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Now, normally, if you look at my posts from years ago, you'll see that I've tried to keep things original in my art. But not too long ago I was browsing through tumblr and what not, and a striking picture popped up on my dashboard:


user posted image


Now, the reason this random sketch was striking to me was the sheer fact that it bares a heavy resemblance to the girl that I'm dating and myself, down to size and hair style. It also fits our habits when we spend lazy days together. So I decided I'd do my own rendition of it, depicting our habits and ourselves. So the project went underway. I dusted off my tablet and opened up Photoshop. The following are couple of shots of progress, and the final version.


user posted image


Some more, though I looked like a little kid (and a college student shouldn't):


user posted image


And after a bit more of work and polishing, the final version:


user posted image



All and all I was pleased with it, especially since I didn't do a hard black outline for once. I have a lot of other work that I never got around to posting on there since my last thread, which was in like 2009. I may get around to sharing that stuff one day. I hope you enjoyed this small on though.

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