the second position. You can configure the distance at which the player triggers the movement as well as the time it takes the object to move between the two positions. This can for example be used for gates.

  • Moving objects along path

    In the new menu when placing an object there is another entry to let an object move along a path. You can choose between three speeds, and you can define a number of positions/orientations for the route. This works similar to defining a walking route for an actor. You can choose between a single movement or a repeated loop over the route.

  • Ammo configurable

    For player, teleport, actors, objective actors and weapon pickups.

  • Healthbar option for 1 actor

    The actor menu has the option to display a healthbar for that actor. Note that only one healthbar can be display at a time. If you have multiple actors with healthbars, only one of them will be shown.

  • "must survive" option available for all actors

    This is now a regular option in the actor menu, and can be used for any actor, not just for friends.

  • A second enemy gang

    There are noe two enemy gangs for actors and objectove actors, which will not only fight the player and friends, but also eachother. Note that "kill all enemies" has been changed to "kill whole gang", thus refers to al actors of the same gang as the objective actor.

  • Pickup all similar pickups (optional with counter), for Pickup objective

    Similar to "kill all enemies/kill whole gang" this option for an objective pickup, makes you have to pickup all available pickups of the same kind as the objective pickup itself.

  • "Sprint" route animation

    Walking a route with a speed above "running"

  • "crouch" route animation

    Walking a route in a "crouched" walk.

  • "Multiple locations" animation. Chooses randomly from set list of possible locations

    An "animation" for an actor. You can select several positions for this actor, and when playing, one of those positions is choosen at random, and the actor is positioned there. The orientation of the actor will be such, that it faces the original location, where the actor was defined.

  • "Random" option for actors

    When choosing actor-models, you can now choose "random". In game, a random skin will be choosen.

  • "Random" option for weapons

    When choosing weapons, you can now choose "random". In game, a random weapon will be choosen.

  • New objects

    stairs, houses, walls, bridges, loopings, trees, furniture, roadblocks

  • New Animations

    swat-moves, stances, etc

  • Camera movable during object placement

    To make it easier to position objects, during object placement you now have the option to move the camera. BY holding the capslock lock, you can use the cursor keys to reposition the camera.

  • AI route driving improved

    The code responsible for AI route driving has been rewritten. It should now be more stable, (better following of roads, backup and retry if stuck). None of the three route options will stop for traffic lights or other traffic. The rewrite also solved the limit of 64 points for AI driving routes, this does no longer exist. Also will passengers with "leave car" animations, leave the car at the end of the route.

Minor Improvements
  • Shift-6 gives ":" instead of "="
  • display model-id during actor, object and car model selection
  • Better camera placement during carselection
  • Display during routepoint now indicates and checks maximum of 64 points per route (existing limit)
Bug Fixes
  • Several stability issues solved
  • Health regeneration fixed
  • Route edit improved (faster, more stable)
  • Phone model shown during "talk on phone"
  • Turn of CJ's voice when not in CJ's skin
  • Display bug during editing pickups fixed
  • Space during cutscene skips "all in a row"
  • Error in timelimit handling fixed
  • Fix handling of secondary color during "edit vehicle"
  • Fix messages referring to 'ENTER' key for cancel
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Crash when reach objective 8 sad.gif

All of it is cutscene

Maybe I make a mistake in there.. Now I'm try to fix it.



I've created a little mission, take a look: http://dyom.gtagames.nl/show/22740


I have played your mission. Wow. It's awesome. But when I reach objective "Chase helicopter" I go to rooftop and my game is crash sad.gif


I use CLEO 3 it crash. I use CLEO 4.1 it crash.


It's never happened in BETA before sad.gif

Edited by apit2010
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Wow! At first i was checking on DYOM: Missions forum, i saw no talk about it's release so i assumed it's still not. But then i see this and i went all crazy! Finally i can leave V6 now.

Guess i have to start working on Resident Evil 4 now.

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How do I upload a mission with a sound file? Do I upload it in a Rar file with the sound map or something else?

Load your mission.

Click "Show Audio Code". (Keep in mind the code displayed)

Exit GTA SA.

Go to your Documents.

Open GTA SA User Files.

Go to SD.

Create folder in SD that DYOM showed whan pressed "Show Audio Code".

Create a ZIP file.

Add your mission.

Add the folder with the Code. (Don't upload the SD folder, thats not neccesary)

Upload to DYOM website.


Now others can play your mission, and enjoy the sound.



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Yeah, easiest is to create a zip (or tar) file with the correct folder layout,

That is, if the audiocode for your mission is ABCDE:



DYOM1.datSD |___ABCDE        |____am.mp3              01.mp3              05.mp3              05.noa


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