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Strange Graphics?!


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Hi guys Raptor here, I have a problem. I've just bought GTA III for the PC and the Graphics looks TOO DAMN WEIRD.


It has like green wavy majjigies as seen in the pic.


Look in the sky.


The lighting effect is as weird as hell.


My PC specs are:


AMD A6-3650 APU (2.6 GHz)


1 Terabyte (8192) RAM


ATI Radeon HD 6970 2GB


I don't know


Some ASUS CD-ROM of some sort.




I really need help!



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I don't see anything wrong in that picture...

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Raptor,that's the rain.Everything is normal as it is.

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If you are running the game in a 16 bit resolution, switch to a 32 bit one. Textures can look greenish in 16 bit. It also seems that the brightness in your game is low. You can tweak these settings in Options menu, Display options.

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If you are running the game in a 16 bit resolution, switch to a 32 bit one. Textures can look greenish in 16 bit. It also seems that the brightness in your game is low. You can tweak these settings in Options menu, Display options.

Thanks man! it really helped A LOT!



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There's nothing wrong with the picture in that screen shot-that is called Rain(ever heard of it, no offence-lol tounge2.giflol.gif ) and those are NOT lights-that is Steam coming out of the vents...It is just lower quality, as this was Originally released on PS2 back in 2001, and then released on PC and X-Box in 2002...back then the consoles AND PC's could not handle high-end graphics like in IV....


Note the parenthesis above is a joke and no offence, btw... tounge2.giflol.gif

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