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Wouldn't This Be Cool?!

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I think it would be cool if there was a way to render an audio output of the dynamic properties structure, shape and bump map of an object so that if I have a Baseball Bat object with wood dynamic properties [solid properties] striking a Baseball with "league ball" properties a sound is rendered that is made from the combination of each object's bump map pattern [an audio pattern rendered from the pattern made by the bump map] the shape of the object and the dynamic properties given to the object itself; whether it be hard, soft, sticky, slippery etc. which would stem from an audio plug in that would usually hold an audio sound byte for the objects but instead renders a neutral audio sound upon these two (or any two or three etc.) objects striking each other dontgetit.gifsmile.gifcolgate.gifsigh.gifmoto_whistle.gif i.e. a Baseball Bat object would start with a neutral sound of 0-Bass and 0-Treble etc. on an audio graphics equalizer [just a tone that is a rendering of the object's existance in the 3-D world] whereas the more the shapes and dynamics of the Baseball Bat object is adjusted within 3-D program the more the audio graphics equalizer adjusts from a neutral audio tone and when given a bump map, the bump map is detected audiowise and given an audio tone which is then applied to the already applied dynamic properties and shape audio tone [a mix of the two audio graphics equalized tones] suicidal.gif

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