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Welcome to DYOM TV. We're going to be your DYOM news broadcast. There 'll be a new episode of DYOM TV every month.

We 'll talk about the most recent news, interview some designers of our community and ofcourse do some mission reviews.

Here's our YouTube account. Please subscribe, we'd appreciate it. We hope you 'll all enjoy Design Your Own Mission TV.



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Here's a list of every member of the DYOM TV team.


  • ThaBoY - Leader Of The Project & Voice actor
  • Doublepulse - Voice Actor
  • KaRzY6 - Voice Actor
  • leoncj (aka LnD) - Voice Actor
  • COOLMAN12234555896 - Voice Actor

This is our team. Even though we don't really search for any new members of the team, we can always use voice actors.

So if you're interested in talking on the show, feel free to PM me.



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This show is a great way of advertising, because missions are shown throughout the whole show.

If you want to have your mission shown in the show, please post in this topic using this prefered form:




[b][color=f97330]Mission Ad[/color][/b][b]Mission Name[/b]:[b]Link To The Mission[/b]:



You can only submit one mission to be shown in the show. If you submit more than one mission, all your submissions 'll be denied.

The limit of submissions is 5 at the moment. So only the first five submissions 'll be shown in the show.


Note: You can only submit one mission. It's not allowed to submit a whole chapter of a mission pack or the whole mission pack itself. Such submission won't be considered nor be shown in the show.


There's also room for one trailer at the end of the show. Please submit your trailer using this prefered form:



[b][color=#3A5FCD]Trailer Ad[/color][/b][b]Mission Pack Name[/b]:[b]Link To Trailer[/b]:



The limit of trailers is 1, so only the first submission 'll be shown in the show.



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  • Converse - For the original DYOM TV idea.
  • KaRzY6 - for the Youtube channel.
  • Arejai - for the logo and the headers.
  • All members of the team - For their contributions in this project.
  • All designers who spent some of their time for an interview with us.
  • And ofcourse you for watching our show!
Edited by ThaBoY
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Seems like a really nice idea, I would love to take part, but I can hardly use my mic since my pc is in the living room, tv always on loud and parents talking -_- Ah well, it will be fun to watch, good luck smile.gif

Well, you don't really need to talk. You can also help this project in other ways smile.gif


Anyone else upto it, btw?

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Just an update, but DYOM TV is ready to be launched. I'm as suprised as y'all are biggrin.gif Almost everything is ready. I'm right now doing some editing with Vegas Pro, do a bit of the hosting and waiting for the last item of the show. So expect episode one of DYOM TV somewhere between Wednesday and Sunday. I've to admit that it's not going to be very huge, but it's still quite an achievement that we actually did it! It also brings a whole new kind of advertising since missions 'll be shown throughout the entire show, and a trailer 'll also be shown at the end of the show. But, unfortunately, our goal (well, mine) to have a show every two weeks isn't possible. I have, like everyone else, a busy life. It's hard to combine this with schoolwork, hobbys, friends, and the most important, girls tounge.gif So, just sit on your chair in front of the computer, grab something to eat already and get ready for the show. Allright, that's about it. Thanks for your time to read this, comments are always welcome smile.gif

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Damn, I knew I forgot somethin' lol.gif Gonna upload it tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.

It's been like 3 days. Sounds like this is dead. confused.gif

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Have a bit more patience Ghost, it's uploading wink.gif




BAM HERE IT IS. But um one thing I must say though is that this episode is a bit quickly put together. Don't expect it to be huge. So posts your thoughts and comments, even if you don't like it. but I still hope you 'll enjoy our very first episode of DYOM TV.



Edited by ThaBoY
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Loved the intro and music. But, you need a better mood and talk louder and clearly, but still good. smile.gif Subscribed!

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@mkthetimelord yea, it fits really well.


@DP We 'll see about that tounge.gif


@SP Yea, I've put the music sound a bit to loud on your video.


But it's quite good I think, but the next one 'll be bigger. But like I said, this brings a whole new llevel of advertising. So, I need one trailer to show at the end of episode two, and 5 mission to play that 'll be showed throughout the show. So if you want your trailer or mission in the show post it here. Only one mission per person though.

Edited by ThaBoY
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Great Work guys biggrin.gif..


Indeed the background music could be a little less.

Although I LOVED how the background of the review was some Dutch Rapmusic, where did you find that? tounge.gif


All in all very entertaining, and well done. Keep up the good work biggrin.gif

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