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MP3 player glitch


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I have encountered a problem with the MP3 player on the Steam version of III. There are times when the player freezes not only my game but my computer as well. I don't know if it happens on a specific song or not, but I get some strange high-pitched sounds before it happens. Usually the player stops working and then in a few moments I get the specific sounds and my computer freezes.


This happens while playing the game or even in the audio settings menu (when I switch to the player). Has anyone ever had this happen? I think the issue might be with some of the files (which by the way, are all MP3s), I have almost 8 GB of songs and some of them are encoded differently than the others, at different bitrates and with different software.

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I have encountered a problem with the MP3 player on the Steam version of III. There are times when the player freezes not only my game but my computer as well. I don't know if it happens on a specific song or not, but I get some strange high-pitched sounds before it happens. Usually the player stops working and then in a few moments I get the specific sounds and my computer freezes.


This happens while playing the game or even in the audio settings menu (when I switch to the player). Has anyone ever had this happen? I think the issue might be with some of the files (which by the way, are all MP3s), I have almost 8 GB of songs and some of them are encoded differently than the others, at different bitrates and with different software.

I used to have a similar problem with the MP3 player (minus the game crashing). What works for me is having all the songs be at the same bit rate. I think the MP3 player can't handle switching from one to the next, especially when the bit rate is not provided.


Whenever I put songs in, they have to be at 128kbps.

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Mine would play one song, and then when it was switching to another, it would make this horrendous glitchy sound that would force me to switch stations, and when I switched back, it wouldn't play anything.

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Yeah, same things happens on my game but my computer freezes too. I am going to remove the songs that I didn't convert myself so they will all be at the same bitrate.


Edit: All the songs are at the same bitrate now (320 Kbps) and I still get this glitch.

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