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Windows 7-64bit Load Problems


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I am having a real problem getting Vice City to run on my computer. I purchased and downloaded a legal copy of Vice City from Gamestop. I had it installed for a while and it was working great. I added a couple of mods to the game and it was working fine with the back to the future mod. I wanted to go back to the original vice city, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled a fresh copy.


the game starts up fine, but when I start a new game it would load almost all the eway but then freeze before it finishes loding. I did notice the gta_vc.set in my GTA user files and read previous posts about deleting that file. I did that and it keeps showing back up every time I try to play the game. I tried uninstalling and re-installing several times and i get that problem which I haven't had before.


These are my computer components:


Windows -7 Home Premium 64 -bit

5Gb Ram

500GB Hard Drive

160 GB Hard Drive

DVD R?W Drive

AMD Athlon II X2 3.10 GHZ Processor

ATI Radion HD 4200 Video Card

Realistick High Def Sound Card


All of which I was using in my previous installation which was working fine.

Do you have any suggestions,








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Can you tell me what errors you get when the game crashes? Have you tried re-installing it? Try turning the frame limiter ON.

Also, try to run in compatibility mode for 98. Disable UAC and restart computer! Plus, uncheck "Run this program as an Administrator" under Privilege Level (as well as in "Show settings for all users") after right-clicking and changing the properties of the executable. Apply & OK


Alternatively, go into Task Manager and you should see more than one "gta-vc.exe" process!!! Close 'em down and relaunch Vice City.


Note: If you can't delete "gta-vc.exe" because of an Access Denied error, this means for sure that your game will crash. The reason is simply because Vice City can't get to read and write data to run the game, resulting in a crash. You need to disable that troublemaking UAC feature and restart, even though it is there to protect you and your computer.

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Thank You so much for the advice!!! biggrin.gif


By the way, I wasn't getting any errors before, the game would just freeze up and I had to get into the task manager to get it to close. But All is well now after I changed the settings.


I finally got it to work.


I un checked the "Read Onlt" button on the GTA game file folder and on the gta_vc.set file and deleted it again. And I changed the settings to run in windows 98 compatibility mode and started up the game. It works just fine now!!!


Thanks You!!


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