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Problem with Grand Theft Auto Vice City on Windows


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Hi all I'm new to this forum and wonder if you can help me I have bought Vice City for PC however when playing it's like playing in slow motion and I've just found something strange I was running in the game and I moved the camera so it's facing down and the game play went normal as in normal speed the timer was going up in seconds and not dragging same when you put the camera up so it's facing the sky but when you put it back in front of you the game play is back in slow motion

I have a Packard Bell EasyNote MX37 with Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5250 @ 1.50GHz 1.50GHz and 2.00 GB of RAM.


I have ran the game in different compatibility modes and yet it's still the same.


Any help in solving this will be great


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Hmm, where have you got the game from? Do you have any mods installed? Try turning the frame limiter ON. If that doesn't work, try removing the gta_vc.set file in the Vice City User Files folder. Could you also tell me what OS you have?

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Hmm, where have you got the game from? Do you have any mods installed? Try turning the frame limiter ON. If that doesn't work, try removing the gta_vc.set file in the Vice City User Files folder. Could you also tell me what OS you have?

I bought the game from eBay, I don't have any mods installed I have turned frame limiter on and off serveral times also I have removed the gta_vc.set also serveral times and it is still the same, I have Windows Vista Home Premimum.

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Have you tried loading the game at the lowest settings? Did you try re-installing the game?

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Have you tried loading the game at the lowest settings? Did you try re-installing the game?

Yes I tried loading in the lowest setting also I have re-installed the game I have even reset my computer to factory settings.

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Have you tried loading the game at the lowest settings? Did you try re-installing the game?

Yes I tried loading in the lowest setting also I have re-installed the game I have even reset my computer to factory settings.

Did you try playing it in lower display quality?????

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Have you tried loading the game at the lowest settings? Did you try re-installing the game?

Yes I tried loading in the lowest setting also I have re-installed the game I have even reset my computer to factory settings.

Did you try playing it in lower display quality?????

Yes and nothing changes it's still the same

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