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Nationstates "GTA Forums" Regional Discussion

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News Network Broadcast #634:


Our headline story for tonight! For the first time in 4 years Emershia has seen an increase in freedom within it's states, with the election of President Stevens, this marked the beginning.


Emershia will once again undergo change that will open the door to the beginning of a new era for the large nation. This change of course doesn't happen overnight, the regime that President Stevens is replacing has placed many burdens on the Emershian people... but though dedication and determination Emershia will prevail!


At this time it is unknown if the citizens are separated because of this massive change, but many of the Emershian people remember the hardship our people had to undergo before, countless of times. Civil War is highly unlikely, due to the fact many people have been crying out for their freedoms to be returned to them, 86% to be exact.


Federal analysts say the economy may be impacted by this sudden change in government, but with the economy at an all time high it won't be impacted severely.


We will continue to monitor the situation as more info develops in this historic moment in Emershian history.


Simpson blasts President


President Pandazoot has been criticised once again for his lack of guts. Shadow cabinet leader Cornelius Simpson blasted President Pandazoot for his decision to donate 1.2 million Zoots to the nation of Shaffey and it's corrupt leader. Simpson said,


"Why are we giving money to that monster? He had a friend of mine killed and declared war on our nation! So what does President Pandazoot do? He gives the guy money! It's unbelieveable."


As well as being criticised by Simpson. President Pandazoot came under fire by Panova Remembrance Party leader Yolanda Smith who said,


"This 'gesture' by the President shows what little commitment he has to our country. If the PRP was in charge, we would have already sent in our army and taken The Kingdom of Shaffey for ourselves. Of course, first we would have to fund a new army since President Pandazoot sees fit to have an army with barely any weapons. Hell, the current army is just there for show."


Zootopolis Press Secretary Claudia Jean cowardly dodged questions regarding the comments of the two party leaders and merely stated,


"President Pandazoot will be issuing a statement tomorrow."


It remains to be seen what little integrity President Pandazoot can win back with mere words. Now is the time for action.



user posted image

DEFCON Lowered to 5 and K9K9 Threat Stabilized


*Public Speech*


King Shaffey People of Utsoort, People of Shaffey and Nations of our Glorious Region. Today, a period of crisis and trauma came to an end as the brave men of the Shaffey and the Otterian relief forces fought together to bring safety and order back to this great city. I can assure you that we have seen the dangers of K9K9 and that we will cease the production at once. We are a nation of brave men and women, who will stop at nothing to secure this great nation and make sure that the great Shaffeyan people can have a good nights sleep. We stood strong in these troubling times and we prepared ourselves for the worst possible outcome; Utsoort turning into a ghost town. But you, great citizens of Utsoort and Shaffey, made sure that this city, the symbol of Shaffey's economic strength and morale, could ride out the storm and get back to normal in no time. All that is left now is to create a K9K9 killer to kill the bacteria once and for all.


*After the meeting*


King Shaffey: Yngwaar, invest the Zoot money into a new Bugatti Veyron, I don't like the color on my current one.


Yngwaar: Yes, Your Highness.


King Shaffey: Horho, keep a few tons of that K9K9, we might need to use it in case a nation feels like messing with us.


Horho: Good idea...



10 O'clock news




Situation inside Shaffeyan capital city Utsoort drastically improves




The region breathes a huge sigh of relief as a potential catostrophe is averted, mainly thanks to the brave actions of the Supreme Leader




The Federation of Amsterdon celebrates as its population reaches 1 billion for the first time ever




New national religion announced with the Supreme Leader as the new deity




And now here's your anchor... Rick De Haan


Good evening citizens. The K9K9 crisis in Utsoort has now been brought under control, with the impetus being provided by the Supreme Leader's actions. The Shaffeyan's and their weaker Otteran assistants have worked day and night to stop the gas cloud and curtail its effects. Thousands of people have been treated for injuries sustained when they came into contact with the substance, but the death toll is still expected to be in the tens of thousands.


The leak of gas was a huge international embarassment for the Shaffeyan establishment who themselves cowered inside an underground bunker whilst their citizens succomed to the "deathly rain" weapon, as it has affectionately been called. Why was the facility put in a highly populated area? Why were there no systems in place to deal with a potential leak? Why did the Shaffeyan government not act more quickly? Why did they not act until they were threatened with military action? It all points to a systematic failure on the part of the Shaffeyan regime and a catalogue of errors which highlight their pure incompetence.


One zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. That is the number which Amsterdon surpassed today in a landmark moment for this great nation. The population has been increasing rapidly over the last few yeas and it has culminated in this significant milsetone. The Supreme Leader gave this statement on the matter:


It is a great symbol of this nation's power, strength and resolve that we now contain a billion people. It is a great achievement for the Federation and one which marks a great point in our history. We can stand proudly as Amsterdonians in this moment and hold our heads high.


It was decided in this great feat of reaching a billion people that it would be a suitable time to announce a new national religion. A new national religion with the Supreme Leader as the object of our worships. The Supreme Leader is a noble and majestic person with a great amount of knowledge and experience who has led this country so courageously, it is a true honour to the citizens of Amsterdon that they can now worship him rightly as a god.


The occasion will be marked with the construction of a new 300 meter tall statue of the Supreme Leader. In order to commemorate the population reaching 1 billion people the base shall be filled with a billion messages thanking the Supreme Leader for all he has done. The messages will be covered in concrete to entomb them for all of time. 


This has been Rick De Haan, Glory to the Federation of Amsterdon! Thankyou and good night.



Supersonic 'Virtue' Unveiled

Scenes of jubilation tore through the Tulijan Aerospace head quarters in Concordancé as the reveal of the brand new national jet liner 'Virtue' hit news screens. The Supersonic jet liner heralds a new age of efficiency in transport and has sent Tulijan Aerospace stocks 'sky-rocketing'. The current proposed National airway is to be expanded with numerous supersonic routes, with Tulijan Airways and Azure flying International flights within the next few weeks. The Virtueis the first of a series of Supersonic Ascendant Class liners that will be taking to the skies over the next few years. Capable of speeds up to Mach 2.4, the Virtue will revolutionize transport and cut down times drastically. Purportedly based upon the technologies used by the much vaunted Tulijan Air Force, the Ascendants will begin Interregional flights sometime in March, with current plans being for the opening of routes between Tulija, The 500 and Arkiasis, and further expansion proposed for later on.


Development of the Ascendant had been running for quite a while, but Tulijan Aerospace put the completion of it and its integration into the extensive Tulijan air travel network a top priority. President Daniel Hemingway has stated his intention to "continue working to scrape the upper limits of human innovation" and that "the Ascendant is symptomatic of our great strides in engineering". Mr Hemingway is famous for his personal vigour and passion for running his business - he's rumoured to be heavily involved in the government overseen Alpha Epsilon project, which is kept under tight raps but is rumoured to be part of a new generation of ground breaking stealth aircraft.


Arthur Kaylor at press release in New Buckingham on K9K9:


"I'd like to ask King Shaffey as to what they intend to do with their current stockpile of K9K9? Our region has been at the threshold of disaster, your own people devastated by your mistakes, and all you do is pledge to cancel production? Don't try to wriggle your way out of this; the capabilities for an embargo are still there. If you don't eliminate your current stock of K9K9 I won't hesitate to push for action against you with the full power of a Coalition. I speak aggressively but on the behalf of the Directorate when I say - you will take steps to destroy your stockpile. These days will not be repeated - if not for threats, do it for your people."



Live coverage by Okurkite Government News Channel on the Regional Council meeting in Concordancé


Live from the Regional Council meeting in the Tulijan capital of Concordancé, we now see Council Member Vaclav Holub, Minister of Regional Affairs, stepping to the podium to address the other Council Members.


"Greetings friends. The past few days have given us a litany of discussion topics, almost all of which center around the existence of the K9K9 nerve agent produced within and sold by the Kingdom of Shaffey. Of the resolutions that have been spoken of, I, along with the Minister of Security, speak on behalf of a number of them.


Our first resolution is the banning of biological weapons, including the Shaffeyan K9K9 nerve agent. It is as follows:


Upon the projector screen behind Council Member Holub we see now the formula for the GTAForums Biological Weapons Ban:



Biological Weapons Ban

Description: Any and all forms of biological weapons within the GTAForums region shall be banned from use, sale, and production, and all reserves of biological weapons shall be destroyed under the supervision and guidance of a disposal force created from a coalition of GTAForums nations.



RECOGNIZING the sovereignty of every nation and their freedom to retain a military, but


REALIZING the supremely destructive properties of biological warfare to life and the environment


EXEMPLIFYING the dangers of such destruction in the Shaffeyan incident


CONCERNED by the ability to freely sell such agents to other nations or non-nations within and outside of GTAForums


WORRIED that such unrestricted trading puts all GTAForums nations at risk


FURTHER WORRIED that the use or misuse of biological warfare may lead to pandemics


MANDATING that all nations within GTAForums and those who wish to join GTAForums destroy all of their reserves of biological weaponry


SUGGESTING the formation of a coalition force dedicated to supervising the eradication of all biological weapons within GTAForums


The GTAForums Regional Council hereby enacts the Biological Weapons Ban



"How do we vote on the resolution?"



Whilst Amsterdon supports action against the K9K9 weapon and the nonproliferation of it, and would be happy to dismantle our own stockpiles of the weapon under regional supervision, we are strongly against a ban on all biological weapons. We recognise the reason for wanting to prevent any further incidents seen recently in Utsoort and Fin Soup. But this is an isolated case involving a single weapon, and therefore it should be appropriate to take action against this single, particularly dangerous and unstable weapon, not against any and all forms of biological weaopons.


We understand that biological weapons can be destructive and damage the environment, and that is precisely why they are effective. They are a deterrent. Further, why would you support a resolution against biological weapons when there are far more damaging and destructive weapons out there, namely atomic and nuclear weaponry. We feel this is a knee-jerk reaction which oversteps the boundaries.


Our legal advisors have poured over every detail of the proposed resolution, and have noticed what they feel to be a very large and significant flaw: The resolution states that all nations should destroy and dismantle their current reserves, and imposes a ban on quote:



use, sale, and production


However it states nothing about purchasing or buying. So theoretically after all reserves have been destroyed a nation could then purchase a weapon, as long as it doesn't "use" it.


Live coverage by Okurkite Government News Channel on the Regional Council meeting in Concordancé


Live from the Regional Council meeting in the Tulijan capital of Concordancé, we now see Council Member Andy Marfell/President Pandazoot, Chief Whip, stepping to the podium to address the other Council Members.


"My fellow cabinet members. What we have just endured has been a turbulent and testing time for the region as a whole and the citizens of Shaffey as well. There are two different reasons for that suffering that some of us have experienced.


Number One is the K9K9 weapon that has been in production for quite some time now. When the weapon was first unveiled by King Shaffey, many leaders of the region warned of the dangers of it. Leaders feared for the safety of the weapon and it's possible uses. In the last few days we have seen some of those fears come to life. The city of Utsoort has been scarred for life by the weapon and this was due to a leak, not a full on use of the weapon.

The nation of Zootopolis has also suffered in the past due to weapons of mass distruction. In the 70's, the entire Western region of Zootopolis was wiped out by 'Project Dragon'. Since that day we have said no to all WMDs and it was for the better. Today, we are a safer and more peaceful nation with excellent civil rights, political freedoms and blossoming economy.

Today I throw my full support behind any bill that will stop the buying, selling, trading and usage of biological weapons or WMDs. From past experience, the nation of Zootopolis can say it will be for the better of the region.


The second reason for the events of the past few days can be put on the head of King Shaffey himself. How much longer must the region put up with the barrage of scandals he has brought upon himself. I seem to have this sentence etched onto my lips but, he assassinated a Zootese diplomat, declared war on my nation without a semi decent reason, put his own people at harm, was banished from the region but it seemed that did not do him any good because he has now sold a biological weapon outside of the region and put his own people in harm's way with the amateur storage procedures for the weapon.

It is time to show King Shaffey that we will no longer put up with this. I move that we punish Shaffey through trade embargos and we bar him from becoming a member of the Regional Cabinet.


What say the rest of the cabinet?"





@BMarshZTimes: Strong words from PP at Cabinet meeting. But CSimpson expected to propose a vote of no confidence. #Politics



Mr Kaylor, speaking from the podium at the International Assemblage Hall

"Sanctions must be imposed on Shaffey, that much is clear. I wholeheartedly support the agreement to ban biological weapons -they are too unpredictable to serve a practical purpose, and too dangerous to serve as a stagnant deterrent. While the specifics of limiting King Shaffey's incompetence will require a little longer discussion, I am happy to put my support for the bill immediately. There is no price for safety, confidence and fraternity in our region. A ban on these inhumane weapons is worth it"

Mark De Rosa of People's Shadow Commission - Shadow Foreign Minister

"I don't see how we can reprimand Shaffey on its possession of biological weapons while we continue to churn out nuclear deterrents. This is thorny ground and Mr Kaylor is more than happy to careen through it with little concern for facts - as usual it seems."




South Glesga was rocked to the core today by the news that "Warlord" Straz Turnbull has been killed. The tyrant, who has held de facto control over the war-torn nation for 7 years, was fatally wounded during a gunfight in the capital, Fort Pollok. It is believed forces loyal to the Warlord's main rival for dominance, Colonel John MacLellan, carried out the attack as Turnbull was leaving his favourite bistro.


Following the bloody Glesgan Civil War of 1993, the country separated into the progressive Republic of North Glesga, and the anarchic territory of South Glesga. The North is governed by the successor government of the old Second Glesgan Republic, and is generally viewed as the legitimate authority in the region by the outside world. It expends much of its resources on protecting its borders with the belligerent South, although has sought to establish itself as a nation in its own right, engaging actively with the wider world. The South, on the other hand, found itself in the less-than-capable hands of various rebel groups that had fought in the civil war, often with competing ideologies and agendas. Resultingly, the South descended into a state of near-constant warfare, with the various factions vying for control. In the early 2000s, Straz Turnbull and his Revolutionary Forces of Glesga (RFG) came to prominence, establishing a primitive government. Despite street-battles still remaining somewhat common, the Warlord's rule brought some semblance of stability.


With Turnbull dead, the stage is set for full-scale civil war to erupt once more. The people of South Glesga tire of the bloodshed, and desire the peace, freedom and relative prosperity of their northern cousins. The National Reform Council (NRC-SG), has sought to bring about change in the state for a number of years. Spokesman Michael Everett appeared on an internet video that was smuggled out of Fort Pollok, appealing for help; 'The death of Warlord Straz hails the end of one era of tyranny, yet threatens to place Glesgans under the tyranny of the one they know best; war. The National Reform Council wants to avert this situation at any cost, and calls on all South Glesgans to seek a new, democratic future for our nation. We appeal to the international community for aid in this quest. Force is all thugs like the Warlord and his ilk understand. Help us, please.'


In a broadcast directed specifically at North Glesga, Turnbull's successor, 'Commander Black' warned that any outside interference in the South's 'democratic process' would be met with 'swift, unyielding retaliation.'

Edited by Straznicy

lol, I'M DONE!




I have my empire set up, I'M DONE!


now all I have to do is win a region medal, but, I'm good, lol, I'm done.


I'm going to do something else now. lol


Live coverage by Okurkite Government News Channel on the Regional Council meeting in Concordancé


Live from the Regional Council meeting in the Tulijan capital of Concordancé, we now see Council Member Andy Marfell/President Pandazoot, Chief Whip, stepping to the podium to address the other Council Members.


"I see we currently stand at 2 votes to 1 for bringing in a bill that will ban all interactions with biological weapons in the region. Does anybody else wish to have their say on the matter? Or forever hold their peace?"



Cornelius Simpson's Vote of No Confidence knocked down


The rumours started yesterday and today, Cornelius Simpson's plan came to fruition. At the beginning of session this morning at approximately 09:02. Cornelius Simpson of the Democratic Conservative Party called for a vote of no confidence on President Pandazoot. Simpson said he called the vote because,


"...his lack of guts in the recent Shaffey Crisis. And he seemingly puts the needs of the region over the needs of the country. It seems he cares about looking good to the other nations leaders rather than looking good to his own people, the ones that put him in power in the first place."


It seemed Simpson did have a point. President Pandazoot was currently in Concordancé in his second day of the Regional Cabinet meeting. However Vice President Valerie Shaw was there to defend the President and said,


"The fact that you call a vote of no confidence while the President is not here shows how cowardly you are."


However that did not stop the vote going ahead and in order to vote President Pandazoot out, there would need to be 254 out of 380 CO's that voted him out. The end result was 197 for voting him out and 183 to keep him in. It remains to be seen how this failed vote will look on Cornelius Simpson now...




Millions of Zootese Citizens receive spam from new country


Citizens of Zootopolis were angry yesterday when millions of them received an email from the country of 'ilovebenderdotcomland'. The emails repeatedly stated,


"lol, I'M DONE! lol I have my empire set up, I'M DONE! now all I have to do is win a region medal, but, I'm good, lol, I'm done. I'm going to do something else now. lol"


Mike Faisey of Bullock told this reporter,


"I don't get it! Why does this country feel the need to say this stuff. It holds no relevance to any national or international matters at hand. In future, he should keep this stuff to himself."


A representative of the country was unavailable for comment but this reporter thinks that they probably would have said,


"lol Im in a newspaper! Im famous lol!"



Today we unveil the latest map of Zootopolis. It has been updated to show the urban development under way along the Alton River. The map highlights the ten largest cities in Zootopolis plus Dernthall, location of the 'Project Dragon Disaster'


user posted image



KEYLight Blue Shading= Cheap ElectronicsLight red shading= MothraGrey shading= CloudiniaRed Line= A1 MotorwayPurple Line= A2 MotorwayYellow Line= B1 MotorwayOrange Line= C1 Motorway



Excerpt from Daily Expositor


Tulija's Living Standards Top Region

Prominent magazine Era has issued its newest list of GTA Forums regional statistics. In the category of Living Standards, Tulija was honoured with the number 1 place. The list is compiled based upon several factors that affect the people's quality of life: quality of Public Services such as Police, Healthcare, Education and Welfare, as well as general prosperity, gauged by tax rates, GDP, GDP per Capita and Average Salary. A number of other factors were taken into consideration such as property prices and home ownership rates, as well as unemployment, social mobility and poverty. Tulija's place at the top of this list has come at a time when requested immigration to the tropical nation hit new highs; Daxley's reforms and financial policy resulting in a universal golden age that is attracting people from around the world. Other high scorers were strong economical powers and bastions of high civil and political rights such as Goldistan and Arkiasis. Previous choices have been controversial but the recent balance between Capitalist success and opulence, and Socialist public service has seen Tulija become a mile stick for those aiming to give the best to their people.

Excerpt from The Oracle


Daxley's Astronomical Approval Ratings

Hugh Daxley has become somewhat of a political saint recently - cutting taxes, increasing efficiency, refocusing the budget on Healthcare and still maintaining Tulija's business and enterprise edge. His policies have won over even his most ardent critics, and his public persona and suave looks have melted the public's heart. In light of recent trends, Mr Daxley's approval ratings have hit an all time high at 94%. A poster boy for the 'Minimalism and Transparency' movement he had supported since his time as a Junior Advocate at The Metropolitan Office, his idealistic 'perfect' governance has nearly been achieved. His vision of a sharp, regulated and virtuous public office of competent professionals has been achieved; Armstrong-Miller's high spending and wastage a distant memory. Corruption in public office is recorded as being the lowest it has been since the Culbertson administration in 1978, and the reform of the Healthcare system has seen it become one of the most well financed and modern National systems in the region - all the more impressive considering the tax haven level of 6% income tax imposed on the people of Tulija.


It seems Mr Daxley's honeymoon period just won't end.

Excerpt from Meridian City Gazette


Vermillion Promises Crime Crackdown

Earlier today, Minister of the Interior Albert Vermillion announced at the Meridian City 'Executive Errand' that he intended to "increase police presence in the trouble areas" and "end a culture of appeasement" regarding the youth crime. Although rebelliousness among the younger generation has decreased, and crime in general has fallen from previous levels (rates 5 years ago were described as "Crippling" and "Pervasive"), Mr Vermillion believes that there is room for improvement. A native of Meridian City, the Interior Minister spoke of "low standards" of crime prevention in some inner city areas; particularly in the lower class boroughs of Meridian itself, where the murder rate is the highest nationwide.


Unlike the more polished cities of New Buckingham, Concordancé or Cote Noire, Meridian has a name for being more rough around the edges. Although nothing like the cesspit it was known as in the 80s, its reputation still precedes it. It may be a long time before inner city Meridian shakes off its less noble characteristics, but there is no doubt that today it is a major centre for urban life, and that some improvement couldn't hurt. Except for the tax payer...

Excerpt from Cote Noire Guardian


Godlessness Reaches Blasphemous Levels

The very nature and founding principles of Tulija made it a secular nation - our Proclamation of Enlightenment being a work of pragmatic inspiration and geniality. Today we see a strong continuation of our founding values, with the importance of Secularism continuing to be hard pressed into the national psyche. This is illustrated starkly by the most recent census results - 89.5% identifying themselves as "non-religious". While this does include Agnostics, the figure is still higher than the previous 83%. Despite numerous criticisms for it's banning of faith schools, the Directorate has maintained that "Religion should remain a personal choice and shall not be allowed to be imposed upon the youth". Condemned or commended, the official stance of the nation will remain this way, a blasphemy engrained in the very fabric of Tulija's liberalism and progression.


The Federation of Amsterdon wishes to express concern over the regional cabinet. When the formation of a cabinet was first proposed there was absolutely no discussion or mention on any level that the cabinet would pass legislation or resolutions which would have an impact on the region. Amsterdon does not recognise or acknowledge the cabinet's authority to pass any such "resolution" and expresses huge conerns over the sudden, and without prior warning, attempts to increase its power.


As a matter of principle Amsterdon refuses to cooperate with any resolutions or legislation which is "created" by the cabinet as they have no authority to do so. In fact Amsterdon will actively work to undermine and counteract any and all legislation which is passed by the cabinet.


We call for the immediate withdrawal of all resolutions which are currently being drafted, and demand an explanation as to what the hell certain members of the cabinet think they are doing. We again state that they have no authority to pass anything, and any attempt to pass legislation which will affect the region, is a criminal act.


Amsterdon stated its fears when the formation of a cabinet was first being proposed. Chief among them was that there would be a disproportionate amount of power in the hands of a small amount of nations. It seems this power has now been abused by some, not all, within the cabinet as they attempt to play ruler of the region.


In light of this disgraceful and unlawful attempt to increase the powers of the cabinet, Amsterdon hereby withdraws its gesture to dismantle and destroy its K9K9 capabilities.


Victor De Boer, representative of the Supreme Leader

Alright guys, I made a map of our region. Well, it's not official yet, but if we get a majority vote on it, it will be official.


The NationStates GTAForums Map, Information




How will this benefit our region?

Well, it will really help role-playing. For example, it will be possible, officially to a) Create disputed territory through a conflict or b)to start invasion role-plays. It will make the whole thing more interesting in terms of role-play.


How will this effect my nation?

Game-play wise? It won't. Role-play? It will, territorially. Basically, if you're not a role-player, then this map will be of no use to you; it will not effect your economy, your stats or anything else game-play wise. But, if you are a role-player; well, you can role-play based on it. You see, in my role-play there was always a conflict between my nation and Zootopolis because of the real life Sinai region, because in my head there are important resources there, that's why Zootopolis is where it is on the map. Well, because you want to say that you want a certain region, you'll just make a newspaper article about it; just like the other role-players.


I like the idea of the map, but I object to my location/the size of my nation!

At the moment, the map is in the prototype phase, so you can still ask me to make adjustments. After the map has passed and is solid, you'll have to settle it with role-play.



The NationStates GTAForums Map, Prototype Phase


user posted image



At the moment, the map is in the prototype phase, so you can still ask me to make adjustments. After the map has passed and is solid, you'll have to settle it with role-play.

If you country is missing, it may be because I wasn't sure if it was a puppet or not for 2 reasons, I never saw you active before and because you're not a part of the WA. Please PM me or post here if your nation is missing. Аlso, I'll remove the real nation names once we get to the solid phase, you can use them for orientation now.


Look for your country using the find function of your browser: cntrl+f for Windows or cmd+f for Mac.


•Shaffey: The red around Iran and the Arabic countries.


•Zootopolis: The Green on northern africa (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia etc.)


•Cheap Electronics: The darker (different) green around Mali, Liberia, Nigeria, Western Sahara, Sierra Leone etc.


•Duncan-Construction: The Yellow under Zootopolis and to the east of Cheap Electronics (Sudan, Chad, Somalia, Kenya, Congo etc.)


•South Glegsa: Southern Africa, under Duncan-Construction: Brown-ish (South Africa, Madagascar, Zimbabwe etc.)


•Goldistan: Purple, To the north of Shaffey (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan etc.)


•John Secronom: Light (neon-ish) green above Goldistan (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan)


•Subterrania: Blue to the east of Goldistan, Shaffey and John Secronom (China, Japan and the Koreas)


•The Otter Archipelago: Light blue (Turquoise-ish?) to the south of Subterrania (Indonesia, Singapore, Laos, Thailand etc.)


•Renikov: Russia


•Fegelein Hermanny: Black, west of Renikov (Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Norway)


•Argfenstein: Brown-ish, to the south of Fegelein Hermanny, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Switzerland)


•Van Den Bos: Blue, The Netherlands


•Santos Castillos: The UK and Ireland, dark red


•Arkiasis: Weird Green, To the west of Argfenstein (France, Spain, Portugal)


•Moth-ra: Yellow, Canada


•The 500: Blue, The USA


•Left Dyke: Brown, Mexico


•Tulija: Weird Red, to the south of Left Dyke (Nicaragua, Panama, Costa rica, Bolivia, Venezuela)


•Ashfjord: Red, Paraguay


•Cida Melo: Brazil


•Zyonia: Australia


•Vanillany: Blue, Cuba


•Chap Islands: Islands next to Cuba (Haiti, Puerto Rico, Dominican republic etc.)


•Autosimcomputa: Brown-ish, Mongolia


•Inoffensive Land: Black (Sri Lanka, Nepal etc.)


•Amsterdon: Dark Blue, between Argfenstein and Renikov (Ukraine, Hungary etc.)


Let's Vote!

It was hard work, but I hope it will be worth it.

Edited by Greenline

To begin with, a lot of nations here aren't based in the real world, and so this map has no place in their RP. Secondly, Tulija (if put in the real world rather than a make believe GTA Forums world) is an alternate Brazil with parts of Argentina. It isn't prudent to assign nations spaces on a world map as you see fit for the reasons above; while I can appreciate the work you put into placing everyone into those nations, it just flies in the face of individual choice.

I didn't say they did: but in my RP Tulija is a large nation that takes up most of Brazil, some of Northern Argentina and parts of Venezuela. You did get it pretty close to accurate(ish) on your map, but instead opted to make Cida Melo Brazil. It's not the end of the world but I'm sure a lot of people think the same way, and are probably relegated to even worse positions. You'd have been better off fashioning a GTA Forums island map or something.


(p.s. you've missed out Amsterdon, they're pretty active. pettiness Shaffey?)

Edited by El Zilcho

Nice job and everything, but I don't think it would work because inevitably people would be unhappy with it. And you need everyone to be on board with it. Plus where the hell is Amsterdon? Do we get the moon or something? I think it's a bit too complex to really pull off effectively. For the purposes of role play all you really need is some vague idea of where countries are, it doesn't need to be set in stone.

Oops, yeah, Amsterdon was on the map, I just forgot them in the legend.

--Edited for Amsterdon--

I took the name and other things into consideration when I was putting the countries on the map, that's why Tulija got Latin America, Cida got Brazil and Moth-ra Canada etc.

Edited by Greenline



I really like the idea of a map, and perhaps Shaffey's was a tad hasty, but it's kinda neat. I like the idea of our locations relative to one another to be sort of random.


Maybe we should do this - create a grid of hexagons and assign them at random. Then we can draw whatever we want in our own hex, and that'll be incorporated into the regional map.


Sort of like this:


user posted image


Less "realistic" in a full map view, but certainly fair, fun, and game-centric. Gives borders with up to 6 different nations (depending on your location, AND should you wish it; you can define your nation within your hex however you like.)


Sorry Shaffey, I know you probably spent a lot of time on that, but I think it's just going to rub a lot of folks the wrong way. Although I love my territory. Captured the Otterian ladyboy industry perfectly.

I really like the idea of a map. I think Shaffey got Argfenstein right. But obiously not many people would like it.

Otter's idea is better, but we still have to see how to set it up. We should look at how other regions do it.

Press Announcement on the Conclusion of Disciplinary Talks in Concordance


"Despite controversy regarding the extent of our regional council's power, the Cabinet has come to a conclusion on the sanctions to be placed on Shaffey. Although intervention and harsh punishment aren't what we are here for, the incompetence and wanton stupidity of the nation at hand has forced our action. All stock of K9K9 within Shaffeyan borders will be handed over to the regional authorities for safe disposal, and all weapons grade facilities will be thoroughly examined by independent experts. As an additional reprimand, Shaffey will be barred from running for Office until its King has proven his competence; resistance to the K9K9 ban will be met sternly."


President Pandazoot returns home amid controversy


President Pandazoot's plane touched down at MAX airport today amid controversy both at home and abroad. The Regional Cabinet meeting turned into a farce at the weekend as a discussion regarding the punishment of King Shaffey and the expulsion of biological weapons was disrupted by calls doubting the legislative power of the cabinet. Tulija's Commander in Chief called an early ending to the meeting and is expected to make a statement in the next couple day regarding the matter. Meanwhile President Pandazoot issued a statement a mere few hours ago reading,


"In light of the events of the weekend. It is my belief that the Regional Cabinet has been built upon flimsy foundations and it is time to draw up Official Documentation outlining Regional rules and guidelines detailing the powers of the various positions of the Regional Cabinet as well as other guidelines regarding the rules of war, international loans etc. While I admire the Regional Cabinet and what it has accomplished so far, there needs to be some kind of official document backing it up. I call upon the other leaders of GTAForums to weigh in on this matter."


Surprisingly, President Pandazoot has not yet made any mention of Shadow Party leader Cornelius Simpson's failed vote of no confidence movement.




We at the ZCA are enthusiastic about discussions regarding all cartography matters in the region of GTAForums, we would love to discuss this further over the phone. rather than here.




Leading Unionist killed in Fort Pollok


Full-scale civil war in the South seems inevitable, following word that Archie Buchanan has been killed. The Glesgan National Army's 72-year-old founder and former leader died along with his son, Duncan, and four bodyguards, following a grenade attack in Fort Pollok's west end. The area is viewed as a unionist enclave within the city, and thus the boldness of the attack strikes many as a herald of war. No faction has yet claimed responsibility, although the Revolutionary Forces of Glesga are believed to be the culprits, following last week's assassination of "Warlord" Straz Turnbull.


Buchanan, an officer in government forces during the Glesgan Civil War, formed the GNA in the days following the Treaty of Airdrie, with the aim of re-uniting the two Glesgas. Despite fragmentation over the years, it remains the most prominent unionist paramilitary in South Glesga, and draws support mainly from the nation's western regions. He stepped down as leader of the organisation three years ago, although continued as something of a figurehead for militant unionism. His assassination will likely provoke retaliation from the unionist community, and it certainly seems to have united it; various groups including the Ibrox Unionist Corps and Glesgan People's Party have pledged allegiance to the GNA should hostilities heighten.


Closer to home, an emergency session of parliament has been called for Wednesday afternoon, to discuss what action the North should pursue, if any, in the South's newest wave of instability. Prime Minister Archdeacon has refused to comment on the matter thus far.

A summary of Tulija History Real World History / Non GTAF:


Tulija was founded as an English colony in Southern Brazil in 1510. Although first discovered by Royal Decree in 1499 (John Cabot), the first colony was only established at Henrytown on the 30th of April, 1510. It grew steadily, and by 1570 was a large colony of 2,000 residents who were working the plantation land and slowly trudging towards increasing their presence in the small hold they had in South America. The English South American colonies began to expand considerably during the Stuart period, resulting in direct competition with the Spanish to the south (of the Rio de la Plata). Elizabeth's conflict with King Philip culminated in the defeat of the Spanish Armada and the siege of New Buckingham - the capital of the British South American Commonwealth of Tulija. By a mixture of strategy, weather and miracles, it survived the Spanish assault and was the crowning moment of Elizabeth's defiance in the face of the superpower of the 16th Century.


By the 17th Century, the Dutch to the far North of Brazil had grown in influence, founding New Holland and coming into direct competition with the North Western Portuguese plantation owners. As a naval power, the Dutch were able to overcome their enemies but eventually their hegemony clashed with the English colonies in Southern Brazil. With England paying more attention to its North American assets, the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the mid to late 17th Century resulted in several Dutch South American victories. Once more, it seemed as if New Buckingham and Henrytown were to fall to the powers of Europe. It was not to be. Heroic victories at Shalton and the Pass of Ochre Sands resulted in the halt of the Dutch advance, and an eventual English victory again ensured Tulija's survival in the face of apparently insurmountable odds.


At this time, the Southern Colonies had become extremely adept at self-sufficient defence and survival in the face of Spanish and Dutch incursions. But yet more conflict would result when Tulija clashed with the considerable French colony at Coligny. Largely still present due to the English threat, the French colony had eclipsed the Portuguese neighbours and were now once more challenging England. Now unified as Great Britain, the colonies of Tulija had to weather yet more conflict as the War of Spanish Succession raged, giving the sizeable garrison at Fort Coligny carte blanche to annex Tulija - this time, the full brunt of Spain in South America would assist in crushing Tulija once and for all.


Against all odds, the guerrilla warfare and horrific fighting raged on and on, with Tulija hanging in the balance. Henrytown was sacked, but New Buckingham held out with no help from Britain herself. Abandoned to the forces of Europe for a final time, the British came to believe all was lost and refocused on their North American holdings. How wrong they were. Fighting with no outside help, the colonists persevered and defeated the combined forces of France and Spain at Tresvilles, Qatao and the Second Battle of Ochre Sands. With a counter-attack at long last resupplied by Great Britain, Tulija assaulted and conquered Buenos Aires and Montevideo, before swinging around North in a dramatic pincer. Besieging (but ultimately not capturing) Fort Coligny, the exhausted forces dealt a coup on the arrogant French colonies and at last became a prominent power in the Southern theatre.


But abandonment by Great Britain had left the colonists bitter; the subsequent stirrings of discord erupted in the rebellion of 1725. While this ended in stalemate in 1730, Great Britain agreed to grant the colonies self autonomy, as long as GB had preferential trade agreements and that the battle weary peoples of Tulija didn't harass their old countries shipping. And so on the 7th August, 1732, Tulija as an independent nation was born.


War would not rear its head until the latter 18th Century, when the Northern Dutch Provinces became a semi-autonomous hegemony and annexed the entirety of central Brazil. A series of disrespectful advances brought Tulija to a difficult position - abandon its holdings in Brazil and push into Argentina, or push the Dutch back. Never a people to give up without a fight, Tulija plunged into war once more. Only this time it would craft their identity rather than endanger it.


From 1777 to 1803, a series of Wars resulted in widespread devastation all over South America as Tulija emancipated Spanish colonies and made them dependencies, all the while battling the leviathan that was Dutch South America. In 1782, Tulija finally took Fort Coligny and French Antartique was in Tulijan hands. Departing from the Redcoat uniform of old, in 1785 Tulija adopted its classic Greencoat uniform, symbolising its victories in the Jungle. A bloody stalemate at Haxming and Stanforth meant that while both the Dutch and Tulijans had fought admirably, no clear winner was to be seen. The campaigns of 1805 looked to be doomed to another boggy season until James Tarlington led his army with pomp and precision, defeating a string of more experienced generals until he had captured Nieu Friesland and van Utrecht. Combined with the masterful diplomacy and vision of Banastre North, Tulija was able to bring the alliance of Independent Dutch Provinces to the bargaining table. The proposal of an equal parts union of Tulija and the Union would create a superpower in South America and forge lasting friendship and conquest, in the spirit of mutual greatness rather than competition. It was agreed - the new capital of Concordance was to be founded to celebrate the historic Unification (20th November, 1815). Upon this date the Proclamation of Enlightenment was written; a constitutional paper of huge importance and foresight - it abolished slavery, introduced rigorous secularism and objective governance, and began the first stirrings of the Meritocracy.


While this was wrought with difficulty in the short term (particularly the partisan nature of the Confdederation and discontent at the gradual Tulijan control of all matters, resulting in the Civil Wars of 1834 - 1840 and 1855 - 1862) it proved to be the best solution to the incessant wars. By the second half of the 19th Century, Tulija began a cultural blossoming, a merging of peoples and an onset of massive European (and to lesser extents Asian) immigration to the golden shores of Tulija. As the Industrial Revolution exploded around the world, Tulija joined it as it would join all innovation - with vigour. With war behind it, the late 19th Century brought about several changes that resulted in the consolidation of Tulija as a Republic and its rise to prominence was in full swing.


Largely isolationist, it played little role in the Imperialism or partitioning of Africa at the turn on the Century. Although amicable with the European nations, it instead grew into a trade hub of immense riches. New technology meant that the consumer psyche became one of typical Tulijan identity. By the 1910s, prosperity was everywhere. But with this, came great inequality. The Communist and Socialist movements brought about a Revolution against what was perceived as the aristocratic meritocracy, resulting in a horrific regime of oppression and hypocrisy from 1924 - 1939. After a counter revolution toppled the 'Populist' movement, a military dictatorship gave power slowly back to the organised Meritocratic Republic (this time balanced with more Democracy and public representation). By 1950 Tulija was strongly back on its feet. The Boom began with rapid growth and living standards increased; the introduction of organised Welfare and Universal Healthcare in 1962 heralding a new era of balanced governance.


Recent developments have made Tulija a world player in matters economic and political. It continues to grow under the studious leadership of its regulated and balanced Meritocratic Republic.


Press Announcement on the Conclusion of Disciplinary Talks in Concordance


"Despite controversy regarding the extent of our regional council's power, the Cabinet has come to a conclusion on the sanctions to be placed on Shaffey. Although intervention and harsh punishment aren't what we are here for, the incompetence and wanton stupidity of the nation at hand has forced our action. All stock of K9K9 within Shaffeyan borders will be handed over to the regional authorities for safe disposal, and all weapons grade facilities will be thoroughly examined by independent experts. As an additional reprimand, Shaffey will be barred from running for Office until its King has proven his competence; resistance to the K9K9 ban will be met sternly."

I was planning on making an IC post about destroying the K9K9. So, please, can you wait? I'm kinda busy(er) during the week and I didn't feel like writing stuff, so...

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