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Guess the Vehicle

Dr. John

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Tycek got it.

It matches all the clues.It's one of the rarest cars on IV.Outmatching the Sultan RS since everyone knows about it now.Used by the albanian mob,it drives around bohan and has some great speed and handling.


Your turn.

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Scoreboard updated. I thought it was a bike. tounge.gif

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My bet's on Annihilator,since you actually use the Buzzard on a mission.

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1. You won't need me.

2. I rock.

3. You will die.

Air tug...?


1.It isn't ever used in the game,well,mission-wise.

2.It's a pretty cool vehicle.

3.If you are driving these in a cop shootout or MP match in the Airport,then you are screwed...

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friendly luggage

I said the Futo! The Futo GT is a Futo but with a special colour scheme and added car components. Look at the files!


Anyway for the current question, Ripley?

Edited by illegal_luggage
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But it is a modified version of another car.I wanted you to specify. Y U JUDGE ME?



Er...sh*t,someone said ripley already.Er...Aw sh*t.

If one of the last tries aren't right then I don't know either.

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Guess what? Nope.


1. You won't need me.

2. I rock.

3. You will die.

4. I got great acceleration

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1-Not used in any mission I recall.

2-It rocks.

3-The bike handling on IV is impossible.

4-It is one of the fastest vehicles,with great acceleration.

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NRG is the most required vehicle in GTA 4. It covers long travels fast.


Hmm, Patriot?

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Still nothing.


1. You won't need me.

2. I rock.

3. You will die.

4. I got great acceleration

5. My name appeared in GTA SA for the first time in the series.

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1. You won't,since most people actually use the sultan RS.

2. It does.

3. ???

4. It does.

5. True.

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Still nope.


1. You won't need me.

2. I rock.

3. You will die.

4. I got great acceleration

5. My name appeared in GTA SA for the first time in the series.

6. I am a yellow-bellied bastard

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(You Will Die)



1. You won't need me.

It totally useless and not needed in any mission.


2. I rock.

Default radio station is LRR


3. You will die.

Safety adnotations about changing the gas tank contain that statement.


4. I got great acceleration

Forklift got the best acceleration of all vehicles in IV.


5. My name appeared in GTA SA for the first time in the series.

Forklift appeared in SA for the first time.


6. I am a yellow-bellied bastard

It's yellow.



Your turn.

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Jasper Petrol

OK here is the next one - it should be easy enough with just two clues!


1. Oxen

2. Help!



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Jasper Petrol

It's not a Feltzer


I could add another clue but it's going to give it away! Think Beef...

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I'm just spitting out random cars now.

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Ambulance? Help might refer to 911.

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Jasper Petrol

Not a Benson

Not an Ambulance


Clue 1. Oxen/Beef

Clue 2. Help

Clue 3. A Military Prison



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