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SOTW #33!

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Hello little boys and girls! Welcome back to the SOTW#33.


Last week's winner is UNRATED69, who created this amazing signature, congratz to him! icon14.gif


user posted image


Results are,



1. UNRATED69 - 17

2. McLovin_ - 16

3. VideoPoker - 15

4. blitz - 14

5. bluesboyjr - 8

6. nic_23 & XTREME0235 - 5

7. AndyGanteks - 4


For those that haven't heard, SOTW is a weekly competition where GTAF artists create signatures following a specific theme, and then the community votes on the winner.


Please remind that the signatures must not exceed the 80kb and the signature limit 500x150.


This week's theme is,




So go insane and create the amazing things!


Deadline is 27/May, Sunday


Edited by kmlwin.1996
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Good theme icon14.gif , but a week's too much, make it til sunday and voting til wedensday as it always was.


I'll make something up soon.

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It's meant to be like that, it's the dollar sign opening itself. tounge.gif

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