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Excerpt from the New Buckingham Independent


Maelstrom Project 'Full Steam Ahead'

The next generation of Tulija's nuclear submarine fleet has received it's final cash injection. In light of government cuts, the Directorate has shocked the media and wider public by allocating more funding to the long awaited Maelstrom generation of nuclear ballistic missile armed submarines. Rather than address the disparity of Air Force (almost 40% more well funded than the Navy) and Naval wings head on, the government has compromised by marginally reducing the Air Forces opulent spending, and finally addressing the lack of aircraft carriers with the commissioning of 5 new ships for completion by 2015.


The modernization of the Aegis class Submarines had been on the cards since 2007, but only recently has production began on the Maelstrom generation of new, cutting edge nuclear deterrents. Half completed, this recent bolstering of funds in the face of more Libertarian policies in the government is (apart from helping complete the next gen project by the end of the year) a pleasant surprise to the men and women who are frequently overlooked in the bigger picture, and unfairly so: Tulija's brave navy. Admiral Hernan Menezes is quoted as saying "The first 3 [of 12] replacement submarines will be unveiled at the Paramaribo Naval Parade on the 3rd of May. I'll look forward to revealing to the world the next level of Tulijan engineering, prowess and prestige."


Excerpt from the Custodian


Daxley & Haines' Healthcare Bonanza

Despite record government cuts and slashing of bureaucracy (the 'Transparency and Minimalism' movement started by Hugh Daxley aiming to reduce waste to 0.5% and to "be honest, open and to tax the public as little as possible, and return to them the rewards of their payment as much as possible" causing Taxes to drop to 5% and some to claim the Directorate is being run like an efficient corporation), Minister of Health Malcolm Haines has successfully pushed the lacking Tulijan NHS back into the budget. Despite it's reasonable quality it has been frequently criticised for lack of specialism and neglected place in the budget, with many of the ever richer public opting out and paying into Private Healthcare schemes.


In the face of lesser funding, Mr Haines played a pivotal role in passing the "Private and Public Healthcare Accordance Bill" in the Consulary House last Autumn. The new bill will see profits from Private clinics linked to Public facilities being fully returned to the Public coffers - almost doubling spending in the healthcare departments with barely a tax increase. Plans to open 12 new hospitals in the Amapa, Tamhaws and Tresvilles districts have been given the go ahead. Despite this, EM Daxley has made it clear he wants to "increase spending to our vital pillars of state [Healthcare, Education and to an extent Welfare], and decrease subsidization in the face of our record growth". His comments last week reaffirming his support for increased assistance for "the Impoverished of our fraternity" while also maintaining his Capitalist policies in Economics meaning he has struck a balance between the rich and poor of Tulija. His approval ratings are recorded at 92.1% as of Saturday.

Excerpt from the Dawn Post


Regional Relations on the Radar

The Tulijan Trade and Relations Committee is seeking to expand friendship and cooperation with it's fellow nations in the form of trade and cultural exchanges. Following the opening of diplomatic ties with several larger nations around the world, the Committee has made clear it is actively pursuing understanding and common ground with it's regional neighbours. It requests that anyone at all can apply for embassies or trade agreements with Tulija through the appropriate avenues [PM or telegram] and insists that no hesitation be entertained. It has declared an intention to "send forth representatives and speak with the great nations of GTAF, so that mutual growth may be assured".

In response to the recent outbreak in Amsterdon, the Zootopolis government offered it's support to Amsterdon's leaders in order to bring peace and wellbeing back to the affected area. The Nation of Amsterdon graciously accepted. Therefore I and the Zootopolis Health Department have been contact with Chief of Staff Stephen Brown for the last 24 hours and we have negotiated for a team of 16 people in the department to transport to to Amsterdon at 06:00 tomorrow morning. They will be working alongside the team at Amsterdon in order to learn more about this condition, how to contain it and how to prevent it in future. It is our aim to share this information in a report very shortly after work has been completed.


Dr Diane Boot

Health Secretary for Zootopolis


Diplomatic Matters covered on the Front Page in The Telegraph


Alliance Announced ~ Optimism on Valentine's Day

In response to recent calls for closer diplomacy, the Tulijan Trade and Relations Committee of Concordancé has received it's first official communique. The already friendly nation of Zootopolis has signalled it's intention to commence closer ties immediately, backed up by an official message from President Pandazoot.

"The Kingdom of Zootopolis has considered itself friends with the nation of Tulija for a long time now and we are pleased to be officially trading products and ideas with each other. I, President Pandazoot, am eagerly awaiting the fruits of this relationship and what positives it can bring to both nations."

A museum exhibition exchange and free trade agreement is now in the works. Zootopolis will be sharing in the rewards of Tulija's rich exports of Automobiles, High Tech Equipment and commodities such as coffee, sugar and alcohol fuel. The good spirits brought forth with this agreement are being hailed by the Committee as a "step forward into globalisation" and are inviting other nations to join in. From a wider standpoint, the Directorate has stated it's intention to support Zootopolis in it's bid for "Chief Whip" in the Cabinet - this news coming mere hours after the announcement of the alliance, has further strengthened the alliance.


Excerpts from famous political commentary newspaper State Journal and subsidiary million hit blog Smoke Filled Room


Archipelago Shenanigans?


"What I don't get is, despite the obviously nefarious nature of Mr Nettlebaum's demise, why no one over in the Archipelago seems to be picking up on it? Are they too dumb, too controlled, too blinkered? Doesn't sound like the Archipelago to me. Smells like a cover up, and I haven't even been wearing my tin foil cap today. No press releases, just shutting down of discussion altogether. If it wasn't for our internet posts I doubt anyone would know that loud-mouth Charisma had even popped his clogs." ~ Aldus H. Roebuck


"To me it's a preamble to some sort of showdown - they don't want to act prematurely, but it's clear he's been murdered and from that conclusion I can draw few distinct pointers, except that his numerous enemies are surely to blame. The very fact Amsterdon jumped on denial straight off the bat would suggest that something really deep went on; but to target a diplomat? Did that promiscuous fellow really hold so much sway? Or was it symbolic? Until they untighten their lips, this pundit has one eyebrow firmly raised in intrigue..." ~ Terry Oberman, N9 News


"Perhaps it's a false flag? Maybe the Man wants you to think it's an 'Amsterdon Connection', but really it's someone you'd never expect. Like Cludeo or every police show you've ever seen. ~ Jeffrey Mathers "jmathers87


"Maybe Christmas syphilis came early? He did like to sleep around that lad." ~ The Masked Sniveller


"Somebody get Armando Reports in here, with his investigative journalist hacks, and kick in the door over there! I'm getting bored speculating about who is going to win the Z Factor and now I'm talking about this sh*t. Politics!" ~ Gary "Not Enough Scandal" Newman


"I'd say from what little I could ascertain on the symptoms, which I should warn are sketchy as I got them from some questionable, ahem, sources; he died from a poison called phenothylaminatol hydrochlorasuphate petrohydraze. It's as lethal as it is pointlessly long. ~ Max "Deep Digging" Tunstall



Edited by El Zilcho

Excerpt from Front Page of The Telegraph


Further Friendship Furthers Forum Fraternity

Following yesterday's diplomatic strides forward with Zootopolis, the Foreign Ministry has proudly announced the addition of 2 new names to it's list of allies ~ Argfenstein and Okurka. Official relations with Argfenstein have begun in the form of construction of an embassy in Germania, as well as an exchange of diplomatic officials in good spirit, and preparation for trade agreements pending discussion. The support for Okurka in it's race for a position in the Cabinet has also been returned by their endorsement of Tulija for the Regional Trade and Exchange Ministry, reinforcing the good spirits and common friendship that both Nations have enjoyed for a long time. In all cases, preferential Visas and relaxed travel jurisdication is being looked into, in order to allow a cultural exchange and promote mutual tourism.


Hugh Daxley said:

"The extension of friendship throughout our region is a vital step in increasing common prosperity and understanding. I extend my compliments and commiserations to Zootopolis, Argfenstein and Okurka on their willingness and speed of action. I encourage all our fellow men to follow suit, so that trade and cooperation may be the norm amongst us. I look forward to seeing citizens of all 3 mingling with our great people; and hopefully many more will join them. If you're going to jump on a bandwagon this month, pick this one!"


user posted image

Hugh Daxley posing for Suave Monthly


President Pandazoot calls for renewable energy

President Pandazoot appeared on the popular morning show 'Sunrise' today to talk to the presenters about his campaign for Chief Whip where he expressed his love for Zootopolis and the GTAForums region. At one point in the interview, the issue of the latest World Assembly Proposal involving funding for renewable energy sources. One of the biggest campaign promises made by President Pandazoot during his recent election campaign was a new focus on renewable energy and to make it a bigger part of the Zootese life. President Pandazoot said


"Admittedly in the past, the environment and renewable energy has not been a huge priority in my administration, unfortunately other issues has taken precedent. But now I aim to make it one of my number one concerns and this recent proposal to the World Assembly has given me a chance to back up my campaign promises.


The fact is, we are going to be more and more reliant on renewable energy sources in the coming years and I believe this proposal will help to fund new schemes that will allow the average Zootese citizen to use renewable energy products such as solar power boards on their homes."


When asked whether this was just an issue for Zootopolis or the region as a whole, President Pandazoot responded


"Well that will be down to each individual nation on whether they wish to take up renewable energy sources. But by voting For on this World Assembly proposal, it will give each nation of GTAForums the option to offer more renewable energy products onto the market for consumers to buy. I hope that our World Assembly delegate from Tulija will take a serious look at this proposal and what is on offer here. I also urge other nations of GTAForums to back this proposal."

Excerpt from 'Tulija Tonight' on Channel 6


Green Tide Turning

Tulija has been known to be an unashamed Capitalist nation for a very long time; however the recent trend of social consciousness has meant that environmentalism has gained a new voice. Famous as the home of 65% of the Amazon rainforest, and paradoxically as a world leader in industry and economy, Tulija has recently found the need to strike and balance and preserve it's natural resources, for profit but also primarily for their beauty.


Successful corporations such as Viridian Inc. have led a vanguard of 'green' companies that embody Tulijan ingenuity, and have inspired a trend of environmental consciousness. This has been bolstered by the previous month's budget, which set aside several billion for new renewable energy sources. The Directorate's new focus has also been confirmed by Arthur Kaylor's stance on the recent WA resolution:


"The importance of working together on renewable energy and environmental issues today cannot be stressed enough. I speak for a nation of inspirational natural beauty - it is a relief to know we are doing our most to assist in preserving it, for now and the future. I have voted in favour of this most recent proposal"

The delegate insisted that other members of the WA follow suit; the resolution's purpose is noble and too strongly enforced, meaning it has won over both Radicals and Centrists in the Tulijan houses of Merit and Consul.


In other news, the first of several increases in Healthcare funding went through last night...

The Amsterdonian



Wolf City catostrophe finally brought to an end!


A devastating outbreak of zombieitis which hit Wolf City on February 13th has finally been contained. It took 4 days to fully control the deadly outbreak, and it was not without heavy casualties. The death toll is believed to be around 14,500 and it is widely believed that this number will rise in the coming days as more bodies are found. 5 Days of national mourning have been officially announced to pay respect to the victims of this tragedy.


With the aid of 16 experts from Zootopolis, scientists worked day and night to find a vaccine which was swiftly administered to the population of Wolf City. Further vaccinations are being made as we speak and they will eventually be given to the entire population as a precautionary measure. The quarantine zone has been extended to a 75 kilometer radius surrounding the city which will be in place for 6 weeks. It has been reported that soldiers have been ordered to shoot on sight anybody attempting to flee this zone. The leader of the operation to contain and eliminate the disease, Mark De Boer, had this to say:



In this extraordinary case, we have been forced to take extraordinary measures. Yes it is true that soldiers have been ordered to shoot anyone attempting to move outside of the temporary quarantine zone, and this also applies to anyone attempting to enter. It is a necessary measure to prevent any further spreading of this awful disease, and we cannot afford for this to enter into the wider population. As an extra precaution we have limited all communications with the outside world, from within the quarantined zone. This covers ALL forms of communication ranging from phones, to the internet, to radios, and everything that falls in between. Power will remain shut off for the full duration of the implacement of the QZ, except for in hospitals, police stations and other high priority buildings.


The Supreme Leader gave a short speech thanking all individuals who were involved in the operation, calling them "Heroes of the Federation of Amsterdon". He also gave his thanks to all 16 members of the Zootese team as well as the Zoot nation for assisting Amsterdon in its hour of need. Borders are expected to open within 24 hours, after over a week of having them closed, however foreign visitors will not be allowed within a further zone extending 150 kilometers from Wolf City.


Progressive Party introduces Polygamy Ban


The Progressive Party has introduced a bill that will ban Polygamous marriages in Arkiasis. Progressive Party leader Richard Taylor states that Polygamous marriages are a violation of individual rights and promotes abuse, "When you introduce a third party into a marriage, the 2 people whom are of the same gender gets their rights reduced. If a fight occurs in the family, the other gender in the party can simply ignore the one individual. It becomes a game of favourites and one party is always on the losing side, there is no equality in this." The Progressives also stated that it creates an imbalance in society that when 2 women are married to one man, that another man doesn't get a wife.

"This practice is only done in backwards countries where women's rights are violated daily, be it through abuse or being forced to cover their face. Do you seriously want us to sink to their level?" said another Progressive Designate.

Polygamy was made legal in the 1997 marriage act which made all consensual sexual/marriage acts legal. The Progressives state that this legislature is flawed and was very broadly worded out when it was passed by a Labour majority. The Progressives also stated that this legislature has nothing to do with gay marriage or reducing the rights of gays as has been rebutted by opposition parties. The bill is expected to be debate and voted on in the House of Designates in the following weeks.




Record Braking Crime Rates


The Ministry of Justice released their 2015 criminal report yesterday, and to many the statistics are simply shocking. It reports an overall 110% increase in criminal activity in the past year. Last year there were a total of 12,115 homicides nationwide, while the number in 2014 was under 4,000. People are blaming the sudden increase of income inequality as well as drastic cuts made to the welfare system last year after complaints of over taxation.

This increase crippled the already underfunded and underemployment police system. Whom dealt with increased mortality rates and longer hours. Parliament has already promised to increase police spending as well as train an additional 100,000 police officers. Another 20 Correctional Facilities are also planned on being built which will house an additional 30,000 criminals.

Excerpt from the Concordancé Independent


Ministerial Positions Announced and Further Diplomacy

Cabinet positions were confirmed last night in an international press conference. Tulija was named as Minister for Regional Trade and Exchange, a position which reflects its huge economic experience and position in the region as delegate (at the same conference construction of embassies between Leighton and Concordancé was also announced). The Aesculo rose 0.06% after the news, and plans for easier intra-regional trade are being outlined by the Treasury Minister Michael Trevelyan.


Argfenstein was named as the Minister of Security, with the Minister of Regional affairs named as Okurka. Zootopolis was elected as Chief Whip, while the position of Recruitment Manager remains vacated (plans for Tulija to take up the slack in a rather inactive role have been brought up, as well as other candidates). In the world wide scene, Tulija and GTAF's representative Arthur Kaylor voted in favour of the new resolution "Defence of Self and Others" which canonizes nation's rights to reasonable force in defending national and regional matters. Arthur Kaylor said:


"This is an important step in maintaining fairness in the matters of national defence. Persecution of those who acted well within reason has to stop, and this resolution tackles the wanton bureaucracy of the WA's less throughout out condemnations. I'd also like to take a moment to congratulate our diplomatic team on the extension of alliance to Arkiasis, with the construction of embassies in our respective capitals beginning immediately."

The Directorate has stated that the nation of Arkiasis has long been a like minded companion of Tulija, and that the formalisation of relations is a natural step in endearment, as has been the recent trend in the region with Tulija's alliance building. Hugh Daxley is considering a regional tour or a trade summit in Concordancé.


The Republic of The 500 believes that for the most dramatic and patriotic effect, the candidates should be officially sworn into office on the 30th of February in the year 2012, a date which marks the end of our first six months as a region. Of course, we are willing to go ahead and run with whatever decision the wider group makes concerning the event. Furthermore, we are cleaning out our files and the official census list will be updated soon. There is still the issue of the empty office of recruitment, however.

The Kingdom of Zootopolis recognises your proposed date of February 30th and asks you to reconsider on this particular day. Or may we ask if this is some form of cheap parlour trick that is looking to cheat the GTAForums region and to make a farce of the cabinet voting process?


President Pandazoot

The Meritocratic Republic of Tulija also concurs with Zootopolis; perhaps an immediate swearing in would be more appropriate, with each minister delivering an inaugural address on the 30th? This would still be ceremonial but wouldn't require useless delaying or any further procrastination. The Capital Concordancé is preparing for celebrations to be held in Tarlington Square, with fireworks, a colossal parade and representatives from other GTAF regions invited to mingle. Other major cities such as New Buckingham, Coligny, Taropolis and Meridian City are also holding commemorative celebrations.


Arthur Kaylor - Foreign Minister

The Republic of The 500 recognizes its blunder and sadly recognizes that the six month anniversary does not really exist on the calendar. Thus, a closer date would be better - Friday February 24th through Saturday February 25th would hopefully allow enough time for all the swearing-in ceremonies and sophisticated parties.


President Pandazoot, The National Assembly of the 500 is offended by the apparent hostility, contempt, and/or distrust in your last dispatch and would like to once again assure the region that we are impartial here. It was a simple mistake, nothing more.


Zootopolis denounces February 30th

The Zootopolis office of dates, calenders and sundials issued a press statement today. It read


"We officially denounce the date of February 30th. It is a silly date and does not exist. We don't know what funny business goes on in countries such as Tulija and The 500, but in Zootopolis, we have none of this February 30th nonsense. February 30th is a myth."

"I did not overlook such an elementary detail! I was simply playing along, in an ah, satirical manner. Nothing to see here at all. 24th - 25th it should be."


Arthur Kaylor - Foreign Minister


Excerpt from back page of the Meridian City Gazette


Foreign Minister Slyly Denies Schoolboy Error

Arthur Kaylor was quoted today discussing the terms of events on the fictitious day of the "30th of February". although he quickly responded with a smirking assurance of his sense of humour, his blunder is unforgiveable. This reporter calls for him to be forced into hermiture for the rest of his days...


The 500 Refuses to Cower


A representative for the National Assembly of the 500, when asked what they planned to do after the mistake made yesterday by the National Office of Time, Time Travel and Calendars, stated that "We refuse to cry in shame over a simple error. All humans make mistakes, and not only is it poor diplomacy to mock others', it also shows how shallow a person or nation's character can be." He added, "If other people have problems dealing with errors, too bad. There's no reason for the one who made the mistake to be ostracized. Besides, the nations pointing the fingers here hardly have perfect records themselves. We would hate to have release detailed files concerning the Bride Lake incident, now would we?"



The 500 will not be endorsing Zootopolis' run for Chief Whip


Citing long-running diplomatic issues, including a lack of recognition and thanks for the part The Republic of The 500 played in the Shaffeygate incident, the National Assembly of the 500 has decided not to endorse Zootopolis.


"It's not that we refuse to work with them, or that we wish to see them deposed" a representative told a group of reporters today, "it's just that we feel Zootopolis is not the best nation for the position." Attempts by the press to garner further information were unsuccessful.

Excerpt from front page of "The Germania Times"



Growing tensions in Argfenstein


After a series of incidents in Argfenstein's capital city of Germania, the police were forced to arrest 1850 people for reasons that are yet to be given. Most of the habitants have expressed their discontent with this action by attacking historical buildings and monuments. They say they are tired of sending young men to wars they don't even know about, wars the government fights for nothing more than economic gain.


The present war was not willed by any of the nations participating in it and it is not waged in the interest of the Argfenstein people or any others. It is an imperialist war, a war for capitalist control of the world market, for the political domination of huge territories and to give scope to industrial and banking capital.


Argfenstein has changed, from a Nation of working citizens to one of slaves. A Nation that is now run by corporations that do not care about the people.

You only have to look at the statistics. Since our "Leader" Adam Sutler has welcomed this big corporations in our territory the percentage of people that died working has increased a 25%. More people die working than fighting in this pointless wars. The people of Argfenstein demand a change, they want their Nation back. If their Leader can't do it, they will have to do it themselves.


The Republic of the 500 would like to officially recognize our region's new officers.


Minister of Security - The Empire of Argfenstein

Chief Whip - The Kingdom of Zootopolis

Minister of Regional Affairs - The Federal Republic of Okurka

Minister of Regional Trade and Exchange - The Meritocratic Republic of Tulija

Director of Recruitment - *vacant*


We would like to congratulate each and every one of these elected officials and wish them luck in their future ventures.


We would also like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to The Kingdom of Zootopolis for our childish actions lately, and hope that they will be able to forgive us.

Excerpt from The Custodian


James van Praag named as Tulijan International Cabinet Minister

The Tulijan Treasury has appointed James van Praag to the role of Minister of Regional Trade and Exchange for GTAF. Mr van Praag served as Treasurer from 2002 - 2005 under Charles Vellers and has remained a prominent economist at the New Buckingham Reserve (as well as working prominently with the Trade Commission in Concordancé). Mr van Praag will be overseeing the implementation of free trade policies and ensuring that the region flourishes under Tulija's example of prosperity - he is working closely with Mr Trevelyan and Mrs Vuitton of the Treasury to ensure that his policies reflect and complement those of the Treasury (replicating their tried and proven tactics for economic growth and the so called 'Permanent Boom').


This announcement comes after voting was completed on the Cabinet and all officers were sworn in to their respective positions this morning. Mr Praag joins the ranks of the Cabinet alongside ministers from Zootopolis, Okurka and Argfenstein. Overseeing the small council is Delegate and Ambassador General Arthur Kaylor. His spokesperson released this statement earlier today:


"Mr Kaylor is overjoyed at the selection of committed and professional ministers he has to work with, and the appointment of Mr van Praag is respected. Our Delegate has no doubt that the Tulijan model and policies will hugely benefit a region as mixed and diverse as GTAF. He places his utmost faith in all ministers and looks forward to discussing the most pressing matters with them as soon as possible.

Celebrations are being held in Tarlington Square to commemorate the victories and to celebrate the imminent 6 month anniversary of the GTAF fraternity. Meanwhile, the absent post of Recruitment Minister is being picked up by the Delegate office in Concordancé, although the lack of effort required in this slow task means that plenty of time can be taken on deliberating the best person for the job.

Excerpt from Concordancé Times


Tax Cut echoes World Benchmark Governance

Recent streamlining of government agencies has seen official efficiency figures rise to 99.2% - an all time high. Hugh Daxley's 'Minimalism and Transparency' initiative has almost completely restored confidence in the state after the Armstrong-Miller regime expenses scandals, with his Directorate has been lauded as "world beating" and a "government to be proud of". Following on from these new heights, taxes were cut to 3% this morning with international investment in Tulijan business increasing as the Aesculo once more skimmed new heights at $2.029. Government initiatives to decrease subsidies and increase Defence and Healthcare spending are seen to be less pro-market than previously (resulting in a disappointing 9th in GTAF), but business still remains almost totally unregulated and the regions most powerful currency still being Tulijas.


Hugh Daxley is reported to be preparing (in accordance with new Trade and Exchange Minister James van Praag) an international summit for the leaders of nations in GTAF. Although no specific topics have been drafted, the political powerhouse that is the Directorate is interested in once more expanding relations and closing ties with other like minded countries (recent embassies and alliances have been announced with Zootopolis, Argfenstein, Arkiasis, Okurka and the 500).


Further riots in Germania as violence spreads across Argfenstein


The capital city of Argfenstein turned into a scene of violent riots as protesters hurled stones at security forces who in turn advanced to evacuate them. Police dispersed the protesters using stun grenades. More than 25 officers were wounded by stones and gunfire at the scene. 15 rioters were killed, 27 wounded and 125 were arrested.

Left-wing activists said that about 15 members of the CAWP (Communist Argfenstein Workers Party) were executed by the crowd-control measures used by security forces.

The Leader of the country, Adam Sutler, said he will make a public statement in a few days.



Excerpt from front page of the Daily Expositor


Revolution in Argfenstein?

Recent unrest in Argfenstein has continued to grow over the past week and threatened to spiral out of control. Riots were brutally put down yesterday in Germania, with the government exercising a strenuous hold over the capital at best. However, other large cities remain in protest; Uberheim and Konigz almost in total rebellion against Adam Sutler's authoritarian rule. Although several popular websites from the nation have been swamped by youth movements calling for imminent change and declaring a revolution in the county, Sutler's regime refuses to acknowledge the riots being anything more than criminal activity.


Unbiased internal reporting is hard to come by, with even the reliable Germania Times apparently downplaying the scale of uprisings in Germania. Sutler's control over the media has meant that it is hard to get any strong evidence to the true scale of what is going on, but a gradual picture is being built up from bloggers within Argfensteins border. Sutler's forces have apparently began extremely aggressive reprisals and are trying to placate the populace with violence; it appears these efforts are counter productive. Uberheim is reported to have broken out in full revolt with city wide rioting and the police force being over power - sporadic reports of army deployment in the area are as of yet unsubstantiated. Konigz has followed suit to a lesser extent, and with the situation stabilising in Germania it is unclear exactly how serious things are.


Adam Sutler's son Maxwell is apparently missing, and the regime has undoubtedly started mobilising the full force of the large Argfenstein military against the dissident groups. With such force at their disposal, it's hard to see the rag tag rioters overcoming them as did with the police; can lightning strike twice?

Blog posts on political commentary site Smoke Filled Room


"I have no idea what's going on but all I heard last night were gunshots and smashing. I'm not sure who's winning but the streets were ablaze and my neighbours car was tipped over. I got no idea where the news that Germania is under control comes from because as of this morning it sure as hell wasn't." ~ Dan Schweiser, Germania Resident


"I've seen tanks mobilised on the outskirts of Uberheim, and there is some heavy and organised resistance in Konigz. I knew the police was strong and well funded but they're been put on their arse these last few days, it appears that Sutler needs the army in or all hell is going to break loose. Doesn't exactly give confidence to his supporters." ~ Diane Simmons, Uberhiem Suburban Mother


"f*ck dis wheres the nearest airport? i hate my town" ~ Tod Konigsberg "uberherbheim"


"I watched from my balcony and could literally see the riot lines drawn. then all of a sudden the police were set upon on their flanks; waves and waves of people running at them, breaking them down. it was like a tidal wave, they dispersed and many were trampled and killed. Sutler's helicopters came in at around midnight and I heard anti-aircraft fire thundering - that's when I realised this was more organised that just rioting. they were actively assaulting the chains of oppression everyone of us has to wear everyday. today they paraded through he shattered squares in victory - the war has begun. I don't know whether to laugh or cry." Anonymous Poster


The Danzig Republic of Argfenstein is pleased to announce they have installed a Parliamentary Representative Democracy to replace the Imperial form of government we had for so many years. Our economy didn't suffer, and our people and now happy.

The Community of Ilovebenderdotcomland is scared that the WA or GTA Forums membership will ban the trade of marijuana, but we're pleased to announce that we have finalised our flag.

Dear members of the GTAForums region.


Now that our cabinet has officially been put into place in order to govern over the great region of GTAForums. Perhaps it is time for our first issue to be brought up and debated. Two issues that I believe will encourage lively and insightful debate is the old issue of whether there should be a GTAForums currency. Some of you may recall upon the inception of this region, that a proposal to change the region's national currency to 'Laserdiscs' was voted down but perhaps it is time to reignite that proposal since the political landscape has changed greatly since that proposal was first brought up. Another proposal that I believe should be attended to is the legalisation of marijuana.


Yours sincerely and faithfully,

President Pandazoot


President of the Kingdom of Zootopolis

and Chief Whip of the GTAForums region

As delegate, we believe these issues are important and should be attended to. These are our views on the matter:


1. The adoption of a regional currency is not looked upon favourably. Should financial trouble one of us, it would trouble all. While it makes exchange and trade easier, it annihilates national identity and self determination. For one, Tulija would not give up its beloved Aesculo and very much doubts everyone else would unanimously accept it - this leaves the proposal dead in the water already. Maintain your cultures and quirks; remain independent and do not embrace a regional currency.


2. Cannabis is legal in Tulija and is commonly sold in certified establishments and bars - the levels of use are still relatively low, and drug related violence is almost non-existent. As such we reccomend our policies to all; however once again we do not believe our views should be enforced on all and as such are opposed to a Draconian law which forces all to do their bidding regarding such a touchy matter. We aren't the WA after all.





2. Cannabis is legal in Tulija and is commonly sold in certified establishments and bars -

This pleases me and I wish to extend my gratitude towards Tulija for both their endorsement and the kindness shown towards Ilovebenderdotcomland.

Ilovebenderdotcomland supports the free trade of marijuana, it always has, it always will; it's nice to know that we're not alone as we face the challenges presented before us.

Edited by ilovebender.com

The Republic of the 500 would like to point out that because various nations' currencies are liable to fluctuate, a standard currency might undermine the value of the dollar; however, going on the Gold Standard or simply having a single body provide updated exchange rates and currency values would most likely strengthen the region's economy.

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