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Los Santos (2004) VS Los Santos (2012)


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So upset that I dont have a PC and Im stuck with a newer PS3 so I cant even play San Andreas anymore sad.gif

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WAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT THREAD ONE OF THE BEST IV'E SEEN IN A WHILE!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif

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LOL epic.



Love the market place one.. people moaning about how there is hardly anyone there.... erm -_- lolol



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Well done, it's very interesting to see the difference in the ability of both generations, especially in the smaller details of the newer generation. Look forward to seeing more if you compare any others!

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Romans Cousin Niko

To say that graphics have come along a bit would be a serious understatement.


Well done to the OP for making these comparison shots cookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif.

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In 8 years, we'll be comparing V to VII and saying how sh*tty V looks lol


And very good job, OP icon14.gif

Edited by DeafMetal
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In 8 years, we'll be comparing V to VII and saying how sh*tty V looks lol

I know. Its freaking crazy to just think about it.

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Great comparisons!

The way we see V's graphics now is how we saw SA's graphics then. 8 more years and games will look real.

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