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GTAV is December's Game Informer Cover Story


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Cover reveal at 11am CST/5pm GMT. See here for time in your local time zone: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixe...21108T11&p1=159


Magazine available at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.





Cover/Magazine Release date and Game Informer Plans Announced:

Comes out November 8th



Read the official announcement here: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive...november-8.aspx










Official Announcement:



(Note: If it follows their usual pattern, the "December" issue will actually come out within the first two weeks of November).


Furthermore, they have tweeted that they still have to decide when they will actually reveal the cover art.



Update, October 16th:


Game Informer confirmed that the digital edition will be available on the same day as the cover reveal, and that they will have more information "soon" on the exact date:




Update, October 23rd:

Game Informer's Andy McNamara tweeted that they will have the release date of the magazine at the end of the week (with the worst case being next Monday):




Update, October 26th:

GI's Andrew Reiner tweeted that announcing the date today is currently a "maybe" - and that they first have to get a few things straight:



Update, October 26th:

The cover/digital issue is coming out on November 8th!


Edited by Adriaan
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Look at the hashtag.

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Does anyone know how this works?


- Is it normal for gaming magazines to have insight information about games before it is officially released by the developers?

- Has it happened with previous GTA's that a gaming magazine has info before it is released by R*?

- Why does/would R* do this? Do they get paid by the magazine?

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What the f*ck!
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Cover revealed a month in advance? LOLOL


He's trolling us even now, because we'll have to wait until the first of Thursday to see the cover....and then a week or two before it goes on sale. DAT WAITING.

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Does anyone know how this works?


- Is it normal for gaming magazines to have insight information about games before it is officially released by the developers?

- Has it happened with previous GTA's that a gaming magazine has info before it is released by R*?

- Why does/would R* do this? Do they get paid by the magazine?

whatever dude. we're def getting a trailer early november, alongside with the marketing campaign's kick for V.. besides the GI cover. GEEZ!! i'm insanely happy

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- Why does/would R* do this? Do they get paid by the magazine?

rockstar pays the magazine to advertise their game

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Is he trolling...?

Defenitly.......This Andy got a lot of heat from the GTAV fans. So the question is, This is gonna be very messy if he's joking and Someone is gonna get burned..

But I trust Andy or he's smoothing things up moto_whistle.gifmonocle.gif

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It took 69 weeks for this to happen...FFS...

It's my lucky number.

And Rockstar's number of choice too... that has to be a coincidence, however.



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1st thursday of every month right? if so, the first thursday of next month is the day before the 1 year anniversary

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